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Impeaching George Bush?

If the US House of Representatives can vote to impeach a president for lying to a grand jury about an affair while in office (Bill Clinton), why is it that Republicans are against impeaching George Bush for a far greater impropriety - getting us into an offensive war with at least half a dozen varying justifications?

It's not that I support impeaching GWB, and I understand that Nancy Pelosi has said she won't push for impeachment. At the time of the Clinton impeachment, historians warned the Republicans against the impeachment on such flimsy wrongdoing.

Nonetheless, how do those who support GWB square the two presidents' actions in their heads?


Love you: I am not asking this question to support Bill Clinton but merely to make a point that one political party will use a minor reason to impeach (indict) a president when a far worse situation is brewing and nothing is being said.

The other poster had it right - it's about politics, not about doing what is right. If Bush was a Democrat, I would imagine the Republicans would be talking about impeaching him for Iraq.

Update 2:

crus: Actually I am not ignorant of the American political process. (BA in Political Science)

For those who say that Bush didn't know there weren't WMDs in Iraq and that he didn't "cherry pick" intelligence to suit his purposes, those claims have been disproved by many, many sources. Bush by his own actions has shown he didn't believe his own justifications, since he keeps changing them.

Update 3:

To call me: I tried to respond to your personal e mail; however, it wouldn't go through because your e mail hasn't been confirmed. Obviously you read my bio but not closely enough. I am not an education major but a Political Science & Journalism major, with over a dozen years as a reporter and almost 10 years as a teacher.

And as I stated in my bio. those who resort to name calling without backing up their comments with research really have nothing to say. Everyone has an opinion. You attitribute the Democrats' reasons for not wanting to impeach because you say they don't have a case. I would attribute it to the fact that they were elected to get something done in Washington DC over the next two years and impeachment would place everything on hold and further politicize an already nasty political environment.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great just points out the Republican's incredible hypocrisy

  • 1 decade ago

    Republicans in Congress knew going into Impeachment of Clinton they did not have the votes in the Senate. They did it anyway at a cost of over $40 million. They did it to try and win the next elections by making Clinton look bad. IE Al Gore look bad.

    Democrats don't have the votes in the Senate to impeach but they should go ahead with impeachment anyways. Investigate all of bush's crimes while in office. Pelosi does not speak for all Democrats. Impeachment has already been introduced in the House and the crimes are now part of the Congressional record for all to read.

    BTW, In 2000, Al Gore got 50,996,000 votes. Bush only got 50,456,000 votes. Gore won. Kerry also won Ohio in 2004.

    Source(s): a not for profit blog with no adds and no spam. get this link before it is removed by those who hate the truth.
  • 1 decade ago

    what the u.s. needs is king and queen. look at great britian they dont have problems. like the u.s. does!!

    get rid of all presidents and let the people rule the way it should be!!!!

    lower all prices and build houses for the poor. and give them lixury like them dumb people sitting behind a desk making millions. and not spending a dime for the economy.

    and delete all taxes and give back to america!!

    where you earn an honest living and can finally be happy once more. and not have any money problems. and can afford food on the table. and a nice meal for once!!

    and can enjoy the quiet life and not have to run everywhere you go to beat the clock kind of ****!!

    and can sit and relax with a good book by the fireplace and can totally relax.

    and have money in your pocket and money in the bank . a nice automobile and a nice home and live the good life. and not have to worry about your neighbors.

    and to really know your neighbors the way god intended!!!

    Source(s): david s.
  • 1 decade ago

    Partisan interests.

    unfortunately, the country has become so divided that there's not much of a chance, as the people in office right now are not trying to do what's best for their country, they're trying to do what is best for the Party. And that means that the American people are the ones stuck with the problem. And a lot of them seem to think that the President has a good reason which he doesn't really have to share, or they buy his official stance.

