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Favorite Answers18%
  • What is the word for sitting and rotting?

    What is the word for sitting and rotting? is the word for rhumenating I know that is not the right one but here are somemore clues:

    I meant the kind where, you sit in one place for a long time like a corpse.

    8 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • How much does it cost for an immigration visa to america from south africa?

    How much does it cost for an immigration visa to america from south africa?

    2 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • HOW OLD is the bible?

    I already looked at the same question asked by amymarie but I am asking more, and need more and websites too would be good!

    I want to know exactly when and I mean how old was the word of the entity/deity known as god during Adam and eves time?

    And when did the Egyptian start keeping record or there time, but really how old are they?

    Who was the first pharaoh?

    I mean, I can’t find much on the bible in that sense.

    When was Caine and Lilith, mentioned, what time line?

    Or better yet Adam and Lilith?

    And yes I know it was real because my dad has the king James version of it and it’s pretty old.

    Is Caine, Cain, Kaine, or Kain?

    How do you calculate 950 BC? I.E: 950 BC Minus our time 2006 ??(BC, AD, What?) ?

    Inquiring mind must know, such as me.

    Please leave your proselytizing out of it, for one it’s illegal, for two it is harassment.

    Thank you. Especially when you ask a specific question and you get religious banter, too, annoying as a mosquito.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Female freemasons, ONLY! OR FEMALES ONLY!?

    Are there any female freemasons? Anymore I mean I looked one up, but why is there so few? And no there not satan Whorshippers.

    How many of you actaully know what the difference is between a devil Whorshipper and satanist? answer that one!

    9 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • HOw does one join or get into free masons society?

    I basically want to know what it takes to join or get into free masons society, what is required, who do I contact and how?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I need help?

    Okay I am trying to do a charecter detail on a lucious mail,how do I go about it, it's a charecter cross between lestat(Vampire chroncles with Jean-Claude's hair (Anita Blake) with both Asher, Jean-Claude and Lestat's attiitude, but yet sometimes humble like Louis and Scholarly Like MArius and eyes Khayman, oh yeah Khayman's Gentleness and carefulness? Do I need a charecter Breakdown?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Where do I get the ....?

    Where do I get the fallowing software:

    A software program that will take a picture and turn it into black and white pencil

    A cad program that you take your 2D pictures and scan them and it builds a 3d version of it for you

    A program that uses the satalite to search for heat and cold signatures on earth

    and another program like the cad program except for documents and it types itupfor you.

    Please help me?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Okay question about, Possessions?

    Okay here's my theoretical question:

    If a possession is a souls attaching itself to the human shell, right, then isn't our soul that was placed inside this shell possessing the body?

    Do you think our souls are connected to our shells (our bodies) by thin little strings or cords?

    Why is it so easy for another spirit or entity to enterin to the already possessed body, is it because we will it or is it something else?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Okay I need help with wedding planning....?? OFFICIALLY-NOW!?

    I need planning my wedding but Unlike most I want people to vote and sign a guestbook to help me out:

    ... and help me pick out a wedding dress by voting,only vote though please.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Okay I need help with wedding planning....??

    I need planning my wedding but Unlike most I want people to vote and sign a guestbook to help me out: and helpme pick out a wedding dress by voting,only vote though please.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When they send you a copy of your financial aid ... ?

    When they send you a copy of your financial aid papers that you filled out online what are you suppose to do with them?

    5 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Whom of you have got stories on therianthrope/Shapeshifters, Vampires and Magick?

    Whom of you have got stories on therianthrope/Shapeshifters, Vampires and Magick? Good bad or indifferent!

    The meaning of therianthrope:

    [b]Therianthropy[/b] is a generic term for any transformation of a human into another animal form, or for a being which displays both human and animal characteristics, either as a part of mythology or as a spiritual concept. The word is derived from Greek therion (Θηριον), meaning "wild animal" or "beast", and anthrōpos (ανθρωπος) meaning "man".

    Please tell me all the story in detail and you can be in the book I am working on. Please use a pseudonym.

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Can someone please direct me to a good Publishing agent here in Washington state? Desperately seeking.?

    Can someone please directme to a good Publishing agent here in Washington state? Desperatly seeking.

    I am about to choose a publish package and I need a Agent to look over the contract and helpme choose!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • lamia tantum commodo ullus majores? <--- who responded!?

    Did anyone respond to this question:

    lamia tantum commodo ullus majores?

    If you did what was your answer I only got one!

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • I need questions and answers? The more the merrier!?

    I will ask all of you and anyone who cares to give me up to 10 questions and to answer them too, logically and factually, no guessing, only facts and no questions that aren't intelligence based? Life questions are okay I guess any and all. I do not also mind if others answer others questions, too, the more the merrier.

    4 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Can someone please help?

    Can someone direct me to a listing of the fallowing character in certain things?

    On the fallowing games:


    Fatal frame (all games 1 - 4) (FATAL FRAME MOVIE, WHAT there’s a movie now?) (What Silent Hill comic books, awesome?)

    SILENT HILL 1 - 5 (5 being the one that hasn't come out yet)

    Can you please help me?

    Thank you to all who have actaully tried to help!

    3 AnswersGames & Gear1 decade ago
  • Why do they have to be so ... grrr?

    Why doesn't anybody every research there questions first?

    I could so make bank off of just researching questions, geez.

    10 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • About writing; a lot of questions: Can you help?

    About writing: Can you help?

    I need help in the fallowing catagories:

    How do I stop getting brain farts and duhhh stupid fazes?

    What's a good remedy for brain farts?

    HOW can I get motivated to write more?

    Whtat if I have an idea but it never turns out the way I want it? What Happens if I get stuck?

    How well do religions books sell IE pagan books/dictionaries? Which publisher and agent would you recomend?

    Any Agents and publishers out there?

    Goddess, please, can someone help?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • When does one use Greek/Latin numerical prefixes and why?

    When does one use Greek/Latin numerical prefixes and why?

    7 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • In Atlas Shrugged?

    In Atlas Shrugged, reference is made to a “Morality of Death.” What is the nature of this morality? What role does it play in the story? Why does it come up with this label that it does in the Book? Explain, please. These reason I ask is yes for the essay contest but it's also because I can't afford to buy the book right now so, either somebody give me a copy, buy me a copy, or give me the money or what not or do your best to try to help or lead me to a "FREE" copy of the book online.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago