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Do you think the right to vote should be earned?

I notice that anyone in this country can vote. Through voting we are able to hold our leaders responsible. Yet, who exactly holds the voters responsible for making bad descisions? Who voters responsible for voting for corrupt politicans that offer them bennies at the expense of the civilization?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. I believe the right to vote should be earned by military


    Thank you very much, while you're up!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ideally, the system of checks and balances in American government ensures that power does not fall into unworthy hands. Another precaution is the electoral college system, although now that electors mostly vote according to the popular vote the system is losing its power. There are many things that are supposed to protect power from the people, but recently Americans have started deciding that they want more power in their own hands (which can be a good or a bad thing). Personally, I think that the right to vote should be open to everyone but people should take their voting right seriously and make an effort to put in a good vote. I also think that's probably a tad more idealistic than realistic, but I definitely think it's possible to have a better educated electorate than we have now!

  • 1 decade ago

    If you start holding voters responsible for bad decisions, then you open the way to an authoritarian society that punishes people for after-the-fact situations: you voted for X and X did Y. How did the voters know X would do Y?? And how will you reward voters when the situation is positive?? And, finally, who will decide which voters are good voters and which are bad voters? You? No, the right to vote should not be earned!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I do. People who vote irresponsibly without knowing what the person is in favor of other than a 30 second commercial help to elect bad leaders. No one looks to who they voted for but blames the other party for all problems. In my state, a Communist Party member was elected to a large city council even though he let it be known what he believed in. The city voted almost completely one party & now they have a Communist on their city council. Since most did not read the paper or watch the news before, I guess they still don't watch news & have no idea he is a Communist. I guess he will be re-elected too. Some way we must encourage people to vote with knowledge not just prejudice.

    Source(s): I read & study before I vote - then I check the results. No he was not Republican.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The right to vote has already been earned. It was earned by the blood and deaths of the patriots who fought to free us from England's tyranny. It was earned by the blood of every soldier in the US military. It was earned by the men and women who try to elect the best person they can. It was earned by the politicians who made sure that we can all vote. Black, white, brown, yellow, male, or female. If we make a bad decision we can correct that decision in the next election. Of course what is a bad decision to one is a good decision to another and this is what makes our country great. If we did not allow differences we would be a shallow country like France. So in answer to your question we do not have to earn the right to vote, it has already been earned.

  • No one specific needs to hold voters responsible since if they elect a bad person to office then they will be the receivers of the bad leadership. So, if they make a bad decision it will effect all voters as a whole and then maybe they will make better decisions in the future.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not anyone can vote! You mus be of age and forget it if you are a felon or not a citizen. We live in a democracy just for that reason...If we make a bad decision and place someone in office who is horrible, then we have the opportunity to vote that person out of office as well.

  • Flyby
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    When I grew up some states required you to own property in order to vote. I used to think that was unfair. I have come to change my mind. A property owner tends to be better informed and has a vested interested in whom he elects to office. There are people who vote for a candidate simply because he is good looking. They know nothing about the candidate's voting record, only that they look good or will give them something for free. Slavery is alive and well in this country. Those who sell their vote are slaves to the government.

  • 1 decade ago

    I could agree to that if it were possible for any citizen to earn the right. I've often thought that mandatory military tours of duty for all eighteen year olds might let them see some harsh realities that we don't let children see. Of course young people with diseases like cerebral palsy, or some such would find that very difficult and might need an alternative method. Working as a capital intern perhaps? That could be as dangerous ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    YES! If you have no idea who your two Senators are or couldn't name three Supreme Court justices to save your life, you don't belong in a voting booth. There should be a test or something. Thomas Sowell once called these people " an army of ignorant voters"

  • Mimi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    So if i understand well, you are in favor of a return to property owners' suffrage, i.e. certain categories of population only can vote. Under which criteria ? Good idea !! You are just going 3 centuries backward ! You are a man of progress !! I vote for your elimination of the voting roll...

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