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what would u do?
My job is w/ a major telecommunications company in the outside plant area which means I work w/ 6 other men (I am a woman) and it seems like they r always "stepping on my toes."
I start a project or refer a possible sale and 1 of them always manages to intervene & end up w/ the "gravy" work & I end up w/ the "****" work. I know I am bottom w/ regards to seniority but should I have to put up w/ this type of treatment. They always seem to come to me for help w/ the "****," shouldn't I be entitled to some of the easy stuff also?
3 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade agodoes anyone care that I'm getting married?
I met the man of my dreams & next July 5th I am gonna be his wife. Cool, huh?
20 AnswersWeddings1 decade agois my ex trying to get back at me?
my ex (son's father) & I have had an on again, off again relationship for the past 16 yrs until about 8 months ago when I met "chris" - he proposed & I said yes. now my ex is getting back w/ the girl he cheated on (w/ me) for 2 yrs of there 2 1/2 yr relationship. he has admitted that he doesn't love her or want a future w/ her so is he doing this to "pay me back?"
15 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agois it possible to be friends w/ your ex?
My son's father & I have known each other for 17 yrs - of those we spent 8 w/ just each other. We have had other relationships but always seem to come back to each other. After the last time, I had enough - he told me to find someone to treat me how I wanted to be treated so I did. Now I'm engaged. I love my son's father w/ all my heart but I'm not "in love" w/ him yet I miss our friendship. Is it possible to be w/ someone else & still remain friends w/ my son's father?
36 AnswersFriends1 decade agoIs it too soon to become engaged?
I have known him for about 4 yrs. There has always been an attraction b/w us but he was in a relationship. That relationship ended over 1 1/2 yrs ago. We began dating in October and became engaged in December. We plan on getting married July of 2008. Am I crazy or does love at 1st sight really exist?
24 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoever been dumped this way?
i've been seeing this guy on & off for about 5 months - we went on a few dates then didn't talk for a few months. in october we were both in vegas for a convention & spent most of our free time together during that week but i have only talked to him since then.(he lives 2 hrs away from me) i asked him numerous times to get together but he always had an excuse. a few days after thansgiving i received an email from him saying he could no longer come to my union christmas party w/ me & gave a bunch of reasons why he couldn't then at the end he said let's just be friends - good ones & see where it goes from there. what kind of way is that to end the start of a possible relationship? guys - give me your honest input please.
20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoyes - another blonde joke?
3 women - a blonde, a brunette and a redhead walk into a bar. the bartender asks the brunette "what can i get u?" the brunette replies "a r & c." the bartender, looking puzzled, asks "what is that?" to which the brunette answers "a rum & coke." the bartender asks the redhead "what would u like?" the redhead replies "a v & c." the bartender asks the redhead "what is that?" to which she is told "a vodka & cranberry." finally, the bartender asks the blonde "what would u like to drink?" the blonde answers "a 17."
the bartender again asks "what is that?" to which the blonde replies "a 7 & 7."
17 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoshould i continue to try w/ my ex?
for 10 mnth we have been trying to work "things" out yet at times i feel more like a convience to him ( a friend w/ benefits) yet he does some of the sweetest things except for this weekend. he left for camp w/o so much as a goodbye nor a phone call since he left. could it be he doesn't want to fight about the same old ( i always felt he had someone down there - now his ex of 2 1/2 yrs lives 2 doors away) or is it really over? should i move on? i have met 3 or 4 other men who r very much interested but i keep pushing them away b/c i truly love my ex & have never stopped
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoshould i be worried?
my ex bf of 8 yrs & i have been making a go of it again for the past 10 mnths (shortly after his ex gf left him) yet nothing is set in stone as far as where we stand. he left friday to go to camp to hunt & i haven't heard from him nor i have been able to reach him. the ex gf lives 2 doors away. should i be worried that he is w/ her? she has been contacting him by phone & sending him letters although nothing for the past 2 mnths ( that i am aware of) pls set my mind at ease. he didn't even tell him he was leaving (our son called to ask me if he could stay the weekend w/ me) nor did he answer his phone prior to leaving for camp.
10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agowhat would u think?
i met this guy about 6 mnths ago - we went out a few times but that was it til we were both in vegas last week - it was as if we had been dating all this time - well........... i spent the night in his room the 2nd day we were there & nothing happened however the following night we had sex. this is not how i am however things b/w us just felt right. what would u think if u were him? we have talked every day since returning & plan on seeing each other this weekend.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoshould i pursue this new guy or continue to try w/ my ex?
i have been seeing my ex of over 8 yrs for almost a year now however while he was w/ his now ex gf i met someone else. he has recently resurfaced & the sparks are tremendous! i'm unsure of what to do. pls help.
