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Got food poisoning from Round Table.. what should I do about it?

I went to round table yesterday and they had a couple slices of cheese pizza in their thingie/warmer that looked liked they might have been there for a while. I was hungry though so I ordered one and the girl at the registered went to the back and asked the manager if they were ok to serve and she said yeah... so I ate it and it turns out I got the worst food poisoning ever... I couldn't stop going to the bathroom and it hurt sooooo bad and my butthole even started to bleed.

Is all I can do just complain?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just because you saw that funky pizza and ate it, doesn't mean that is where the food poisoning/illness came from. You could have ate something earlier or have a 48/72 hour virus. Drink water and or gatorade and chicken broth for two days and whatever it is will go away. You'll have a hard time proving it was the slice that did it.

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