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Bios are such self serving things, especially when you have to write them yourself. So that being the case, I will start from the beginning... I was born in Los Angeles on a cloudy and rainy day, I remember it well, especially that crack on the ass. Hey I guess I deserved it, my mom was crying out in all kinds of pain, so I guess I was a bad boy from second one! That's how I got the stigma of black sheep in the family. The next day I was taken home and put into a barrel where I was cleaned, fed, and educated through the bung hole. Again, I remember those 18 years well. After that they pulled the nails from the barrel, dumped a bucket of water on me and then shaved everything off and set me loose on the world, never to look back on the kindness of my upbringing. Boy it was fortunate that I found that van down by the river with the keys in it ready to drive, otherwise I would not have had a place to live. I do wonder why that fat guy was chasing me as I was driving away though.

  • How can you describe the Big Bang as starting from an infinitely small and infinitely dense state...?

    when there is currently a finite amount of mass that derived from the Big Bang? Shouldn't infinite be replaced with "very large number" instead and maybe make physical description easier?

    9 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years ago
  • Need tax advice... how should I file?

    One spouse is working owning no back taxes, one spouse is handicapped with some back taxes owed. How should I file?

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Convert seconds to elapsed time in excel?

    I am doing a project that states a number in scientific notation as seconds and I want to convert that to years/days/hours/minutes/seconds. For example, 1.00E+8 is 100 million seconds and that is about 3.17 year. There are precisely 365.2564 days in a year (or 31558152.96 seconds in a year) and I want a format like "(long) years / DDD days / HH hours / MM minutes / SS seconds".

    Note that there are no months since using the sidereal time is more precise. Also "long" in the format years can get very long as the exponents increase. I looked all over for this one and while I found some answers it was for durations much less than I intend to use.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • I seem to be sending out spam to my friends, how can I stop this?

    OK, this is kinda weird, but my friends seem to be getting email from me through my email account. Here is the rub. I just got a new computer and re-install all software fresh. I moved over data manually and scanned it before dropping it on the new computer. So, with all scanners running and me not even on line, my friends got spammed. WTF?

    4 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • At what point does a speeding object become a singularity?

    There was another question posted but the guy (Bango Skank, apparently a Stephen King fan) got a lot of the assumptions wrong. I have the following reasoning: E-mc^2. As an object approaches the speed of light it takes more energy to move it. Since energy = mass it would imply that mass would exert a higher gravitational pull. At some point the objects gravity would be so great that it would become a singularity (this is an assumption) at which point it would suck more mass to itself and slow down (again an assumption).

    Am I right in these assumption? and if so that sort of blows away the whole idea of reaching the speed of light simply because you would be a singularity well before that. Although it does open up all kinds of thoughts on wormholes.

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Is the flattened Event Horizon illustration correct?

    It occurs to me that is black hole is going to suck things in, the rubber sheet illustration of a black hole has to be incorrect because in fact the "disk" of the event horizon should be a sphere and matter should be swirling all around a black hole and not in a neat "down the drain" sort of illustration. Ir am I wrong?

    Also, if nothing can escape a black hole, how do we know they rotate at all?

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • How you you class all positive, non-zero numbers? (real, natural, whole, rational, etc)?

    OK, to find the area of a shape you need to multiple two positive numbers that are also non-zero. (0*x=0 which is not an area) So how would you class all positive non-zero numbers. I would like a simple term to express this to my students.

    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Why is it that I sneeze when I first start eating?

    I do not know why I do it, but about 30 seconds to a minute after I start a meal I will sneeze. I there are no allergens in the air, I was not sneezing before and no one else is sneezing. I smell the aroma of food without sneezing, so there is no reason I know to sneeze. But sure as shootin, I sneeze when I start a meal. Generally it is just one good sneeze and that's it.

    Is there some reason for this interesting association?

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • If live male births out number female live birth for every decade since the 1930, why are females a majority?

    Here is the thing, I just checked the social security office and it turns out that live male births out number female live births in every decade after the 1930's. I know the life span for women is longer than for men, but that would mean that the balance difference shifting the majority to women would be in senior women. If that is so, why do we automatically think of women as the majority when that majority is only in the senior population?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • OK, I have a tough one for you. Take a listen, tell me the title of the piece if it is a real piece.?

