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OK, I need serious advice on high school boys.?

Ok so here's the deal

I don't know but I think these boys I know are dropping hints.

Case 1.

Kye comes up to me in the library and asks if Ihave a bf. I say no. he leaves. 2 min later he comes back and askes if I have an answer. I told him I wasn't dating right now. he leaves.

is he trying to ask me out? he's a year younger than me and recently dumped my friends little sister who's also a freshmen.

Case 2.

Ian, a guy I hang out with on a regular basis has started sitting closer, putting his head on my shoulder and tickling my arm and knees. Nothing innapropriate but just closer. Is he dropping a hint, or is he just more comfortable around me than before?

Case 3. a guy i'v never spoken to starts talking to me. About chinchillas. (we have a pet chinchilla named Gus in my Bio room) This guy starts talking to me about Gus and won't quit. he's normal and everything but he gets all jumpy or sweaty when we talk. I doubt hes getting turned on by Gus. Am I over-analizing these cases?


Serious Advice apreciated

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a former high school boy my answer is Yes, Yes, and Yes. All three boys are attracted to you. Case 1 is clearly asking you to say you want to go out with him without risking asking you out himself and having you say no. Case 2 may want to be more than a friend, but also does not want to risk the friendship. I remember a similar case when I was in high school. A girl that was my friend, took me aside and tried to tell me she wanted to go out with me. I was so dense I still didn't get it so she finally just blurted out "It's you I'm talking about. Would you be interested in going out with me." I thought she was beautiful and brilliant and funny and out of my league. That last part has more to do with my self esteem at the time than it had to do with her, but anyway I was so nervous around her that going out was out of the question. Anyway we stayed friends, but there was always a little uncomfortable quiet between us that was never there before. You sound like a nice friendly outgoing girl that boys find it easy to be around. Good for you.

    Now as a father of a young girl:

    Be careful of case 1. He is bold yet cautious. He has "dumped a girl" recently and may be more interested in conquest than in relationship. My advice to my daughter would be to stay quiet and make him risk more by coming out with a request for a date. Then be cautious. Case 2 I would tell my daughter to ask herself if she could see her friend as a boyfriend, afterall the best relationships are based on friendship. Only you can answer for yourself if there is a chance of more. If not, leave it alone. If you think maybe there is a chance, this boy may prove to be a better bet. Case 3. (laughter) Please do something to put the poor guy at ease around you. Either tell him you want to be friends, or ask him out, or tell him to leave you alone. This poor guy is obviously suffering from an intense crush on you. Good luck. Enjoy your high school years because they wont come back. Try not to get roped into a too confining relationship. Emotions run high, but youth should be a time of discovery. I do not know of one single relationship that started when the two were in highschool that has lasted the many years since I was in high school. For instance I dated several different girls in high school and had a wonderful time. My wife (whom I was not in high school with) on the other hand dated only one boy throughout her high school years. She regrets that now. She looks back on those years as being a hostage when she should have been enjoying her youth. Too bad.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Kye was trying to ask you out but wasnt sure how to do it. maybe it is because you intimidate him because you are a year older.I am not sure about Case 2. some high school boys are just weird. With Case 3, I think maybe he does have crush on you and is using any way he can think of to get the chance to talk to you. that is why he suddenly stated talking about chinchillas, then he just gets so nervous he doesnt know what else to talk about.

  • 1 decade ago

    Case 1: he is ashy guy i think he wants to ask you out but he do not know how he will do it i think he is not that experinced in these things what to do? just keep remembering that he is a shy guy and if you like him not a matter to be older than him but if you dont plz be gentle with him

    Case 2: it is nothing my lady it is some body language to till you that he is relaxed with you and wish to be with him more belive me in body language no human touches the other unless there is LOVE and you can get bak in your mind to relize that all you touched are someppl that you loved, keep witht his guy and give him more of your body language

    Case 3: silly boy do not give him any attention he just playing you can till him to stop talking to you or you can keep letting him to talk it is not a big problem and i do not think he is asking for more from you

    Any Other? Am Available


  • 5 years ago

    Men aren’t “supposed” to seek out advice on how to get women or ask their friends how do I get a girl. We don’t sit around analyzing each other’s relationships. Still, picking up beautiful women is a skill that anyone can learn with enough time, practice, and access to the right resources. Read here

    There is a ton of stuff ( to help you get started. Sometimes the techniques go against “conventional wisdom” or what seems to work in movies and romance novels. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and try them – they DO work and they are a huge advantage over the competition.

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  • 1 decade ago

    U are over analizing these guys with your hormones going crazy.

    They are just trying to be friendly which is real good.

    If any of these guys give u really great goosebumps, then he is the right guy to go out with.

    Listen to your heart and watch these guys eyes and hands more than anything else.

  • 1 decade ago

    these are teenagers, i suggest that you don,t fall in love at this age as you may end up doing things you will regret later. every teenager goes through a phase like the one you are describing. all they want to do is test their imaginations on you. grow up and be matured for once. if you were my baby sister i will teach you a lot about sex. sex is very very nice but it can be very dangerous as well. just be friends with those guys until you know when its the right time to fall in love.

  • 1 decade ago

    you are probably not over-analyzing, as you say. people get attracted to other people, human nature. however, just from my personal experience...high school "relationships" HAHA, they all are pretty much bullshit. i think you should do whatever you feel, you know flirt back. what would happen? nothing. harmless. until (or if) either of the three actually straight-forwardly choose to persue you. but who cares, guys are all up in your ness, you should feel flattered. and how do i know they're "all up in your ness" well, let's look at one simple fact...they're all going out of their way to talk to you. and everyone knows you don't need to talk to anyone; it's clearly a case of "willpower." whatever, just chill. but if i were you, i wouldn't be too quickly moved to start initiating anything. just chill and have fun.

  • 1 decade ago

    The first guy obviously wants to date you. the second guy is being very flirty but could just be a flirty personality, but probobly has a crush. The third guy sounds like he just wants someone to talk to regardless of whether he is attracted to you or not, and he is obviously just nervous to talk to girls whether he is attracted to you or not. I think they all 3 have a thing for you... ya little play girl you. if you like em let them know.

  • 1 decade ago

    well yeah the guys r hitting on u.they want u but probably they cant speak it out

    -about the guy getting comfortable with u ticling and stuff he wants: sex

    -about the guy chinchila guy he is newly intrested with u he wants to start a relation with u

    -and kye i think he is fooling with u or playing a prank with is frends with u he may even have a crush on u

    And if u want more advice detaily then email me at

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all dont publish a book on you high school life, second of all your in high school, theres no such thing as a "serious" relationship. I suggest in having these boys labled as "friends w/ benefits" Just use them and move on to the next victom. Be a sl*t. Most high school girls are, my girl friend in high school was, and if I was a high school girl I would be too...I was actually a man wh*re at my high school.....ahhhhhh good times. YOU ONL Y LIVE ONCE!

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