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How can we best protect society against future outbreaks of Christianity?

it seems to spread itself like a plague, especially among the most helpless in our society

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have free will and do not have to believe or accept it. Christians have free will to and chose to accept it. Leave them alone, they are not hurting you.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can keep listening to the devil, rebelling against God, and preaching all you preach. from hatred to ignorant thinking. And it will hurt the Christian community some. But, they will always come back. Cuz true Christians, stay on page with God, in love and obedience, and God says NO weapon formed against them will prosper. SO you only affect those that arent fully Gods yet. Christianity is not a plague, but the plagues will come during the last days in the great tribulation to any that will not accept the Lord. and I am glad that many that are helpeless run to God, shows their intelligence. God is there as a helper for us all. Smart ppl run to Him. the ones the devil has influences, run from Got, not to Him, but will have a life of regrets and will face judgement and hell one day. SO, praise God us Christians will keep prspering and telling the world about Jesus, as there are still many that need to KNOW. PTL. Hope you will be one that will come into the fold of Jesus followers also, one of His lost sheep, that is suddenly Found and saved. amen

    Source(s): God, The HOly Bible and The Holy Spirit
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It definitely seem most prevalent among the poor, uneducated and desperate. Perhaps it would help if people actually read the Bible, which contains some of the most offensive and appalling characterizations of a Supreme Being around. The part about stoning children to death in Deuteronomy would be a good starting point.

  • 1 decade ago

    Society does not need to be protected against "outbreaks of Christianity." In fact, I think we could deal with a few more. Our world today is going to Hell quick. We can't speak God's name in public because it may offend someone but if you are gay you can make out with your partner because you have rights. Doesn't matter if you offend others or not. Kids can't be taught about God and him creating us but a bunch of teahers can tell kids there is no God and we all came from monkeys. I, for one, look forward to future "outbreaks of Cristianity".

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  • Auburn
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ will live on.

    How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation? Heb. 2:3

    Christ died for our sins 1 Cor. 15:3

    Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12

  • 1 decade ago

    Sin is the plague christianity is the solution.

    If you don't like the promise of forgiveness and eternity in heaven when the Lord Jesus returns continue in your hate agenda.

    The Lord gave you free will to exit his kingdom just as he gave you free will to enter it.

  • Vegan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In this case the cure is worse than the disease.

    Islam is the fastest growing religion, and it's growing at the expense of Christianity.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Increase funding for scientific research.

    2. Give our youth a free college education.

    3. Convince Christians to stop breeding.

    Don't worry, though, all religions are suffering... Christianity is waning like never before, and people are fleeing to humanism, universalism and Wicca - all over the world, because they are becoming better educated.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no way. If the Roman persecution, the muslim persecution, the english persecution etc etc etc...have had no effect in stemming the tide, then i would suggest to you there is no stoping it. God-1...Satan-0....choose carefully the side you are on....there is an end game!

  • 1 decade ago

    You sound like those people I met in California who went around saying things like "I can't stand those Christians! They are so hateful and intolerant! I wish they'd all die"

    I hope you learn to love people, Christian or not.

  • 5 years ago

    Atheism isn't something to be shielded from. it somewhat is in simple terms a various perspective, and one that young babies could desire to comprehend. no possible extremely have faith in God, with out making the choice to have faith. in any different case, it somewhat is in simple terms a habit they take in, with out soul in the back of it. Atheism is in simple terms the thought that there's no information of the existence of a God. And somebody who does not have faith as you do shouldn't result your guy or woman own thought in any respect. babies could desire to comprehend that there are a million diverse hassle-free strategies to think of, and that they could desire to be waiting to hold their own ideals, no rely what the gang around them says. in the event that they are in a position to't think of for themselves, their ideals substitute into meaningless.

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