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HOw does one join or get into free masons society?

I basically want to know what it takes to join or get into free masons society, what is required, who do I contact and how?

6 Answers

  • NeoArt
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Despite some telling you we are Satan worshippers (which we manifestly are not) and despite folks telling you that the only path for women in Freemasonry is Eastern Star (a laudable institution I am sure), there are a few other paths for you. So take heart!

    I am a member of an esoteric Order, The American Order of Co-Masonry. We admit women and men of all races to the rites and rights of Freemasonry. You must be of good character, at least 21 years of age (18 in some cases), believe in a Supreme Being, be tolerant of religions other than your own, and wish to improve the world by improving yourself.

    Our Order came originally from the masculine rite in France in the 1800s. We have kept with the principles inculcated by time and custom of Liberty, Equality, and the Brotherhood of All Mankind. We leave talk of religion and politics outside the Lodge door. Our Lodges hold Charter from our Grand Lodge in Larkspur Colorado. The progression through our degrees is based upon study and regular attendance (usually once a month) in Lodges.

    I travel about 800 miles a month to attend and serve in the two Blue Lodges (first three degrees) I belong to. Most do not do that, however. *grin* I just seem to need to do that. Freemasonry gives us what we most need: a way of improving ourselves, our morals, our inner being. It is the Refiner's Fire. Co-Masonry is NOT just about fellowship. Funny, since we do not have dogma as such, I am not exactly sure how that works.

    We have Lodges all over the US (from New York to Florida, Georgia to Oklahoma, Utah to Texas, Washington to California), some in South America (Brasil and Chile), too. There are other Orders of Co-Masonry in other parts of the world. If you would like, I think I can put you in contact with some other Orders, too.

    Feel free to contact me and to click on the link below to get more information from Larkspur about American Co-Masonry. No one recruits a Freemason; you have to ask.

    A Master Mason

    American Co-Masonry

    Hiram Lodge (Santa Cruz, CA)

    Amon Ra Lodge (Los Angeles, CA)

    Sapientia Lodge of Research (Larkspur, CO)

    Adamant Mark Lodge (Santa Cruz, CA)

    Source(s): American Co-Masonry
  • Dan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well every state or country has a Grand Lodge find the site for that Grand lodge and shoot them an E mail the site should also tell you the process in that jurisdiction. If you are female you can join the Eastern Star which is masonic affiliate. California and France has female Masons but they are not sanctioned by any masonic body. Good Luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Find your local lodge and ask to join. And no they're not satan worshippers or whatever some of the foilhatters on here want to believe.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe you have to have a bloodline in it to be a true free mason

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  • 1 decade ago

    Never gonna happen for ya...sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    it is for men only

    they are devil worshipers

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