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can someone help me something is wrong!!!?

ok well i usually count 28 days between my periods or less....i my periods wwere due to come on the 16th of january it hasnt come as close friends periods came and is finished for this month already....i know that you can only get pregnant like 2 or 3 days before ovulation but i didnt have sex around the 13-15th of january....can some body tell me whats wrong....i have a pregnance test here but i have to wait on the urine to take it....i am only 17....maybe its late or something???

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Honey, once you ovulate, and there is an egg in your fallopian (sp?) tube, uterus, or other part of your womb, you can get pregnant. Plus, sperm can live inside your body for up to 5 days. So if you had sex a week before you ovulate or anytime afterwards, you can be pregnant.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can get pregnant at any time of the month. Women generally ovulate 14 days prior the start of their next period but many things can affect your body's cycle and cause ovulation earlier or later. You need to be using birth control all of the time.

    This could be just a really late period, or you might just not have one this month - you're young, so your periods will probably still be slightly irregular from time to time, or you could very well be pregnant. Try the urine test.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If your period was due on the 16th and you had sex anytime between say around 23rd DEC and 9th Jan, you could be pregnant. You usually ovulate somewhere around the middle of your cycle, around 2nd Jan, based on the date you expected to get your period. A week either side of that date is dangerous if you are trying to avoid pregnancy. Three days either side of that and its almost definite. Take the test. Good luck. If you want to avoid pregnancy, try using a condom. It will also help you avoid STDs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi. Well if you didn't have intercourse, there are many other factors as to why it didn't come on time. I never get mine on time, but i'm just used to it. Here are some reasons as to why maybe you haven't got your period yet:

    Pregnancy: is the most common cause of amenorrhea. Periods are not expected to resume until after childbirth and breast-feeding women may also find that they don't have periods.

    Recently started periods: For about a year after your first period it's not uncommon for your cycle to be very erratic or even to miss your period for several months.


    1. Major changes in your life, (new job, sudden massive workload, bereavement) can create enough stress to make you to miss your period.

    2. Rapid weight gain or loss can cause amenorrhea. In particular amenorrhea is associated with malnutrition or low body fat caused by eating disorders.

    3. Too much exercise, often connected with heavy dieting, can also stop your periods. Just because you're really fit, stopping your periods isn't any healthier. Periods are a sign of your body working properly.

    4. In some cases heavy smoking can also be the cause of amenorrhea.

    Serious illness: Any illness affecting your reproductive organs or their hormones, such as a tumour in the brain (pituitary gland) as well as any serious illness. Particular ovary conditions include ovary damage, autoimmune ovary disorder and Turner's Syndrome. In addition to the actual illness, some treatments also cause amenorrhea, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy and some medications. You should check with your GP if you're unsure about any of your medication.

    Mental health and emotional disorders: For example depression and pseudocyesis, which is a condition where a woman convinces herself that she is pregnant when she isn't. The psychological effect is so strong that her periods may actually stop.

    Hormonal conditions: For example hormonal or masculinisation disorders. Also if you stop taking a hormonal contraceptive your period may not start again for anything between three months and a year.

    Hope this help ;)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Actually you can get pregnant anytime..You just have the best chance of getting pregnant during the time that you're ovulating.

    Take a pregnancy test, and good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I got pregnant about 3 days after my period with my daughter and I never use to ovulate until about two weeks after my period. I hope you will be prepared for a baby at 18 (nothing wrong with that if you are ready to be a parent, thats when my first child was born.) good luck congrats

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't completely freak out yet. Your body can change if you are stressed about something, School can be a very stressful time. Anything could be off balance. Take the test and see what it says.Your hormones could be out of whack. Are you using birth control? Good Luck!

  • KathyS
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sperm can live for more then 2-3 days. If you had sex anytime at all around that time, you may be pregnant.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes people ovulate different than others and people have been known to get pregnant when they didn't think they were ovulating.

  • 1 decade ago

    could be late, could be stress , there's a million reasons but just to be on the safe side take the test

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