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Poll: Question about church attendance?

1- do you attend a church?

2- which affirmation do you belong (Baptist, catholic, temple,ect)

3- Are you faithful to attend whenever the church doors are open?

4- Would anything interfere with attending church (sleep, family, anything)

5- Would it be a serious event to miss church.

6- Why do you attend church?

7- Is your church leader (pastor) a male or female?

8- What is your salvation? (what saves you)Blood, water, works, etc

9- Do you take notes during the message, in any form?

10- Do you daily read your bible? Genesis to Revelation, cover to cover

11 - Which bible do you read from, (version)?

12- How do you help your church?

13- What in your words is the Gospel?

14- Lastly: Do you have full assurance, that after death, you'll know where you'll be.

Anybody needs to email me, please do, with sincere questions.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1- do you attend a church?

    Every Sunday

    2- which affirmation do you belong (Baptist, catholic, temple,ect)

    Roman Catholic

    3- Are you faithful to attend whenever the church doors are open?

    Yes, once a week. When I was out of a job, I visited during the week as well.

    4- Would anything interfere with attending church (sleep, family, anything)

    No, I have a set time I go and nothing short of illness will stop me

    5- Would it be a serious event to miss church.

    Yes, because it means I'm sick.

    6- Why do you attend church?

    Honestly, because I like it. IT's quiet and peaceful, and I aways feel empowered when I leave

    7- Is your church leader (pastor) a male or female?

    All our priests are male

    8- What is your salvation? (what saves you)Blood, water, works, etc

    Living in Christ. Eucharist, sacraments and church will only take you so far.

    9- Do you take notes during the message, in any form?


    10- Do you daily read your bible? Genesis to Revelation, cover to cover

    Not cover to cover. I read a little at a time.

    11 - Which bible do you read from, (version)?

    NIV or ST. Joseph

    12- How do you help your church?

    I've volunteered my time as a clerical aide during sunday school

    13- What in your words is the Gospel?

    The words and histories of Jesus and the early church

    14- Lastly: Do you have full assurance, that after death, you'll know where you'll be.

    Purgatory. There is no way I'm good enough for heaven or evil enough for hell. I honestly believe that 99% of the world will be there with me.

  • 1 decade ago

    1- I get to every Sunday. I don't have to. I want to.

    2- Free Methodist (not that labels matter all that much)

    3- Our church rents a building, so we're only allowed to be open on Sundays. I'd probably make a huge effort otherwise.

    4- The birth of my son kept us away for over a month. Illness is usually a good thing to keep us away. You don't want to infect everyone.

    5- no

    6- Our church has a strong sense of community. We take care of one another. We like to say that we "do life together." When we're sick, our church brings us food. When part of our family is hurting for money, we step up as much as we can. I've grown more there spiritually than I ever thought possible. I didn't know such people existed until I started going to my church.

    7- Male

    8- God's grace through Jesus

    9- nope

    10- I've read my Bible from cover to cover. It took six months. I get an hour for lunch. I often read it then, but I wouldn't say daily. i sometimes take time to read other books (religious and non-religious)

    11- The Message or NIV study Bible

    12- We recently started to tithe again. Money was tight for a while, but we've recovered a little recently. Our church rents its building, so we have to pack and unpack our gear every single weak. I help set up a puppet stage for the kids program. I also do graphic design work and plan community service events. My wife and I are also training to be small group leaders

    13- That's a lot of words to include here. I'll give you my favorite Scripture instead. Jesus came to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. 1 Timothy 1:15

    14- I'm not afraid. I see God's love for us all the time.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. I attend worship services at the Church of Christ in New Haven, CT.

    2. I am a member of the Church of Christ, which you can find in the Bible, Romans 16:15-16.

    3. I do my best every Sunday to attend services. Sometimes, things happen, like, the weather gets bad (I live in New England, so it snows real bad here). When the weather is good, I'm there. When the weather is bad during the winter, we have one service at 2:00 p.m.

    4. Only major sickness with myself or one of my children would cause me to miss service. One Sunday, I went into labor with my last pregnancy, so of course, I couldn't make it that day. On another Sunday, I was released from the hospital after minor surgery, and I went to church for night service. I was fussed at for it, but I knew I was doing what the Lord wanted of me.

