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Do the guys that are calling Monday Night Football now, get on your nerves as bad as they do mine????

It seems all they do is argue with each other and they never agree on any of the plays that are made. They really bug me. I wish I knew who I could contact so that those three won't be back next season.


It seems everyone agrees with me on this one. Thanks to the one who suggested I contact ESPN and voice my opinion. I am going to do that. All you guys have given great answers. Thanks. I also agree with the person who suggested Troy Aikman. I would love to hear Troy Aikman and Al Michaels calling MNF.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    2 bumbling idiots and a black man.

    Kornheiser consistently talks about players that are on his fantasy team, meaning he has about a 100 player roster! What a moron. This guy has no clue about the game.

    Theisman is just plain stupid. He consistently contradicts himself, every week and has no clue about the game. He wasn't even good when he played ! You would think that someone who has played the game would know something about it, obviously not.

    I can tell ya that these two will Definately not be on MNF next year.

    I hope not .

  • 1 decade ago

    I can tolerate Al Michaels, but John Madden's commentary is like listening to a bad sermon on a Sunday morning when you have a hangover. It is cacophony.

    The guys on ESPN aren't great but much better than Madden.

    Aikman and Buck are the best in my opinion

  • 1 decade ago

    Al and the fat man went to NBC the ratings for MNF on ABC were really low BTW ABC owns ESPN and they are both owned by Disney. Anyway Tony is a respected radio personality, Mike is a respected journalist and Joe played ball. They don't bother me though. I cant stand Madden he is terrible he ruins football the way McGraw ruins baseball take that teleprompter outta both of their hands. If you want to complain go to and voice your opinion. Good Luck

    Source(s): a fan
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Sigh. Why don't you bother to read an article of what was actually said/done? The guy spewed out that metaphor then couldn't back it up. He intentionally compared Obama to Hitler and couldn't explain why he thought the two were alike, obviously showing his ignorance of the situation. He shouldn't have mentioned it at all. There are football fans on BOTH sides of the political spectrum so inserting his view was stupid on his part. When the Dixie Chicks spoke against GWB, they suffered big-time for their remarks and they COULD back them up and didn't compare the war-monger with a murdering psycho-path.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They don't get on my nerves, but I'd much rather hear Al and John on MNF. The whole idea of watching MNF on any other channel than ABC also bugs me. They are boring as hell though.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd rather listen to Al, but not Madden. Madden is like a broken record, nails on a chalk board, a mosquito in your ear, bamboo under the finger nails.

    The only one worth listening to on Monday's is Joe Theisman. He know what he's talking about. The other two should stick to their journalistic shows and forget broadcasting.

  • Andy T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I HATE them. Especially Kornheiser. Most of the time they insult players rather than critique them. And they hardly ever back up their comments.

    Was as "did he just say that?" as I was when Tony was basically sucking off Tom Brady? Best QB of the modern era? He's good, but not that good. and following it with "can you even name any of their recievers?" --1) you should be able to, you're the ******* commentator (plus it's insulting to the reciever), and 2) yes, the top 4 infact

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, Tony Kornheiser is a kornhole! Give me Al Michaels and John Madden any day!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    YES!!!!!!!!!!! Joe Theisman is fine but the other two drive me crazy bonkers...I miss Al and John. They should have gotten like Troy Aikman or Sterling Sharp......they are really good...

  • 1 decade ago

    My question is "Why aren't John and Al hosting MNF?" Why are they on Sunday Night? And who the heck is Tony Kornheiser?

    And yes, they do get on my nerves, too.

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