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I can't breathe and I can't afford to go to the emergency room.?

What do I do? I have no insurance, no income, nothing. I'm going tomorrow to apply for public aid but if I asphyxiate now that won't do me any good.

Is there a way that I can go to the hospital now, and apply for public aid while I'm there, so that it will still be covered? I usually just ignore my medical problems but that isn't going to happen this time.

I have asthma and perhaps other lung conditions; I don't know. My usual asthma medicine (an albuterol inhaler) is totally useless right now. I can't lay down or breathe deeply at all; my leg is extremely sore and I have a severe headache. I looked at and all of these symptoms are very severe, and it says I should seek professional care immediately - but I can't.

Please help me.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Please go to the emergency room. Somtimes deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can cause pain in the calf when you are flexing the calf. It is a blood clot, and many times accompinied by a PE and that is a clot in the lungs. You could have something minor but if your having troubles inhailing and lyind down you need to seek medical attention now. Call the ambulance or have somone drive you, but please dont wait. There are social workers at the hospitals and they can get you started in the application proceess. The hospitals always provide emergency care, they CANNOT refuse to treat you, if you enter the er with an emergency. If they do not accept self pay patients they HAVE to treat you until you are stable and then will transfer you to a hospital that can accept your insurance. Listen they also have charity that they give out. My hospital gives out 30,000 yearly, and they eat the rest of the costs. Go and get treatment please. This could be a number of things, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, blood clots, a stroke, could be anything. GO NOW PLEASE< I AM REALLY WORRIED~

    Source(s): RN in locall hospital!
  • 1 decade ago

    Call the hospital and tell them you are having an asthma attack, which seems to be complicated with something else (pneumonia? bronchitus? heart problems? stroke?) Describe the symptoms and tell them you can't pay them now. Hospitals are not supposed to turn you away, because you can't pay, but some do. I am worried you might be able to go somewhere that would help you, but you could end up in the wrong hospital, which would turn you away first. It could be a serious mistake.

    Can you find someone, a friend, to make the phone calls for you now?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "cayenne for asthma"

    I put that in the Yahoo! search engine.

    There are several Web sites listed with info on it.

    Do you have any in the house?

    My friend has asthma, & was once given cayenne/capsicum tea when she had an attack at another friend's home.

    It worked for her.

    You might take some dry, under the tongue,

    while boiling water for some hot tea ...

    I think what "credible_bulk" says is true, too.


    Soon an End to Disabilities!

    The Marvelous New World of God's Making :

    - Perfect Health Restored!

  • 1 decade ago

    Go to the emergency room, they have to give you treatment reguardless of your ability to pay. You can pay them back at a later time. They cannot refuse to treat you, especially when you are having severe symptoms. They will treat and stabalize your condition. You can go to any ER, by LAW they can't turn you away when you so obviously need treatment. Go to the hospital NOW.

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  • 1 decade ago


    Many hospitals offer "Charity Care" programs, where people with low/no income get the treatment they need without having to pay for it.

    The most important thing is that you STAY ALIVE, so GO TO THE ER!

  • 1 decade ago

    listen you should make some cut backs on what you spend. if you are paying for your internet stop and only spend on what you have to. also there is public aid for people like you so I would go there next. there are county places were you can go as well. you should check to see if your 911 area is covered by a caller ID just incase you do need to call. becouse when you call you my not be able to give your address so if they don't have the caller ID they wont come for you becouse they wont know were you are.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should get yourself to an ER ASAP I understand that the Hospitals cannot refuse treatment in the ER to anyone. Think about Payment latter, when you are will enough to apply, and who and where will be covering you.

  • 1 decade ago

    OMG...go to the ER ASAP.

    There are programs...tell them you have no income.....they should bill you at a reduced rate...sometimes you will be billed nothing.

    Don't risk your life b/c your afraid of some bills....we have no debtors prison and like someone else a dollar a month if you do get a bill.

    But go now!...PLEASE

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go to the. ER they must treat you. We do this all the time. If we can do it for some one the came into the US just last night we can do it for you to.

    Yes they will send you a bill. SO? Tell them you can not pay.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go to the ER now. Worry about money later.

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