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Are you for or against banning BSL? (Breed Specific Legislation)?

This video may make you cry whethrer or not you are for or against may even make you change your mind.


the link may not work for some people...try copying and pasting it into your browser. I hope everyone gets the opportunity to see it.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was not able to pull up the video but I understand what you are bringing up.

    I see both sides of this issue and feel that there needs to be a stiff regulation on Back Yard Breeders, whether it be the Poodle or the Bit Bull. The majority of them have AKC papers on their pet but it is not the AKC papers that make a dog a quality dog.

    Back Yard Breeders should have to be educated about the breed standards of the breed they have chosen, know how to reconize faults, perdisposistions, use genetic to better the breed. The majority of them have no idea as to the what faults their dogs carry and breed the fault into a poor little puppy that has all kinds of problems.

    There is always aggression in all dogs regarless of their size but some dogs are more predisposed for it than other, the ones that are on the list of biters and attackers should have to go through temperament testing. Even some of the others breed do have aggression problems even Golden Retreivers.

    I went to school to learn how to train dogs, I ended up at a local school that trained dogs in aggression. And believe it or not but an aggressive dog suitable for aggression training is hard to find. So there is not as many as one would think. And to pull out the aggression in a type B dogs takes some work. A type A dog is the most dominate pup of a litter, the highest in the pecking order.

    Something needs to be done to cut down the Breeders that are consistantly breeding in pet quality dogs. They, sorry to say, simply don't know enough to be competent breeders. Again, they should have to attend educational classes and have a special license to breed. There are laws like this but they are not enforced.

    The Pits and dogs that are making the news need to start all over again. Eliminate the existing bullies, keep the good one. It is up to the human population to control the over population of some of these known biters and attackers. If that means turning in your neighbor, then turn him in.

    When you look at Conrad Lorenz or Pavof and their studies on aggression one needs to know canine behavior better than the back of your hand. Most BYBer's don't understand canine behavior and atribute human behavior to their pets.

    Ignorance is to blame, with a lack of strict restrictions on breeding we will continue to have this problem and we need to help stop the over population first and enabe strict laws with large penelties.

    (spell checker isn't working)

    Source(s): Canine Psycoligist, Master Canine Trainer,
  • 1 decade ago

    I am completely against it! The only stories the news likes to share is when the breed does something wrong! What about the sweet rotties and pitbulls out there that don't do a thing? It's the owners who need put down, not the dogs! Maybe we need background checks on people before they are able to own certain breeds. Every supposed "bad" dog I have met has been the sweetest animal with people. I've owned a pit and a rottie, both very sweet animals. I hope no laws are passed except maybe a person background check! It's not the animals fault they get idiots for owners sometimes!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well, I'm in the states, but my last 4 votes for Pres. were based almost entirely on environmental issues. ALL my local votes were based that way. Most environmentally interested candidates also tend to favor laws which support animal care, not lessen it. So in the case of the upcoming US election, I will once again be voting for the most environmental candidate- that wil most likely be Edwards or Clinton. The only candidate I know that is FOR BSL is Rudy Giuliani, but having lived so close to NYC while he was there- you couldn't pay me to vote for him even without the BSL or environmental issues. I hope you Canadians vote that jerkoff right out of office. Basset's post about mutts having no CKC registration and therefore no protection scared the living s hit out of me yesterday... I kept thinking, "what if it happens here and they show up on my porch?" My dog looks nothing like a 'pit' but is white with spots and ****** floppy ears and she does bark and growl ferociously at strangers until commanded to 'say hi.' How could I protect my dog?

  • I am totally against it. I believe that no matter where you live you should be able to own any breed of your choosing. The BSL is just a form of the government controlling another aspect of your life. I think the BSL should be done away with.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Thats a hard question! I think in a lot of cases, its because the owner isn't responsible. I think pitts, rotts, etc can be great dog if taken care of and trained properly - my friend has a pitt that is just a big baby, but she has also trained him well. I also think some aggressive dogs can be rehabilitated, but some are beyond help. Perhaps an easier way is to limit who has access to the breed. Make sure they are responsible owners.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Against it. I've shown dogs all my life and I know that it's just bad breeding by evil people which causes the problems we have been having. How about it we ban breeding of stupid people? Then maybe we could control the problem. I've seen that video several times (actually last night again). I get teary just hearing the song let alone seeing the images. How we can betray our best friends like that is so horrible. I feel like I can't even imagine it and yet it's right there in front of me.

    Source(s): Show/rescue dogs.
  • 1 decade ago

    I would take for granted with not looking at the video that this pertains to pit bulls and aggressive natured dogs.

    I do think that legislation does have the right to argue and present their sides, but I have mixed feelings on this.

    Dogs do what they are trained to do. I have a friend who owns two pit bulls and they are the biggest babies I have ever seen (next to my dog) lol. If you are in a location where dogs are trained to attack and do so on a regular basis (such as seen on the news frequently) then band them. If the dogs are being used for fighting, then once again band them.

    One black friend of mine has his dog trained to attack black people and he is really calm and a good dog around white people. When I asked him why his dog was like this he stated that their is not white people in my neighborhood, and if he is going to robbed or mistreated his dog will defend him. This an example on how not to train your dog, and why legisltion present and argue such topics.

    Bring up your dog to be friendly and give it lots of love and legislation will not argue these type of topics.

  • 1 decade ago

    the thing with asking questions like this is the answers you get will be either totally for or totally agianst the people in the middle wont bother answering

    but myself i am totally agianst it there are a lot of breeds of dogs that are aggressive under the proper conditions i have met more small dogs like the Pomeranian that are aggressive then all the large dogs like Rottweilers in my opinion it is not the dog that determines how aggrissive it is, if the dog has been mistreated then it will be aggressive, or if it has been ALLOWED to be aggressive (people tend to think small dogs are cute when they are aggressive i dont)

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I am agaist it It the person who should be banned from owning a dog not the dog breed. Garland

  • W.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Against. It's the owners who didn't see fit to properly care for or train who are usually at fault for dog bite/attack situations.

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