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What would you do about this?

You have a wife who has strayed from you twice. You have been seperated (not legally) for about a year. You have met someone else. Only because you are just tired of waiting for your wife to chose you, and you just want to be happy. Then your wife just one day decides that she wants you back. Now you are curious about this other girl. Your trust for your wife is non existant. Your wife threatens suicide, and in your past you have had to many people commit suicide, and you do not want that on your concience. She has attempted this before in her past,and you believe she will do it. You just want to make sure you are taking the right path, and are not making the wrong decision. I WOULD APPRECIATE ALL ANSWERS.....thanks

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a very unique question. it sounds like your wife is a BIG GAME PLAYER! But at the same time you don't want her little game to ruin your life. Who knows what she'll do. I'd tell her to go find another round of friends, and you're going to live your life. She will keep you going through this bull crap for life if you let her.

    Sounds to me like she's wore her welcome out where she just came from, and is running back to her rock that's you. Well sometimes rocks crumble. I would let her go, you're not responsible for her irrational behavior. And in no way are you to blame for her actions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow. Sounds like you are in a big mess. My question to you is this: Why does your wife get to make the decisions? Why are you waiting for a year for her to decide what SHE wants? Take control of your own life. Don't wait for others to tell you what to do. This wife of yours has not shown that she can be faithful. I would get a divorce and start over with someone you can trust. And this business of her committing suicide... its just a threat. She knows that is what is going to get you. She knows that is your weakness. Tell her to get some help and if she pulls anything you should know you didn't do that to her. She decided that on her own. You are not responsible for her life. And maybe try some therapy. It never hurts to talk to someone.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your wife strayed from you----it's only fair that you do the same....

    She is desperately trying to get you back. She needs to go to counseling...My sister was suicidal until she had my niece....But she got help and has been taking medicine for her depression. You need to have a talk with your wife--a heart to heart and tell her you found someone who you would like to get to know a little better and that she had her chance to be a faithful wife...and that it isn't fair for you to be miserable...Nobody in this world is going to make you happy except yourself....She needs to know that too. You need to be honest with her and she needs to do the same. Good luck to you! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    A relationship is non existant without trust - okay functional relationship that is - It sounds like you both need to move on but right after you advise her to get some counciling. Why waste your life with someone who doesn't appreciate it!! You could have a great future ahead of you if you put all this behind you learn from your mistakes and move one!!! Good Luck

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  • 1 decade ago

    honey life is to short to worry about your wife and wait for her to come around. listen suicide is not funny.. and maybe your wife needs help but it has nothing to do with you.. you need peace for a change.. and that peace does not include your wife.. she is no good for you. and if you keep her around she will just bring you down.. i would try a relationship with this new women... and find some help for your wife.. pass her off to her family members and let them deal with her... or maybe she needs to be admitted.. i think your wife know that if she say suicide that would get you to stay, cause she know that's your weakness because of your pass.. you have to let her go.. for your future, for your health, and most of all for your happiness... i wish you the best.. and remeber your wife means you no good, put her in the hands of lord and let go...keeping her around will only lead in you being hurt over and over again..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Carry on with the new girl & tell the wife that if she talks about suicide ,,that you will make a "mental hygene" arrest.That means that they will pick her up for a mental evaluation.Dont let this woman try to control you like that.She is playing the pity card.

  • 1 decade ago

    Man u r in a deal of a pickle. Why stay with someone that keeps leaving u. Ur married. Im not trying to be mean but don't stay with her cause she threaten to kill herself. I know care for her. Instead get help for her. U deserve to be happy. Listen to ur heart n gut.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    play hide and seek with the wife. tell her to go hide...just don't bother going and finding her. if that doesn't work, I have a friend who was in a similar pattern as you. This friend, Scott from Modesto, took his wife on a fishing trip.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go with your heart! If you take your wife back, couceling would be first on the list. Kind of like a condition for taking her back!

  • 1 decade ago

    Your wife needs psychiatric help. I think you need to go for the new girl, once a cheater always a cheater just try to get her the help she obviously needs

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