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Why are women demonizing men more often these days?

Seems to me that men are getting the short end of the stick these days. In a divorce we get killed and no rights, the media mocks men and makes them look stupid, and women in general seem to regard men as less than human lately.

I don't know, maybe it is an enpowerment that women now feel they can treat men like hell without reprocussions. Maybe they have now learned the lessons men have had to learn.

So, before you thumbs down this question, think about it for a minute and ask yourself honestly if you are one of these women that hate men. Are you teaching your hatred for men to your daughters, by words or by acts?

Think about it and be honest.


Not all men are dirty and lacking courtesy and thoughtfulness, but still, women treat men all with the same stroke. When women take an opinion, they apply it to all men without regard to individuals. What a shame.

Update 2:

Wow, what goes around comes around... sounds like you set yourself on a level just short of men if you feel that revenge is what you want. Again, maybe you have not learned anything.

Update 3:

Anti-Feminist: If you are all for "Viva La Diferance" then I understand exactly where you are and support your. I feel that there are wonderful ways for men and woment to work together with feeling like they have to replace each other. One being a respect for the roles we both play by gender. I am not say that the roles are strictly traditional, but we are different and should work together to make our differences work in favor of a situation.

Update 4:

Gummybear: You got it.... Hurray!

Update 5:

Sejik: You know... I do not know how many women can be firefighters (You should watch your nouns there) simply because most women cannot physically do the job. But I am not saying they can't if indeed they can cut it. Firefighters are men because the job requires more strength then women generally have. On the other hand women are more nurturing and by nature make better nuses, but yes their are male nurses as well, but in general men are not suited for this position. We have to admit that there are certain roles that are more suitable to certain genders and that there is nothing wrong with that. Then again, I don't see men modeling eveningwear... do you?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that men bearing the brunt of our changing society and gender roles. Now that there is very little hand to hand combat, and no one needs to go out and kill a deer so we can eat for the winter, and no one needs to drag a plow behind a team of oxen ... the things that men have been biologically bred for - physical strength - are no longer needed. I'm afraid that our current social structure actually favors women's skills - dexterity, emotional intelligence, consensus.

    If you think about it, democracy is a very feminine kind of idea ... hey, everybody, let's agree! I think that's why some of the tribal arab factions are so dead set against our lifestyle ... is it turns men into women, or at least make our traditional idea of man obsolete.

    I think women are also suffering from this shift in gender roles .... because our love lives are doomed. We want big hairy men, but big hairy men are no longer successful ... in fact, we're more successful than they are and we resent it, and they resent it, and it's got our love lives all jammed up.

    But really, I don't think any of us should take it personally, we are all suffering and benifiting from the evolution of our culture.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually, that's a very good question and one that deserves an answer. If I think about it for a minute, the things that come to mind are that women have been abused and subjugated by men for centuries and only now are they able to hold their own in so many arenas.

    Many men were raised with poor role models and do not know how to respond to a woman who can take care of herself financially and otherwise. Their fathers were of another generation. Most women now will not tolerate poor behavior from a man just to keep a roof over their head and food on the table. They want a loving and committed partner who respects them as (if not equal) than certainly worthy. Women stick together and support each other. The stronger ones try very hard to make it okay for their sisters who need them to show how. Women throughout history have had to take whatever men were willing to give and live with it, now there is a collective anger towards men for all those centuries of denial.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not a woman, and never will be. So, I expect that the fact that I agree with your observation and question will be discounted as extreme bias by the majority of women.

    Everyone should read the book "The Myth Of Male Power" by Warren Farrell. He explains the reasoning behind why women today seem to have no respect for men, and he explains it very well.

    Unfortunately I don't think there is a quick solution. If things are going to get better it will happen as a generational change... ie very slowly.

    A complementary question to the women would be: Why are there so many jokes that denigrate men (and cause untold amount of mirth amongst the women) but jokes that denigrate women are considered "chauvinistic" and "sexist"?

