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Why do some people feel the urge to try and convert others?

Do you have an urge to 'save' people because they do not belive as you do?

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't have the urge to convert others but rather them believe in God more.

    Those who try to convert others just feel they are doing the right thing and I honestly can't blame them because all religions push for helping and saving others.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you felt you knew the answer to life and the afterlife, and that what you knew would provide eternal salvation for those who you can tell - you'd try to convert others as well.

    I will admit that some do not try to convert out of love, but rather selfish intent - sometimes to help legitimize their own beliefs. But others truly think they are providing a great service.

    You must understand that, indirectly, you are urging people to believe as you do - with either an agnostic or atheistic world view. Surely, it wouldn't be your intention to silence those who disagree with you.

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No person can "convert" another. Only God can change a heart. When Jesus came into Jerusalem, the people hailed Him as Messiah and King. The Jewish leaders, jealous, told Jesus to stop them from saying those things. Jesus replied, "if they were silent, even the rocks would cry out".

    When a person is born again, they see the things of God as true. They know the mercy and grace, forgiveness, love, compassion of Him, and the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ. We cannot be silent about these great things, we want to tell others.

    When it crosses the line to being pushy or obnoxious, that is not the way Jesus would have us behave. It is called the "good news", because it tells us we can be washed clean of all our sins. It is merely a choice that needs to be made by each person, who they believe Jesus to be. But a real born again Christian, full of excitement over this new found freedom and joy, cannot keep it to themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because, as a believer and student in Jesus Christ, He doesn't wish *anyone* to fall and be left behind. Because He isn't ready to come down on earth, (and when He does, it'll be too late,) He needs US to do the work.

    Would you allow your children to play in traffic? Would you let your dog play in traffic?

    If you were physically disabled, and in a wheelchair, and let's say, your deaf child was walking on the train tracks and a train was coming wouldn't you be grateful if your neighbor ran and got your deaf child off from the tracks before the train came? Or would you be mad at him?

    It works the same way.

    No, it's not an 'urge'. It's a responsibility.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Some religions require it. A big part of the faith is converting non-believers.

    Personally? I don't have the urge to "save" anybody. I have a faith, and it's very strong, and it's very personal. In the past people tried to "save" me, and tell me what I should believe, and it just pissed me off.

    Faith is a very personal thing, and I think we all need to arrive to our beliefs on our own. The journey belongs to the individual, and a faith that isn't yours will sit wrong with you.

    However, I will tell people what MY faith is if they ask, or are curious. Maybe my beliefs will spark some interests or thoughts within themselves, and lead to a revelation.

  • 1 decade ago


    Unity is the aphrodisiac of the social masses, individuality is not an attractive quality. People feel more comfortable when doing things together... the old case of geeks and

    You could argue that natural selection has engineered popularity and conformity as a survival trait in the group consciousness. Keeping together as a group offers more chances to survive than individuals ostracised from the pack...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Someone loved me enough to lead me to Jesus so I could be saved.

    I know life before Christ and I know life after Him, and it is AMAZING.

    It would be selfish of me not to love others enough to tell them what the Lord has done for me, and what He can do for them. It is our job.

    "if you found a cure for cancer, would you not try to convince others it worked?" Jesus is a cure for my soul, in this life and after. I could not bear to live one single day without Him, He is EVERYTHING! He gives JOY where HAPPINESS will not suffice. Why we would not want to share that with anyone who will listen, I cant understand.

    It is my duty and my PASSION to share with the world what my God has done for me. My heart goes out to all those who push Him away (as I did for my entire life), you cant know what you are missing. And two years ago, I was an atheist. Every excuse you can come up with about why He is not real, I have used.

    BUT, let me tell you, He is REAL and He is GOOD. How do I know this? Because one of His faithful followers obeyed, and led me to Him.

    Yes I want to "convert" everyone (which is really showing them the way to find God, HE does the converting) so they can experience an intimate relationship with their creator, and find the answer to the void they feel in their heart, a "found" for their searching. Who wouldnt want that for the world?!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As a christian, I believe that everyone deserves to know God. We are to sow the seed, whether or not it grows is up to the person who it is sown in. Another words, we are to tech Gods' word to others who don't know it and if they don't respond then that is up to them, at least we did our part as christians. I would never and never have forced anyone to believe in God or be converted. It's up to them. But I do want other s to go to heaven just like I want myself and family to go to heaven.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As Christians, it is our job to do so. I do not understand why it is so looked down upon. We obviously love you a lot if we are trying to save you eternally. Even if it may seem silly at first, give it a shot with an open mind.

  • Stanbo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I try to convert others because I care about what happens to their soul. I do it out of love for others.

    God bless,


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