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Chistians and other Anti-Gay Rights types, how do you respond to these comics?

The links are safe, I promise. Just read the comics and respond to them, please. Thank you.


It's true that being Christian doesn't make you anti-gay rights, but these comics do sort of focus on those who use religion as an excuse to not give gay people equal rights.

Update 2:

bbjones9, I don't hate the bible any more than I hate the Illiad or Beowulf. And why didn't you answer my question?

Update 3:

johnny, I would have liked to see more than just "retarded" as an answer. Why do you think this?

Update 4:

I-o-d-tiger, I'm very sorry you feel that way.

Update 5:

presagio1, I like how you said that the examples in the comic do not aplly, and then give me some analogy about carrots.

Update 6:

serenaacw, married people get certain rights that un-married people don't. All gay people want are the same rights straight married people want. It has nothing to do with a religious union, just a legal one.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I want to say I'm surprised by all the absolutely ridiculous answers you've received. But of course I can't. This country is filled to the teeth with morons.

    To the fellow above me.....just because their happen to be black people in the bible, doesn't mean people didn't USE the bible for centuries to subjugate them. I also enjoy how you completely skirt the issue of women's I am sure you are fully aware of the bible USE to fight that. The point of the comic,which you have chosen to miss, is that the bible is USED to back up the ignorance and fear of people who cannot face themselves and instead decide to project their frustration and hatred on others.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Marriage is based on commitment.

    What makes the commitment strong is children. How are children born naturally? When a man and a woman conceive.

    So if two partners of the same sex cannot conceive their own child naturally, then that is going against the nature.

    Think, if everybody became gay. Would there be a life? Women would be fighting to avoid being pregnant. Guys would be fighting to avoid responsibilities. yada yada yada!

    So what is not natural deserves obligation for the sake of humanity, but not respect.

    Source(s): Wisdom is simple!
  • 1 decade ago

    Joke 1:

    First, marriage, is by definition the union of 1 man and 1 woman. To call anything else marriage would undermine the entire established usage of the word.

    What it is rather, is that homosexuals want to be completely accepted and embraced, and want everyone else to validate their union. The fact is they can do what they want, and government cannot stop them. Also, Christians has no moral obligation to condone or perform same sex ceremonies.

    Joke 2:

    Hollywood always makes a joke of marriage, and Britney is no exception.

    Joke 3:

    Being black is not condemned by the Bible, in fact, there is biblical that Moses was married to an Ethiopian woman and that Solomon was married to a dark complected woman


    God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; Neither is worshiped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

    (Acts 17:24-26)

    First, "traditional gender roles" is separate from voting. I would argue that there is no higher responsibility than to train up the future generation. Due to increasing numbers of women forsaking this vital role, and no men stepping into this gap, hollywood and MTV are raising our children, and we are reaping the results.

    As far as slavery, that verse was written specifically for the Israelites at that time. Any attempt to extrapolate that to gentiles in the new testament era is pushing beyond the limits of the scriptures.

  • 1 decade ago

    Comic one: Everyone can marry someone of the opposite sex, and no one can marry someone of the same sex. Therefore, equal rights. The examples in this comic did not apply to the subject at hand. Just because it makes you happy doesn't mean you should have the right to do it. (i.e. Polygamy, Prostitution, Beastiality, Incest)

    Comic two: You can find screwed up people/situations in all sexual orientations. Great examples though.

    Comic three: I belive that who you have a desire to be with sexually is way out of the area of race, sex and the like. So these examples are a weak argument in favor of gay rights.

    I don't like to eat carrots. They are disgusting to the taste and their texture is horrible. I will not go to the store and buy them and I will not support my family in buying them/eating them. Am I against carrots? No, I just find them revolting. Will I go out and support those who enjoy eating carrots? Why would I? I don't care. If homosexuals want "equal rights", whatever that means, they need to find stronger argument points that don't disgust the straight.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am a mother of two, Christian. I completely agree that a woman's place is in the home. Pregnant women should keep their pregnancies. Gay people should repent and put away thier sinful ways. If a woman CAN'T stay at hope she should get paid equally to anyone else's salary for the same job. The law for wearing seat belts is illegal since it is MY CHOICE what to do with my body(however my choices end when another human being's rights begin.)

  • Serena
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sorry,but I had to laugh at the first part of this question 'The links are safe,I promise'. Thanks for the warning :) It reminded me of the time someone posted a question saying 'Christians-have a look at this'and gave a link.It turned out to be a flashing sign saying 'you are idiots' or something like that.Now for the main part of your question:I'm not against gay people.I am against homosexuality though.I think that when we let family values go down the drain,other things will follow.It's a slippery slope.And,you know,I don't really understand something-if homosexuals are in love so much that they'd get married, then why do they need a piece of paper to prove it?They don't follow Christian laws anyway,so no one is stopping them from living together,even though in my opinion it's wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    Being a Christian does not make one anti-gay-rights.

    Blessed Be

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they get a certain point across, but they aren't especially clever or interesting.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry but being gay just wrong.not only is it morally wrong its just in unnatural.the key has to fit in the key hole.not the key fit the key.or the key hole fit the key hole.

  • 1 decade ago

    Answer not a fool according to his folly

    Source(s): The Bible that you hate
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