    5. Yes. The Bible cautions against missing worship services, in Hebrews 10:25, we are commanded to "not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

    6. Because it is commanded by God (See above answer).

    7. The church administration is men, the elders, the minister, the deacons, the song leaders, those who pray, those who officiate the Lord's Supper, and those who take up the contribution. We don't have women participating during worship services, because women have no place there, EXCEPT for singing, giving, praying, partaking in the Lord's Supper weekly, and paying attention during the sermon.

    8. The way a person becomes a Christian is this: You must HEAR the Word, Romans 10:17, BELIEVE what you've heard, Romans 10:9-10, Hebrews 11:6, REPENT of your sins, Luke 13:3, CONFESS Christ to be the Son of God, Matthew 10:32, and then be BAPTIZED for the remission of sins, Acts 2:38, 8:37-38. After that, you must be FAITHFUL to Christ all your life, Acts 2:42, Revelation 2:10.

    9. I write down notes during the sermons, yes. I use them later for studying alone or with someone.

    10. I read my Bible daily, moreso now than ever before, but reading it cover to cover in one day, I don't think that's possible.

    11. I have two King James versions, and two New International versions. When I'm studying with someone, I use the KJV; when I want to read, I use either the NIV or the KJV.

    12. I'm not sure how you are defining "help". If something is going on, like a concert or a dinner, I help out in the kitchen, or make sure the guests are comfortable and direct those who are not familiar with our building, show them where the bathrooms are, the church office, etc. For a while, I was church secretary, and I helped out i that capacity. Another way I help is to build up the congregation. I am now enrolled in a Big Brother/Big Sister class, where I'm learning how to encourage new babes in Christ, to stay strong, to read their Bibles daily, to call if they fall and commit a sin, and show them how to get back up and try again.

    13. I cannot use my words to explain the Gospel, because it isn't mine to explain. The Gospel can be best explained like this: Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Paul is speaking to the Corinthians there.

    14. I do. I hope that when I die, I will be in Paradise with Jesus (Luke 23:43), until it's time for Judgement Day. If Judgement comes before I die, then, if my life is right at that time, I will be lifted up and changed and will meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17). That will be both a wonderful and terrible day!

    I appreciate your questions, they were really very good, and made me think on a couple of them. Thank you. Hope you had answers for these questions too.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. No not yet and I believe you don't need to even if you are Christian

    2. Pentecostal (I'm not afriad to admit it)

    3. Somewhat

    4. Sleep definitely

    5. No not at all...unless, you are a teacher for sunday mornings or something

    6. To be with God...To worship God

    7. When I go to a church (I have one in mind) they have a male pastor.

    8. What saves me was when I confessed to Jesus my sins, and repented of it. Then I asked Him to come into my life and heart.

    9. I don't but I should so I can remember what the pastor said.

    10. No I don't...I would like to read more of my bible though. I want to live by the words...Not by men's words, but by God's word.

    11. Any version I can find at the time...I have read New King James, NIV, New Living, Message, etc.

    12. I have gone to church before, and I have helped by teaching kids...Kids are our future.

    13. The gospel is the bible, but it's more than that. The gospel is John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." The gospel is not only going out there and saving people, but it is also teaching them the word.

    14. No I don't know where I will be. It might be heaven, or it might be the new earth. However, I can tell you for sure, that I will be with God the father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Didn't this poll come up, word for word, before?

    1- No, a Kingdom Hall

    2- I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses

    3- Yes

    4- Contagious sickness, if a family member needed me to stay home to help them with something serious (illness)

    5- I don't like to.

    6- Hebrews 10:24, 25

    7- Neither. It's a spirit (Jesus)

    8- Only by exercising faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ can one be saved

    9- Yes. Usually in point form

    10- yes, but I've also read it in chronological order

    11 - New World Translation, usually...but I have several other versions that I also enjoy reading from time to time

    12- Confusing question - do you mean the building or the people in it? Every week, a group is assigned to help with the maintenance of the building and I do help with that on a regular basis. I try to help the people in it in whatever practical/spiritual way I can. Mostly I just try to be a loving and respectful person.

    13- Glad Tidings/The Good News of God's Kingdom/Matthew Mark Luke and John/The absolute truth.

    14- No one does. I hope to live forever in paradise on earth, just as Jehovah purposed for us.

  • 1 decade ago

    1 - Yes

    2- Currently Covenant due to a recent move, but my home church is in Kingdom Ministries International (KMI)

    3- Yes, I go to most of the services, I've only missed about 1 sunday a year average in my life.

    4 - Sickness, traveling

    5 - Unsure your intent here - Serious as in bad? no. serious excuse, yes.

    6 - I attend church for the community, the support of people who believe as I do. We gather together to worship God and to learn more about Him. The community helps in staying true to the path. When we are alone, we tend to stray more easily.

    7 - My pastor is male

    8 - I am saved by the Blood of Christ. Saved by Grace.

    9 - Yes, I always have a notebook, I used a laptop for awhile, but it didn't work out too well. My pastor says we should always come prepared for God to speak to us.

    10 - I don't read my Bible regularly. I wish I did, but I am lazy. I read one book at a time, usually some OT and some NT each time I read. Currently I'm doing Genesis and Matthew.

    11 - I am reading NASB and The Message both right now.

    12 - I've done nursery duty, choir, sunday school, and I did a full year of serving in the church daily with cleaning, setup, serving at events, groundskeeping .....

    13 - We suck, we deserve death, Jesus was perfect, he died in our place, and if we acknowledge that and lay down our lives and follow Him, we will be saved!

    14 - Yes - I know Christ, and He is living in me and working in me.

    (Good poll)

  • 5 years ago

    a million- do you attend a church? - Yes, EVERY Sunday and Holy Days two- which afirmation do you belong (baptist, catholic, temple,ect) - Catholic three- Are you trustworthy to wait at any time when the church doorways are open? - there's a Catholic Mass at each church daily f the yr, however I simplest have time on Sundays four- Would whatever intervene with attending church (sleep, household, whatever) - if I had been unwell or household member was once unwell five- Would or not it's a significant occasion to overlook church. - it's regarded a grave sin to purposely bypass Mass with no very well purpose 6- Why do you attend church? - to compliment and worship God locally of believers 7- Is your church chief (pastor) a male or feminine? - Male, despite the fact that females are the pinnacle of so much ministry and departments on the church eight- What is your salvation? (what saves you)Blood, water, works, and so forth - we're stored by means of the grace of God. nine- Do you're taking notes for the duration of the message, in any variety? - no, we concentrate attentively. 10- Do you everyday learn your bible? Genesis to Revelation, quilt to hide - There are Mass readings from Scripture for daily, despite the fact that it does no longer move from quilt to hide eleven - Which bible do you learn from, (variant)? - New American Bible 12- How do you aid your church? I am a lector (learn at Mass), a faith trainer, worship chief for babies, and retreat chief thirteen- What for your phrases is the Gospel? - the Good News of Jesus Christ 14- Lastly: Do you've got complete guarantee, that once demise, you'll be able to recognise wherein you'll be able to be. - IF we stay trustworthy to Christ, He will stay trustworthy to us. Please touch me in case you have any questions approximately my solutions

  • 1 decade ago

    1) YEP

    2) Charasmatic

    3)My church sometimes has two service on two differnet days...and sometimes i go for both even though its the same sermon.

    4)Yep, something of great importance like a death in the Family or Friends place.But Since my church has two services on two different days...It very hard for me to miss any of them.

    5)going Overseas, Death of close One

    6)Praise and Worship God, Listen to the Word,Fellowship,Glorify God with my testimonies

    7)Male...what the heck?

    8)The Blood,Grace of Jesus

    9)On my Laptop

    10)Nope...sadly nope...


    12)I am a Dramatist

    13)The Good News for Everyone

    14) Definitely.

    Its a Poll about church attendence...mind explaining the weird questions?

    Source(s): MY SPACE - CHURCH -
  • 1 decade ago

    1- yes


    3- most of the time

    4- yeah, still go though (most of the time)

    5-not to serious, their is always another day available

    6-be more spirtitual, closer to god


    8-water baptism, holyspirit

    9-very rarely

    10- yes (I never read the entire bible though)

    11- king james

    12- not sure what you mean, I sing in the choir

    13- good news

    14- still working on it, I don't believe is really 100% ready, living the life could be hard.

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