    Personally, I think the answer to your question is:

    --- The women's movements of the 60's, 70's and 80's didn't quite reach the dizzying results that women expected, but they did achieve one thing: No matter what is going on, society will assume that as a woman you are always treated unfairly. And, while this is no longer true, women today take advantage of it (consciously or sub-consciously), to the continued detriment of men.

    Source(s): Life
  • 1 decade ago

    I think you're making a generalization that's not fair. You are painting all women with the same brush while complaining about women doing the same to men. Not all men are horrible people and not all women think they are. People react to each other based on their own personal experiences. Maybe the women you're referring to have had bad run ins with men that has stained their impression of all men. However - that is a individual who needs to work that out, not an indication of all women everywhere.

    Source(s): I'm a single mom who is not teaching her daughter to mistreat anyone - male or female.
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well, I'd like to look at some links to these MRM (that's the first time I've come across that title for the movement myself) sites so I could evaluate them myself. I am THE anti-feminist, and am always interested in the different points of view. Maybe these MRMs are just paying Faux Feminist extremism back in kind. You have to start somewhere to regain lost ground. Like Din Mor said - many men supported women in their drive for equality, only to be betrayed and back-stabbed - so many are very wary. I'm one of them, but I try to maintain my perspective and only attack real issues and real people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree. My family has been complaining about that for awhile too. Now that the media shows men acting that way, its getting in to the real world now.

    Im a girl and i dont look at men that way. I think all people are created equal and nobody deserves to be prejudiced.

  • 1 decade ago

    It seems that, while claiming women treat ALL men harshly without taking individuality into account, you are doing the same thing by generalizing this claim to ALL women.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that in many ways you are right. Men have no reproductive rights, generally lose custody of children during divorces, television shows make them look kind of stupid, and women dont always treat them right. But in some ways its your own fault. Men leave women in bad spots all the time because they "got" pregnant, cause he found a younger, prettier woman, because he got sick of her nagging, or because she didnt like his friends, family or work. See a lot of guys want it to be like it "used " to be but dont realize that the way it used to be was a mixed blessing. Sure maybe you got more respect but men had the whole responsibility for the family. Yeah the wife stayed home and did dishes while you worked. Then asked for money when she needed things. The man had to take care of everything except the laundry and diaper changing.

    Now you guys want a woman to work 40 hours a week, take care of the kids, clean the house, do the laundry, mow the lawn (cause you are too busy) all the family correspondence, pay the bills, get the dry cleaning etc, etc, etc. Well by the time we do all that you tell me the answer to my question- if it werent for sex what would we need you for?

  • 1 decade ago

    Not all men are bad. Just most of the ones I have come in contact with. My dad is the only one near perfect and he was raised by all women. I dont know what it is. I was raped by one guy, had my *** beat by another, had one put a gun in my face and demand money, had one cheat on me, had one steal my car, countless ones grope me in crowds. I just get fed up with it. I get tired of being hooted an "hollad" at. It disgusts me. Perhaps if men treated women like humans and not objects and conquests, we'd be a little more apt to dish out some respect here and there. Until then, sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    Can you answer this in 5 seconds:

    A father and his son are in a car accident. The father dies, the son is rushed to the hospital. The boy is lying on the operating table when the doctor says, I cannot operate on this child. He's my son.

    How is this possible?


    The doctor is the boys mother.

    Until both Men AND women start to rid ourselves of "conventional thought" when it comes to Gender roles, then those "in power" will always be perceived as the tyrants.

    Ask a child to draw a Nurse and a Firefighter and what do you think they will draw. These ideals have been set in place by men. However, women are divided on the matter as well. Some say their role is to be a working woman supposrting her children, others think that's a father's job and they are the caretakers.

    Ultimately, until both Men and Women start teaching our children to NOT classify by gender, those "in power" men, will be to blame since they are in a position to remedy the situation.

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