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I still love her. What can I do?

My gf broke up w/ me about 5 months ago but I'm still not over her. She was my 1st gf and I haven't had 1 since her. (I don't want anyone but her either) She really didn't hav a good reason 4 breaking up w/ me but we said we still wanted 2 be friends. That didn't really happen and now we haven’t talked in at least 4 months. We see each other at school all the time but we never say anything 2 each other. I really miss her and I’ve tried but I just can’t get over her. Any suggestions on getting her back? How am I supposed 2 just start tlking 2 her after ignoing each other the past 4 months? Thanks.


I can't just let her go i've tried. Theres a lot of girls that I think are hot but I have no feelings 4 them that r even remotely close 2 the feelings I have for her.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its simular to my boyfriend and i seperated and i still call him babes and tell him i love him but he does not want me to.he says he loves me but just afraid of being heart know the girl well ok.if you really love her then just talk to her.try to swollow your pride and all will be ok.I dont promise you will get her in an instant but if you all talk and hang out again then eventually she will realize what she was missing in d past 4 months and she will start to fall in love all over again.maybe its bacause of her school or parents that she is acting this way.When you talk to her just try not to bring up the past untill like about a month after you all start talking again.This will avoid conflicts.Just let her know you wnat her to concentrate on school and pass.i think you should too.Peace out!!Hope I helped

  • i am in the EXACT same predictament except my gf broke up with me about 3 months ago and like u i just cant get over her! i mean she wasnt really a ''good'' girlfriend cause she never really did n e thing with me but i was just mesmerized with her. i can truely say that i love her even though im only a sophopmre in high school and like u i havent had a gf after her even though i kissed alot i just havent moved on and i REALLY tried i just couldnt. she moved on though and she likes other people and it kinda tears me apart inside when i see her with other ppl.

    hey if u wanna talk 2 me more about this u can email me off my profile page cause i really wanna figure out how 2 get my old gf back and we could trade suggestions since we both have the same problem basically

  • Dutch
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    In high school I was not a romeo. I didn't get a real girlfriend till my 17th birthday, and then the girls came at me like flies to honey. I was dating a model in Chicago at 17 who was 18 and in the 3 months I lived there 14 girls were interested in me. The attention I got, got me fired from my job at Goldblatts dept store. Since then I have been engaged at least 5 times and I don't look like Brad Pitt. The point is love comes and love goes. someday you will find the perfect person for you....I did. In the meantime have fun.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dan - bless your heart....your first girlfriend. When I read your post my mind shot WAAAAY back to my first boyfriend.....we were both in the 9th grade - he was the captain of the football team and he dumped me because I wouldn't "put out". ;( I was devastated, and for a long time, I did not want anyone but him too....but you know, I got over it. Yes, really I did. She will hold a special place in your heart forever more....yes, you will love again, but the first will be distinct in your mind. Don't hold on...just let go...accept that she let you go - she no longer valued your company for whatever she let go - you have to do the same, sweetie. Find some neat things to do....and defintley talk to other girls...that is what I did...and I ended up meeting my Husband. I know exactly what you are going through, and I hope what I said helps somehow.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You need to look toward the future and realize that there are other girls out there for you. The only way to find out is to give it a chance. To do that you have to get over her. She broke up with you and she has moved on with her life and now you must do the same.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just give it some more time and you will get over her and if you are grown up enough friendship will come in the future it just all takes time. it can take years it can take weeks it just depends on you. But you can get over her, just let go slowly and continue to avoid her for awhile until you feel comfortable enough to say hi to her again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i feel u brother

    i mean everyone has their first love

    my first love, i tried to get over it and i did

    it been a long miserable 2 years to get over him

    trust me, just move on

    u will get over her

    it will be sooner as u never think about

    try to goin out with friend, get to know more new people

    think the bright side of life

  • jude
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    she is ignoring u for a reason and if she wanted to be with u she would be there. it is hard to loose someone we love, but we have to face the true facts, that maybe the person doesn't want to be with us anymore. takes a long time to get over someone, depending on the level of love we felt for them. can't put your life on hold for her, just have to wait and see what happens and just go on with life.

  • 1 decade ago

    i have the same problem just start with small talk like saying hi in the halls then grow sooner or later she has to say something besides hi and if she asks u y u have been talking to her just say the truth

  • zimba
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    obviously she's decided she doesnt want to be with you now, so theres not much you can do about that. dont try to chnage to win her back, then it wont be you. just find other things to think about until you dont notice it anymore. there will be someone else better suited to you that you will fall in love with.

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