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he bit the face of a three year old?

the father bit the child, he was taken to court ,only had to pay £100 compensation to the child ,now he wants to get back with the mother and child ,,,he says he will never do that again ,he was just angry,should she allow him back after an 8 year relation ship,do we let him have a second chance,,,after all the childs only three,and could he do this again ,? he says he misses them ,,and he knows he did wrong ,,do we believe him when he says he will never hurt her again ,,,,,???the little girl has a one year old brother,,,they have the same father,,,can we ever trust him again ?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't recommend taking this man back. If he bit him in the face out of anger what will happen the next time he snaps? It is unsafe for the mother and child.

  • 1 decade ago

    "He" needs therapy lots of it. Some people are one time offenders. He might have had a bad childhood a cycle he shouldn't repeat. They have two children, it's hard for her to raise the children and if this only happened once then deal with his mental issues so it will never happen again. The child is three, if he didn't bite a chunk out of the child the child has already moved on. he or she remembers getting bit that day and might bite someone else the next. My toddler bites people all the time(usually provoked) but all the same toddlers don't dwell on that stuff we do.

    The thing is why is and adult acting out like and infant???? HE needs mental attention. Give him some rope he can be a greatest husband ever or he can hang himslef. I doubt when the children are grown that they will remeber the incident other than the part about the court having him pay the fine. i don't know the compensation conversion. I'm in the USA. West coast doesn't use £

    My prayers go out to the family

    Source(s): I'm a mother of two small daughters and go thru legal famliy law issues often
  • 1 decade ago

    How Sad ! Poor little Girl, she must have got bit pretty hard.

    This is a tough one. Has the man ever abused the kids before, is he short tempered and cranky to the Kids all the time, Or is he normally an even tempered man and this is the first time he has ever done such a thing.

    I think this is something the Mother needs to pray about, and weigh out his actions with the kids.

    If he is normally a very loving and kind man with them then I think he should have a second chance, but always watched very carefully.

    If this man is a short tempered man, always yelling at the kids, and treating them badly then NO WAY this man should not have a second chance.

    No matter what the kids should come first not the man, and I hope the that's how the mother feels too.

  • 1 decade ago

    DONT LET HIM BACK IN THAT HOUSE!! It doesnt matter if he knows he did wrong. That doesnt mean he wont do it again. My son was abused for 2 years straight before the state did anything about it. They were only giving his father supervised visits until recently. They then decided to let him have him, unsupervised because he was 'reformed' so to speak, and knew he had done wrong, and swore to never do it again. Yet, not even two months into it, my son again started showing up with bruises after each visit. Instead of on his face this time, like the last time, they were on his legs and chest, where they werent as visible to the public. Dont make the same mistake we did. Keep him away from those kids, it is possible that it will happen again!!

    Source(s): Personal Experience
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  • 1 decade ago

    I think when it comes to trusting someone who hurt your child is really a huge gamble with the relationship with your child and their livelihood. As a parent your #1 interest is for the protection of your child. Imagine 15 years later if this guy is still in the picture or not you 18 year asking you why in the world did you let this person back to hurt us over and over. In life we come up to decisions and this is a tough one. Suggesting counseling and therapy and at least some type of outside help with therapy to prevent this angry person to come into the picture. If you choose to do so. Trust comes with precautionary measures and steps in the right direction. I wouldn't leave him w/ the kids unattended. Is he truly sorry and are you willing to risk him hurting them again.

    Pray a lot and good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    This man is evil. He has no business around ANYONES children! He should be in a mental institution...locked away from children. Any woman who knows the nature of this mans personality and knows what he has already done would absolutely be guilty of deliberately neglecting to protect her children ....and deserves to permanently lose them if she ever willingly allowed this disgusting monster into her home for ANY reason, regardless.

    There is no viable excuse for letting that wicked personality back into the home of the victimized and traumatized child. The mother should be locked away if she is stupid enough (or calloused enough) to deliberately put her kids in harms way like that ever again. That mother should get whatever protection from this dangerously mentally imbalanced man that is provided by law for herself and for her innocent and helpless babies. A three year old cannot protect his/her self from an adult...most especially from a dangerous creep like that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if the mother gets back with that evil bugger, she deserves to have her children taken into care!

    words dont mean anything in that kinda relationship, sorry but its true, like alcoholics saying theyl never drink again, or cheaters sayin theyl never cheat on the same person again.! why on earth would somebody want to be with someones so mentally ill and angry that they bite the face of an innocent child, that cant defend its self

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i wouldn't want him around my kids with out supervision. I think once a parent crosses a certain line they lose that trust, and the responsibility of being parent. parents are suppose to love and protect their kids, keep them out of harms way. They are suppose to set a positive example to their children. No i wouldn't let him near my child unless the courts made me, even then i would ask for the visitation to be supervised, so no harm would come to that child.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The mother of this little boy would be a fool to let that man back in. After what he did, she needs to ensure her son that this lunatic of a man never has the opportunity to hurt her son again

  • 1 decade ago

    No I would never put my precious childrens lives in any way of harm or danger, that man that did that needs Intense counseling, I dont care if your angry or not, you are grown man, and should know better than to take your anger out on a INNOCENT baby!

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