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when should I tell them?

When should I tell people I am pregnant?

With my 1st child, people found out really early as I ended up in hospital with extreme sickness and dehydration.

My fiancee knows - just wondering at what stage you told people.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think close people such as your mum/ best friend etc can be told early, but definately wait till 12 weeks to tell everyone else. It would be terrible to tell everyone and then miscarry, and have people come up and ask you how the pregnancy is going. Waiting till 12 weeks pretty much avoids this.

    Source(s): 3 pregnancies, blessed with 3 children.
  • 1 decade ago

    It's up to you. I told family as soon as I knew and close friends when I saw them. But most people I didn't tell until I was 12 weeks.

    What you want to avoid is telling people you don't know very well who might not find out the news if the pregnancy didn't work out. If you were to be unfortunate enough to have a miscarriage, the last thing you want is the friend of a friend coming up to you a month later and asking you how your pregnancy is going.

    So until the first trimester is over, it's best to just tell people within your close circle.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depending on your relationships with family members, I would tell the closest (mom, sis) right now. I would wait to tell anyone else (not so close friends, coworkers, etc) until you are at least 12 weeks. The reason is that most miscarriages happen in the first trimester. If, God Forbid, anything should happen, you won't be swamped with, "So, how's the baby?" from everyone you know. And because Mom and Sis know, they can help you through the tough times. You're in my prayers to keep this from happening, but if it does, it's easier to deal with on a lesser known basis. Good Luck to you and Blessings...

  • Erika
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    With both of my pregnancies, I waited until after the first trimester to tell family. I told my friends when I was about 4 months along.

    There is no "right" time to tell everyone that you are pregnant, it is all a matter of when you are comfortable.

    Source(s): 23 weeks pregnant with #2
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  • 1 decade ago

    I told the people I was closest too right away because I figure even if I lost the baby I would need their support. I told everyone else at some point throughout my pregnancy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Congratulations. Most folks wait until after the first trimester (3 months). I wish you a well and happy pregnancy.

    Source(s): Personal experience.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most couples like to wait until the first trimester is over. Only because you are more likely to miscarry in the first

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell them when you feel comfortable some people tell as soon as they find out. My neice is 8 mos and just told me so it depends on the person i suppose.

  • 1 decade ago

    usually after your first trimester since that's when he risk dramatically decrease. however, tell who you want when you want.

    if it was me, i'd tell my man first (which is obviously what you've done). then as time passed, my parents and my best friend. then after the first trimester, the rest of my family and coworkers and such

  • 1 decade ago

    i only told ppl last week

    im 5 months pregnant now

    but its upto you

    my reason was personal - it depends how long you want to keep it a secret for

    congrats btw ;)

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