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SERIOUS ONLY: Why do other religions try to convert those who are not of their religion?

As I was reading the questions today, I noticed many questions with answers trying to convert those of non-Christian religion to Christianity. Everyone has the right to their religion, whether it be Pagan, Christianity, Muslim, and so forth. Why do people have to believe their religion is the only way?

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Part of the answer lies in human nature; we like/want our opinions/beliefs validated by many, it makes us feel good or that we must be "correct" - this is, however, the fallacy of appealing to authority (group).

    Another part of it lies in the early Dogmatic indoctrination done in many religions: Get someone who is young; tell them whatever you believe as "truth"; by the time they are 20 (or so) NO amount of contrary evidence is likely to sway their (now ingrained) belief. (You could liken it to a sci-fi movie "brainwashing")

    Then there are those who experience "a miracle" and believe that since they cannot explain it, it must be divine - the fallacy here is that even though YOU can't explain something, it is not necessarily inexplicable.

    The crux is that most of these people truly mean well (in their own, distorted, way) and most are not crazy (or stupid). Really, many believe so strongly that they are correct, that they really are trying to "save" all of the rest of us.

    Source(s): "Why People Believe Weird Things" - Michael Shermer
  • 1 decade ago

    Because people are ignorant and seeing that people are different and have an even harder time trying to accept that. Some people convert for saftey(to escape their country) some people convert for the one they love(converting to become a jew) another reason is because i think once a single person and others have grown on something so pwerful as a religion they start to question why there was ever a different way. I think it's just a matter of trying to get everyone to be alike because people have grown so attached to what they've been taught growing up hope i hepled =)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not all religions do. For that matter, not all Christians denominations are evangelical. Most religios groups who are not (the majority, statistically) believe they should teach what they believe to be the truth and will welcome converts--but its a mistake to think they all--or even the majority-- go out beating the bushes for converts.

    As to why the Christian evangelical denominations do this--this, at least, is one thing where they DO have "Biblical authroity" Christ--andPaul--were very clear about the Christian having a duty to preach the "Good News" of the gospel. But it would be nice ifthe fundamentalists would quit being so obnoxious about it! :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because we have to spread the message of God and some think they know something others don't know... if you had the knowledge to cure a disease which is impossible tu cure untill then, would you not share with your loved ones.

    So that is why people want to share their own trurths... though i am a Muslim i understand that everyone has the right to have opinions on their knowledge.

    Sometimes though people need to wonder am i in the right way... so they can go find out the truth without nobody telling them... this is the true wise person....

    But God knows best...

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  • 1 decade ago

    Dear Angela,

    Everyone has the right to die as well, but we stop people every day who try to commit suicide and help them if we can. The principle here is the same.

    You have the right to worship as you please, but all religions save Paganism, Hindu and Judaism, believe in trying to reach the lost and save them from their mistake.

    I know this seems arrogant at first glance, but think of it another way. We believe so strongly that our way is right, not best right that we do everything we possibly can to win you over. Not for our benefit but yours. We already have the answer and believe we are commanded to go out preaching to all nations. I do not know where it is found in the Koran but in the Bible it is called the Great Commission in Matthew 28: 16-20.

    We cannot force you to accept and many ere in their attempts to follow this doctrine. But, the Bible is clear that it is a Christians duty to help save the lost.

    I hope this explains it better for you. If you have been assaulted instead of loved I apologize for my fellow brothers and sisters. I was once over zealous and I wonder how many times I pushed some one away instead of showing the light.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are absolutely right. They are stubborn and fools. Certainly, they don't have confidence on the existence of their own religion. Hence, by the name of God or at times by showing the monetary benefits they propogate christianity and try the non-christians to convert into their religion.

    As the age-old sanskrit saying says, 'Vinaasakale Vipareeta Budhi' i.e., 'the wrong attitude works at the time of destruction' is working in the minds of all those propogators. Never mind, according to Bhavishyat Purana, the christianity will not exist forever.

  • Kaia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Some sects of Christianity believe that "spreading the word" of God is part of the requirement of the religion. (I've drawn a complete blank on the word for it, but I'll wake up about 2 a.m. from a dead sleep and know it.)

    (*shrug*) Personally, I find it just annoying. I also find it annoying when someone tells me I'm going to experience eternal damnation if I don't convert. I work in corporate America, I experience eternal damnation 5 days a week...two more isn't going to make that much difference.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If a person belongs to a religion that endorses the physical and sexual abuse of children, or in human sacrifice, should they be left alone to practice their religion? What about a little old lady whose income is being drained by their church? How about a church that believes everyone needs to commit suicide on a certain day?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Asatru doesn't. We don't believe that there is one true religion for everyone, nor is such a thing even desirable.

    I think a big part of the reason monotheistic religions try to convert people is because they believe in only one god and think anyone who isn't worshiping him is worshiping a "false god" and therefore is going to burn in hell. I think in part they do mean well, but they are misguided.

    And to the poster "Uziell" down below: My religion isn't an "Earth religion". (And there is nothing at all wrong with Earth based religions.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because every monotheistic religion (with the possible exception of Buddhism) says to do it, and anyone who doesn't convert goes to hell or the equivalent thereof.

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