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What is heaven ? If there is a heaven ; or, if there could be a heaven, what would life in heaven be and why?

24 Answers

  • John
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You might have heard that God will grant you heaven if you believe in Jesus Christ, but I say unto you, God has already granted heaven to you. God had granted heaven to you before you were born, even before the foundations of the universe were laid. Therefore, you don't have to do anything to make God grant you heaven. You don't have to pray for it; it is a waste of time. Heaven is yours. It is the free gift of your creator.

    If you are not in heaven, God is not to blame for it, for God has already done his part. Then, what is your part? Just step in, and the entire heaven is yours. You don't need an entry visa, for you are holding the passport of Heaven, the Kingdom of God.

    Well, what do you expect of the kind of life in heaven? How, do you think, is heaven different from the world you live in? Heaven is like a kingdom ruled by God. The citizens of the kingdom abide by its rules strictly. The rules are summarized in one golden rule: Love your fellow humans unconditionally. Heaven is the garden of God filled with flowers of love. The flowers have joy as their radiant color, and peace as their fragrance. If you are willing to live in a world of love, joy, and peace, heaven is yours.

    Therefore, the only qualification essential for a citizen of heaven is this: Ability to love. A citizen of heaven has the ability to love unconditionally. S/he can love everyone in the world, whether they return love or not. There is no place for hatred in the heart of a citizen of heaven. If there is a slight degree of hatred in your heart toward somebody, heaven is not yours. Suppose you hate someone, and you meet him in heaven, won't that place turn to be a hell for you? Unless your heart is a fountain with a never-ending flow of love, heaven is not yours. Unless you learn to love your enemy, you can't be in heaven.

  • Kevin
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The typical concept of heaven has been greatly influenced by the teaching of Plato. He holds that since we have life here, there must be somewhere the ideal and perfect life somewhere else since it can be imagined by us. So that is what he sees as heaven, and that is what a lot of people think.

    The Bible has a different conception of heaven. It is the place where God "dwells" even though he is omnipresent. In the beginning, before Adam and Eve's fall, we had God "dwelling" with man on earth. At the fall, they were cast out of the garden and fell out of their relationship with God. With the nation of Israel, the temple was created which was Garden-of-Eden like in its imagery and symbols. Inside was the ark of the covenant where God also "dwelled" with his people.

    From the Bible's perspective, when believers die, they go to heaven, which is described as being basically somewhere out there. Their bodies don't go, but their spirits/souls go to heaven. We remain in heaven until the return of Christ. At that time we will spend eternity on the "new heavens and the new earth" because the old will be destroyed and the new created. According to the Bible then, a believer's eternal existence is not strumming a harp on a cloud, but living eternally on a new earth with the curse removed - no sickness, death, killing, war, etc. Jesus, the prince of Peace will reign over all the earth. We will still eat, interact, have imperishable bodies, but it will be done with all the bad and evil done away with.

    I could write more, but nobody reads these things if they get long. If you want to know more about what the Bible says about heaven, you could email me and I can give you references, etc.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Heaven is real, Jesus and the prophets and apostles told us about it

    Read the Bible the new testament and Revelations

    Look up words on heaven in the concordance, that is in the back of the Bible

    The Thompson Chain Reference Bible is the best one I know

    It has a chain going through the whole Bible on scripture.

    We have eternal life that will never end, just like God

    Heaven to live in, street of gold,

    The heavenly New Jerusalem 1500 miles square.

    Angels everywhere singing Holy, Holy Holy to the Lamb of God,

    A tree of life bearing 12 manner of fruit on each side of the river.

    A sea of glass.

    A crystal river,

    And the city, you can see through it, like transparent glass,

    only it is pure gold

    God will be the light, and there will be no darkness

    No dust.

    No seasons of time. Just bright cool weather all the time.

    Jesus the Lamb will serve us as we eat with him, new in his Kingdom.

    No death, no dying, no sorrow, no tears, no wanting for anything!

    We will all be known as we are known here, only we will not remember any of the things that happened on earth.

    No marriage, because we will have a love that is to far incomprehensible to imagine

    Abraham, Issac, Jabob, David, Solomon

    Everyone who ever lived will be there, I want to talk to Paul the Apostle he is a very deep man of knowledge and wisdom

    Get the Book: Pauline's Epistles

    That is a book for Bible Study

    Why? Because God is a God of Love!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Heaven is a place where time does not exist and it is our true home. It is God's throne and is a place of unimaginable happiness, peace, joy, fun, and love. Anything good that you can imagine, Heaven has it times a trillion! I don't think we are just going to be sitting around on a cloud playing a harp or whatever but either. There are literal mansions for us also prepared by Jesus himself! (John 14:2)

    How do we get there? Simple, by loving God and loving other people as we love ourselves.

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  • Heaven is this wonderful, fantastic, absolutely BEAUTIFUL place where Christians go once they die to be with God, if they have truly commited their life wholly to Him. Heaven will be awesome, and life would be eternal, so there would be no stressing out or restraining by time. No one would be sad in Heaven, because the Father would be right there with you; and everybody would be joyful and there will be loads and loads of just plain happiness and smiles for everybody. The best part is--it's eternal, everlasting, neverending. You make it there, you stay there. It's gonna be so awesome :-)

    It's so amazing because God made it that way for his children, because he loves us so, so much. He wants us to be happy all the time. He wants us to love all the time.

    That's what heaven will be like, and I'd be glad to answer any other questions on spirituality/Christianity that you have.

  • 1 decade ago

    We can't even imagine what heaven will be like. Better than your best day on earth. To get a taste of what heaven will be like, read the last book of the Bible, Revelation, chapters 21 and 22.

    But, in order to get there, you have to repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ.

  • Apeman
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    That's a lot of heavens

  • 1 decade ago

    There are two categories of spirituality: The Spirituality of GOD and the spirituality of Satan. The spiritual worlds of GOD are known and called heaven. When Jesus Comes back, the physical shall be destroyed. Then this earth shall become one of the heavens inhabited by souls that are born of spirit.

    Some travel in the astral. This is in the kingdom of Satan.

    Source(s): My source is through Spiritual teachings and visions.
  • 1 decade ago

    Read the book of revelation.

    Has quite a description of a man's trip to heaven.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heaven is Planet Earth without the humans.

    Think seriously on it.

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