13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agodoes he love me?
my ex of 8 yrs & i are trying to reconcile. at times he is really affectionate & shows how he feels yet at other times it seems like he is w/ me just to be w/ someone. he never was good at showing how he feels so should i assume this hasn't changed or should i keep asking him how he feels? (just some background - he had only 1 gf since we split whom he cheated on w/ me for 1 1/2 yrs of their 2 1/2 yr relationship & i am 1 of the reasons she left him although i am not sure she knew he cheated more b/c we are so close & she didn't like that)
10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agodoes he really want to be w/ me or is he paying me back?
my ex of 8 yrs says he wants to try to work things b/w us out but i'm not sure if he is just blowing smoke to pay me back for leaving him 8 yrs ago & for being a reason for why he gf of almost 3 yrs recently left him or if he really means what he says. this recent ex of his was his 1st gf since we split (she was also his FIRST some 25 yrs ago) & other than the fact that she lives 2 hrs away, the only issue i can think of that caused her to end it was me. (her & i didn't see eye to eye on much especially when it came to our son) i need to know - (it's been 10 months since they split) should believe that his intentions are true or if he's just paying me back? (also he was cheating on her for 1 1/2 yrs of their relationship w/ me & him & i have been together since she dumped him) HELP PLEASE....................
6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoi found a letter from his ex -should i tell him i read it?
my ex of 8 yrs & i are trying to work things out except i am having trouble believeing why he left his gf of almost 3 yrs to now try. i recently found a letter she wrote him (6 months post break up) in which she calls me every name in the book (yes even the c word) & confirms some of the things i thought he felt about me (not good either). should i let him know i read this letter or give him time to prove himself to be a changed man?
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoshould I call her to laugh at her?
my ex of 8 yrs left his gf of almost 3 yrs to work on "us" - she was such a controlling and demanding b**** who nearly ruined his relationship w/ our son. should i call to "gloat" or would that be to cruel?
11 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoshould I be happy & believe he is "the one?"?
Am I crazy or should I be happy that my ex of 8 yrs dumped his gf to be w/ me? I never stopped loving him - we just saw things differently but now we get along great, for the most part. He tells me I am his soulmate yet he still can't tell me he loves me. I'm so confused..............
6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoshould i be concerned about her sending him letters & calling?
my ex of 8 yrs cheated on his only gf since our break up w/ me for 1 1/2 yrs of their 2 1/2 yr relationship. she (or so he says) ended it b/c she was never & never would be comfortable here (again so he says) (she lives 2 hrs away) but i have found out more as to the real reasons why their relationship ended (yes, i snooped). should i quit trying to get him to be honest w/ me about the situation? should i continue to feel that the main reason he is now willing to work things out b/w us is for the awesome sex (that he again says he never had w/ her) or could his intentions be true? is he just afraid to admit he has always had feelings for me (he is not a very good communicator although he said they talked about everything including "us") or is he trying to hurt me again b/c she hurt him? i know that he has even used some of the same "lines" that he told me in our previous relationship & now w/ her (ie:thanks for sending me to work w/ a smile). i'm just so confused - pls help me.
6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoshould we try again?
i have known my ex for 16 yrs - we were together for 8 & have been apart for 8 - we have a 12 yr old son together. i cheated on him during the last 2 yrs of our relationship & he cheated on his last (& only) girlfriend w/ me. we have been "seeing" one another off & on for almost 4 yrs now -should be try again or r we just "friends w/ benefits"?
12 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agow/ respect to question about 42" plasma w/ no pic-sorry i'm new to this & can't seem to add info to my ques
i am sure it is not a video connection issue-i have tried unplugging cable tv (only thing connected) & even hooking up an antenna-still nothing-extended warranty only applies if i take tc to store i purchased ext warranty through. i have sound on all channels but no pic on any-tried unplugging tv from wall outlet & plugging it back in as per owner's manual-nothing again-pls help
2 AnswersTVs1 decade agoi have a 42" hitachi plasma display monitor (tv) & i have sound on it but no pic-any thoughts?
tech support can't help b/c of no pic-no other way to access menu-store i purchased it from in nov of 2004 is out of business-manufacturer warranty has expired & extended warranty will only be honored if i take it to store 45 minutes away-found repair locally but 1st hr is anywhere from $150-$250-that's just to look-no guarantee repair person can fix it-someone pls help-i am a single mother who decided last "black friday" to finally purchase something for myself (the tv) & look what has happened
7 AnswersTVs1 decade ago