    There are legal grounds, and many of them. violating the constitution with Gitmo, suspending habeas corpus, ect. Violation of the War powers act might be another... There are lots. And they all fall under high crimes and misdemeanors.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    George Bush needs to be Impeached!! he is going to send this country into bankruptcy!!! with all of the money we are spending on that crazy war in Iraq he is really doing a very bad job. running this country. I think he will go down as the worse President in the whole Presidency.

    Source(s): He needs t o Be Impeached!!!
  • hobin
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Congressman Dennis Kucinich. regrettably, he replaced right into a splash on the late side. what's the factor anymore? Bush is a lame duck with some months left on the Presidency. this could have been finished whilst it ought to have saved our financial gadget and greater importantly the lives of over 4000 squaddies. yet i think of back then everybody replaced into questioning an analogous factor--President Cheney. style of leaves a foul style in the mouth once you're saying that, does not it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is the most blatant example of Bushies' dishonesty. They have followed the Big Lie theory proposed by Josef Goebbels, the idea that if you say something enough times people will begin to believe it, no matter how incorrect it is. Bush's presidency is run on this idea.

    His supporters are able to rationalize all his failures and actions as somehow the right thing to do. With this idea, his addiction to lying (among other things), is somehow for the good of this country. Even if that *good* involves thousands of our best citizens denying for a still unknown reason, trillions of dollars (ours, our kids, our grandkids and our great grandkids') money being wasted for no real reason.

    But hey- we caught Saddam who actually killed less people was more honest about his intentions and more economically intelligent than Bush.

    But support him, idiots. When you complain about this country falling apart all you have to do is look in the mirror to find the reason why.

  • 1 decade ago

    It won't happen...and when you think about who would take over, maybe its just as well. It gets back to the Golden Rule(Them that has the gold rules). If there is anything the big Republican interests have, its money. In the Clinton debaucle, there was no opportunity for big under the table sweetheart deals or no- bid contracts or any of the other things present in a declaration of war......and I guess it teeked them off so they started impeachment proceedings against Clinton. Thought for the day....working class people voting Republican is a lot like chickens voting for Col Saunders.

    Source(s): My opinion...
  • 1 decade ago

    Be checking back with this questions answers just for the latest illogical B.S. reasoning--you'll be lucky to get 5 posts for this question from cons with brain.

    I really enjoy the ones that try to say he's done absolutely nothing wrong. Lying to Congress about the reasons for war, which propolled them to vote for war is a federal offense.

    The Bush family didn't buy property in South America, in a country with no extradition clause---for summer vacations.

    The impeachment of Clinton killed two birds with one stone for the neo-cons plotting the election of 2000. They didn't care how much a trial would cost--bankrupting the general fund in order to justify cuts in social services is their modus operandi (something like a war does pretty good to meet that objective too). It also enabled them to attach Democrats to immoralness and therefore doom Al Gore.

    The reasoning behind Dems not calling for immediate impeachment is simple. You start at the bottom and work your way up--the evidence for impeachment will come out in waves and GWB last signing statement will be he resignation. Calling for his head from atop the mountain would only give neo-cons ammunition in 2008--we have the ability to remain patient and cautious--why give up that edge?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The US has been in many wars and we have never

    impeached the sitting president because the war was

    unpopular. Neither will we this one. By the way, you

    never know, this war could turn out to be a blessing in

    the long run. We've always had casualties in every war

    and this one is no different. Concerning Slick Willy, he

    lied to the Grand Jury......this is major stuff. Lying under

    oath................egad. This wasn't just about an affair (in

    the White House no less), it was about lying under oath.

  • 1 decade ago

    You obviously are in denial or ignorant on how the American government works. for one thing it doesn't matter what the lie is about if you lie under oath even if you are president you are guilty of lying period, but I guess that depends on what the definition of is is. If you are saying it's not fair that Clinton got impeached and bush didn't because of going to Iraq then under those rules you would have to impeach most of congress because after seeing the same intelligence that Bush saw they voted almost unanimously to declare war on Saddam. the two actions are like apples and oranges one lied (clinton under oath) the other thought he was doing something that would help keep America safe) and so did most of congresss.

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