    We have all heard this, in fact we have heard it in Looney Toons cartoons for years. You will know the piece, but maybe you know more than I. It is tentively name "Powerhouse" but I am sure that is not the real title. Also, it is not Merry-Go-Round Broke-Down.

    Let me know, have fun listening. Title and Composer of the full piece would be great.

    3 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Why are women demonizing men more often these days?

    Seems to me that men are getting the short end of the stick these days. In a divorce we get killed and no rights, the media mocks men and makes them look stupid, and women in general seem to regard men as less than human lately.

    I don't know, maybe it is an enpowerment that women now feel they can treat men like hell without reprocussions. Maybe they have now learned the lessons men have had to learn.

    So, before you thumbs down this question, think about it for a minute and ask yourself honestly if you are one of these women that hate men. Are you teaching your hatred for men to your daughters, by words or by acts?

    Think about it and be honest.

    16 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Why is there no spell checking for the "additional information" box when you ask a question?

    This section, the "Add details" does not get spell checked and it really should. Please help us not look like total fools and allow spell checking here. Everyone will thank you.

    In fact, ANY text area where you expect to enter more than a few words should have a spell check option.

    11 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why does certain music cause highly emotional responses?

    There are certain songs and tones that cause an incredibly strong emotional response in me. I know that the response is not just an emotional association to a particular song because other songs I may never have heard before bring out the same responses. Often time is seems to be in classical music and then with particular chord structures. (Seems certain suspended forths, or minor forths kick it off.)

    Is this a documented phenomena and if so do composers use this intentionally to stir the emotions of the listeners? What is the precise tonal structure they are hitting upon?

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Why do people ask questions that are easily answered with one Wiki Query?

    All I know is that if I have to find out a bit of information all I do is Yahoo or Google "Wiki subject", and the link to all the answers are right there. I would think that this site is for all the questions (not opinions) that are not answered so easily.

    Why are people asking us to do their homework too, doesn't this ruin the point of doing the homework?

    9 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • I have an original Marc Chagall, media is "On Copper, Enamel, 8in by 6in" in great condition, of lovers, quote

    This is an enamel work by Marc Chagall, original. I was wondering what it is worth, ballpark. Obviously is it not a litho, so must have been done by the artists hand. Have a cert of authenticity, don't remember who authenticated it though.

    1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • Why do rabbits or other small mammals try to run in front of my car in the evening?

    I tried this question before and did not get answers that I thought were adequate. I am serious about the question, I think that this behavior is actually significant, but it would seem no one sees it other than me.

    You can see this behavior particularly in the evening driving down a rural road. The rabbits line the road and as you approach some of them go suicidal and run right in front of the car. Sometimes they make it, sometimes not.

    I joked that it was an initiation rite. Your avarage Buck in a feat of daring do does the "car run" and if he survives gets to do a doe. As tongue and cheek as that is, it does seem to be one of the better answers I got.

    But this behavior is not limited to rabbits. Dogs, cats, deer, etc all have this tendancy to do the "car run" and it is disturbing. If we knew why they do it, maybe we could figure out a way to stop it, as in the case of larger mammals like deer or moose (though moose are usually just standing there and we run into them.) Thanks.

    20 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Why is it that popcorn smells better than it tastes?

    It is the only quote that my ex can be attributed with, but it does make a good question. Her quote is, "Popcorn, the only food that smells better than it tastes." But why is that? With such a great smell you would think that is would taste as good.

    13 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Is HTML or pCode allowed when posting a question or answer?

    Sometimes it is simpler to post a table with an answer, and would look cooler too. Or maybe I want to highlight some text with an underline, but can't. Is there a work around like pCode and if so is there are list of available tags.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do deaf people process thought as hearing people sometimes do with "sounds", or purely as symbols?

    Many of us process thoughts with "sounds" we use as words in our heads. If a deaf person has never known sound is their thought processing purely symbolic? It would be interesting to know.

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago