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why do so many people insist that we are in Iraq for the oil?

With all of the various cultural, moral, political reasons we could find to be in Iraq a large number of people instantly answer oil when as what we are there for. How about some supporting information? I mean, if oil was the main reason we were there I believe that the United states would find it much cheaper to just commit to all out war and destroy the country of Iraq in less than 6 months. If oil was the real reason, which really means that money is the real reason, then politics wouldn't matter very much and therefor we would not hold back in applying our military might in a manner that is better suited to than the current manner it is being used. I don't have all that much faith in our politicians, but still I just can't fall for what appears to be a childish, simplistic response to the issue of the war on terrorism.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hold on tight Lotus Blossom, you're clinging to straws.

    No matter what Bush whispered to YOU, he told ME he's there for the oil.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Becauset they are right. It is about money, all of Bush's buddies are getting wealthy. There is a book out there that looks into the details and some of the things the Bush administration has done are so stupid, even you would understand. For example they have sent twenty year olds with no experience whatsoever other than maybe a job at McDs to handle major changes in the Iraqi government because they were friends of the Bush administration. The corruption goes on and on and on. It is all about money, people die in the false belief they are doing something for their country. The fight against terrorism is merely a pretext to steal this country's wealth. Did you notice how gas prices magically and mysteriously dropped before the elections and then magically and mysteriously rose againg after the elections ? It is all about money. By the way where are the weapons of mass destruction to be found in Iraq ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because the "cultural, moral, political" reasons are all full of holes... and as soon as one crumbles, another excuse is hectically thrown up... Bush himself said Iraq has nothing to do with terror when we first invaded, and now it's our main front in the war on terror? and you actually buy that?

    it's like catching a liar in a lie and the story keeps changing... I mean, we started with one reason and now there are 10? that's a sign something is up for many people...

    but the U.S. can't just kill everyone if it wanted too.. that answers the majority of your question... the American people wouldn't allow it... no one would get re-elected... even if they were after oil... of course public opinion matters...

    your own defense of your own point is childish and simplistic... with no real thought...

    how familiar are you with economics and market prices in general... all I'm saying is... if you destabilize a major supplier of a product by waging war on them, the price of that product will go up... have you checked out any earning reports for oil companies lately?

    now... is that why the war started? who knows... but it seems to hold more water than the other reasons that are stated...

  • 1 decade ago

    Advising the Bush administration on how to deal with the Iraq fiasco, the report of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group urges the president to clarify that Washington does not seek to control Iraq's oil.

    It then gets down to business and sets out exactly how Washington should take control of Iraq's oil.

    The report calls for Iraq to pass a Petroleum Law — to be drafted with U.S. help — that would allow foreign oil companies to develop Iraq's vast and largely undeveloped oil reserves (which, the report notes, are the second-largest in the world).

    It's has always been about the oil.

    Just because your government lies to you doesn't mean you have to believe them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The truth is cynical, because our nation's foreign policy is cold and calculating. Really. We don't get involved in third world human rights horror stories unless there's some strategic advantage in doing so.

    There are so many countries around the world who are doing absolutely devilish things to their people, and we never hear of them--unless there's a major outcry or we have a national interest in that area that's threatened, then we step in and 'save the day' for Mom and apple pie. Our intelligence service and national influence is hated and feared almost universally around the world.

    We fight our battles on other people's turf, and personally, I understand the need for it and agree with the policy. I know that sounds cold, but OUR subways don't get bombed, and OUR people don't live in fear. I'm sorry many other places aren't like the U.S., but they're just not.

    So believe people when they say we 'influence' others for our best interest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the American senate investigation showed that most of the intelligence community knew Iraq did not have WMD. Iraq is an anti jihadist state (not because Saddam was a good guy but because they wanted to take him down). Iraq being Arab is was the traditional block to Persian Iran, so it makes no sense to remove a government that supported Americas aims in the middle east. There were far far far worse humanitarian situations that the USA did not assist , so its not for humanitarian reasons.

    that leaves oil, Bush got Saddam confused with Bin Laden and trying to be Daddy's good little boy. Of what is left, oil gives more meaning to the death of those Americans in Iraq

    So perhaps the answer is all that destruction , all that death, all that money, to say it is oil makes people feel like it is less waste , than Bush having mental problems

  • 1 decade ago

    Polictical status is a very conterversal style of proytraying oneself, however I do agree with your way of thinking to a certain way of the habitatants in Iraq,but why would a day to day working class person, as in "The Pope" be so concerned.Greediness is the answer,that cames in many forms!

    Source(s): Common knowledge.
  • 1 decade ago

    We went to Iraq on bad intelliegence that Iraq had WMDs. But I can bet another reason was for oil. But it isn't like others think. They don't want to secure that area because 'Bush wants money with his oil friends'. It's more like if we lose the Iraq oil to another country, our country would be in trouble.

    This country will die if we run out of oil. We need it for transportation and such.

    This is not the reason we are staying though. Only the ignorant think so.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since the Bush administration has lied repeatedly about the reasons for invading Iraq, we are left to draw our own conclusions. War profiteering seems to be a likely scenario as many of Bush's cronies are tied to Bechtel and Halliburton. Since oil is Iraq's chief export (by a longshot), it is logical to assume that it plays a role in the Bush administration's interest. In fact, Paul Wolfowitz himself stated: “There’s a lot of money to pay for this that doesn’t have to be U.S. taxpayer money, and it starts with the assets of the Iraqi people…and on a rough recollection, the oil revenues of that country could bring between $50 and $100 billion over the course of the next two or three years…We’re dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon.”

  • 1 decade ago

    oil is Americas"s blood, with out it were done. but even worse compare the us dollars to foreign , china has invested in t bills in the trillions and Americas debt is in trillions, we are in big trouble. the gold in reserve is gone, time to stock up on precious metals.

    i dont think its just oil but three things, hatred towards Americas ( being sold out by politicians)freedom being sold for profit.

    oil of course its been sought for years

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