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KD asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

How can I get me dog to stop peeing in the floor?

She is 6 years old and had been house broken up until May, that is when we got a kitten. She goes in the hall outside of the room where the litter box is kept. The cat doesn't even use the litter box very often, he prefers to stay outside most of the time. I have put her nose in it, smacked her with a newspaper, told her she was a bad dog (in a stern voice), I have even tried paying her special attention. Please, any practical advice is welcome!


ok, I have smacked my dog on the butt with a paper. I understand that many of you do not agree with this form of punishment, but please do not act like my animal is abused.....she is not, I obviously have not continued with the paper b/c it doesn't work. She is very loved and is shown lots of affection and taken out very often. She gets treats everyday and even has her own toy box full of toys. I do appreciate all of the advice.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    your dog maybe smelling the urine and feces of the cat, and thinking that is is okay to go in the house, and becoming confused. If you cat is outside most of the time, and hardly uses the litter box, try getting rid of it for a short time and see if she will go back outside to go potty. If so, then you know that that was the problem. If not, then you might have to start thinking that she maybe have a problem with her bladder or kidney area. Another option is that she might be doing it for attention. The wrong kind of attention, but none the less. Maybe she is jealous of the cat?

  • 1 decade ago

    You must consider that she might be rebelling since the introduction of the cat... also if she is not spayed this might simply be a territory thing. I've had problems with peeing dogs in the past and the only thing I've found to be least frustrating is actually finding the places she urinated the most and put puppy pads down in those places...usually (for me) it was only 2 places in the house. I would however, take her to the vet because like another answer you have received she might have a UTI and since she is 6 years old other possiblities of kidney issues are at hand.... I think though, its more of a territory issue. Even though the kitten doesn't use her box often, her scent is still in and around the litter box. Hope this helps :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Take her to the vet to get checked and STOP hitting her. Putting her nose in it is horrible. That doesn't help at all and makes things worse.

    Clean the hall with Nature's Miracle and get the smell out. Regular cleaners do NOT remove the smell as far as a dog's sensitive nose is concerned. She can probably smell pee at that spot. Perhaps the cat has peed in that spot too?

    Move the litter box or make sure it is kept well cleaned and try different litters until you find one to mask the smell.

    Keep the dog out of that hall for a while if possible. Take the dog out to pee on a leash and praise her/treat her when she pees so she remembers that peeing outside means a reward.

    Most importantly STOP hitting and yelling at her or you'll create a dog that submissively urinates when you yell and that is very hard to stop.

  • sml
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    crate training is not house training; your dog is now marking her territory due to the scent of the cat urine/litter box; the tactics that you have used are animal cruelty and don't work other than teach your dog that she is intimidated by someone who would rather use physical punishment then retrain with patience and understanding; she is not a bad dog just one trying to reclaim her ground and home; No in a stern voice not bad dog; you may not think that there is a scent there but a dog's nose can pick up what you can't ; really clean the area and gently retrain your dog ; you change the situation in her environment now gently be understanding to correct her with praise and encouragement not beatings.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Take her to the vet she could have a medical problem. Take her for more walks as she might be confused by the litter box and think that now it is OK to go in the house. If the cat stays outside could you put the box out there that might help.

  • 1 decade ago

    She feels like her teritory has been invaded and she is marking the smell of the cat with her own scent. She feels like an invader has entered her domain. Please do NOT hit your dog. You can buy some stuff from any pet store or wal mart that will mask the scent of the cat urine, there is also stuff that will repell her from the spot. Is there anyway you can move the cat box to a place she can not get to but the cat can? Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    One good way is to demote her to crate training, have her either outside, crated, or supervised. A dog doesn't want to soil the space it has to lay in, so when in the crate, she will make a fuss when she needs to go outside. If she is supervised, you can catch her if she starts to potty in the house and hurry her outside. Praise her lavishly for going outdoors where you want her to go. Basically, you are giving her a refresher course in housebreaking, while at the same time using the crate to make it so she doesn't have a chance to go potty in the wrong places when you aren't watching.

    You also should have her checked by the vet to make sure that she doesn't have some medical problem causing her to have problems with urinary control. Dogs can get urinary infections and other problems that may cause accidents, and its wise to make sure there's not a medical reason before assuming that its jealousy (which is the most obvious likely non-medical cause.)

    Give your dog positive attention, teach her obedience exercises, praise her for doing things right, so that she gets attention without having to do something bad to get attention. Dogs and cats can behave much like kids when it comes to doing things they know are wrong, to get their share of the attention!

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep her outside or remove the litter box which she obviously associates with the toilet procedure!

  • 1 decade ago

    u can throw her in the litter box when she pee and smack her n the butt, shld get the msg after a week consistency is the key

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe your dog has a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), take her to the vet and have her checked.

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