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Could i introduce my 8mo baby to cows milk?

It is just to get him used to it so he'll drink it at childcare etc. I still intend to breastfeed him though. Is cows milk dangerous to an 8mo in small amounts daily?


He won't take formula (tried that one for weeks) & drinks out of a sipper not bottle. I otherwise breastfeed him 3 x day. Expressing my own milk is not an option.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No its not dangerous you can give him cows milk from 6 months. Its not recommended you replace all his feeds as there isnt sufficient iron in cows milk. A small amount will be fine though as long as you are continuing to feed him yourself. Follow on formula is made from cows milk and has extra nutrients if you wanted to give him some formula sometimes. The iron in your breastmilk becomes less after 6 months too so you should make sure he gets plenty in his diet from other foods x

    p.s i think the lack of iron being a problem confuses people and makes them think its dangerous, its not.

    Source(s): Nursery Nurse
  • 1 decade ago

    Your son should not be drinking cow's milk at all. Avoid formula which is whey based as well. There is absolutely nothing in cow's milk which is needed or beneficial for human infants. Get a breast pump so the babysitter has a fresh supply of your milk to feed your son while you are away.

    Humans are the only animal that drinks milk past infancy, and then it's not even from the correct species! Too many people are still trying to defend milk's supposed health benefits. Unfortunately, they are either using old information or information obtained from research funded by the dairy association. How many people would enjoy a glass of dog's milk or rat's milk? What makes cows special?

    There are only two reasons which I've found to support humans drinking cow's milk. We have grown up hearing that it's good for us and we've grown accustomed to the taste and texture. There is absolutely no nutrition that can not be obtained elsewhere, minus the negatives. Calcium seems to be the major claim for milk. It can be found elsewhere in green vegetables, almonds, and many other sources. Where do you think the cows obtain the calcium to put into the milk? Where do other larger animals (elephants, horses, deer, whales, etc) get calcium? Why we continue to drink cow's milk laced with growth hormones, antibiotics, and who knows what else is beyond me.

    Since I've given up drinking milk about 5 years ago my health has greatly improved. I suffer fewer allergy problems, asthma and breathing problems are greatly reduced, I'm sleeping better, and I have more energy.

    In the '50s smoking was considered harmless but now we realize its dangers. One person at a time and eventually the truth will become widely known that cow's milk is only for baby cows. Milk is indeed the perfect food, but only for infants of the proper species.

    Do some research online and decide for yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO! There has got to be some formula out there he will drink, keep trying. Do not give him cows milk until after 1 year old. Hand express or pump some breast milk and mix it with an ounce of formula so he can get used to the taste . . . He will drink the formula if he is hungry enough . . .

  • 1 decade ago

    When you say cows milk it souns like you want to grab a pail and get some milk straight from the source. I'm assuming you are just talking about vitamin D pasturized milk. As far as giving a child regular milk it is fine but it doesn't have all the nutrients of your milk. You could leave your own milk at the day care, my sister would use a pump and leave about 8 bottles when she wasn't there.

    If that is the only thing your little one can get than by all means do what you gotta do. If anything, I would use formula first before you settle for regular milk.

    I hope this helps

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Doctors usually say to wait until the child is about 12 months old but it varies. I was feeding my babies weetbix with cowsmilk for brekky from 6 months of age without a problem. If you want to give it to them in a bottle mix it with a bit of water. Some babies won't have formula or breastmilk and are given cows milk from a very young age (on doctors orders). My kids love milk and it never did any harm to them. I would give it to him and watch for any reactions after you give it to him the first few times but unless there's any family history of allergies to dairy you should be pretty safe. Goodluck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd wait until around 10 months than slowly introduce it to him. Mix it with your breast milk, slowly adding more cows milk to the breast milk every week until hes completely drinking just cows milk.

  • Cocoa
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No, he can not have cow's milk until he is a least a year old. Talk to you doctor about other options.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can not give cow's milk to a child under a year old. Their digestive systems aren't developed enough for it yet.

    Source(s): 10+ years of working for pediatricians
  • 1 decade ago

    i really think you should wait.the Dr.would probally advise you to wait until your sweetie is 12 months old.for now i feel you should really pump especially since you said your still going to don't want to get engorged.maybe the formula your giving him is milk based and it bothers his tummy..........yeah you should speak to your Dr.good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    cows milk only at 9 months until 2 years old homo milk,,,,to wean off of breast milk,,,mix his milk with cow milk then gradually only cows milk

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