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ever been dumped this way?

i've been seeing this guy on & off for about 5 months - we went on a few dates then didn't talk for a few months. in october we were both in vegas for a convention & spent most of our free time together during that week but i have only talked to him since then.(he lives 2 hrs away from me) i asked him numerous times to get together but he always had an excuse. a few days after thansgiving i received an email from him saying he could no longer come to my union christmas party w/ me & gave a bunch of reasons why he couldn't then at the end he said let's just be friends - good ones & see where it goes from there. what kind of way is that to end the start of a possible relationship? guys - give me your honest input please.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hey it beats your girlfriend hitting you in the face in a diner an telling everyone your throgh. took me a year to get over that a email is private an saves you the looks of fifty people as you get up off the floor.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't worry about it sugar, this guy just simply doesn't worth it. Apparently he is afraid to start a relationship with you, so he is using all these excuses to avoid spending time with you and making up "reasons" to tell you how it would be much better to just stay friends. The truth is, they could be just scared to start a relationship especially when you say he lives 2 hours away from you. It could just be that he likes you, he wants to know what would be like to be in a relatioship with you, but he is also scared about the long distance thing.

    So just don't worry hun, go with the flow, if he really is someone special, it will just happen :)

    Good luck girl

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sounds like you gave that guy a chance to have a good time on an occasion or two..but that's all. My opinion is that you allowed for too much time in between your meetings and phone contacts. Nevertheless if he refused on more than one occasions to meet you, he is probably either not interested in any way, or he is but has a serious reason not to become involved w/ you . It is not the best possible way (to end a relationship) but it isn't the worst one either.. at least he didn't set you on by giving promises etc

  • 1 decade ago

    What in the world is so hard to see here? The biggest favor he's doing is staying away from you. The message is----I DON"T WANT TO SEE YOU. Now, that means you look for someone else, employed and knows what a relationship is----if not MOVE ON AND TRY AGAIN----and AGAIN. God, get a you have no other men in your area? Do you have desperate loser tattooed on you? Man I can't believe I even wrote to you about this.

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  • lilme
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The fact that he gave you a bunch of reasons why he couldnt go says that he doesnt want to see you. I would move on theres bunches of great guys to date ones who dont give excuses

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not a guy but i just wanted to say that he sounds kind of wishy washy and immature. he probably has someone else closer to his home and does not want to put forth the good effort that it would take to be friends and have a relationship since it is 2 hours away. i would be cordial but that is it. remember a man is a like a bus. sooner or later the next one will come along and hopefully he will be more respectful, cherish your friendship, and recognize that you (seem) like a nice person that was trying to put forth some effort to maintain a relationship. sometimes men do not want to put forth any effort. and he sounds like one, so it would probably be easier for him to date someone who is closer to him so that he less effort to maintain the relationship. even though i am not a guy, i hope i have been of some help to you. peace

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like he might think you are being pushy' Just a little. Men do not like being pushed. If he wanted to get together he would ask. That's why he is telling you let's just be good friends. Maybe to his way of thinking he is trying to slow you down a little.

  • DLB
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A lot of things could have happened. The synopsis is: he wasn't really feeling you or he go what he wanted or he was just a lame. Don't hang yourself over this one. There are plenty to be worried about one.

  • 1 decade ago

    In my opinion you were never really together. He does not want a relationship from you, otherwise he would put some effort in. He is probably married or hiding something from you.

  • 1 decade ago

    well....change is the only permanent thing in this world..maybe that guy have changed already...his feelings for you..

    ther are many factors why did he suddenly changed and just dumped you like the distance of your resisdence..and theres that time that yuo cease communicating..or maybe he had found someone who he think is better tahn you..etc..but then..that's life...maybe you are really meant for each other...

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