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when would be the best time to tell my mom im pregnant?

as you all know, i am pregnant

14 Answers

  • Marsha
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the sooner the better ....... appears you already feel it is not going to be easy......

    better to hear it from you than someone else ...

    nothing is going to change what is

    God loves you regardless and am sure your mom does too!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Step away from the computer and tell her now...There is never a RIGHT time to tell your parents u are pregnant *unless u are married and out of the house*,otherwise u just have to come clean and get it out whether it be on the phone,during dinner or driving...good luck!

    Source(s): pregnant #3
  • 1 decade ago

    It depends

    If you are married, or in a long term relationship, have a job, anytime

    IF you are high school or College, there will never be a good time. Just get it over with. She will be upset, and might yell.

    Please remember that she loves you

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    well i was 18 when i found out i was preg with my daughter i didnt tell my mom my sister found out and told her but my dad was the one i was afraid to tell! i waited until we had the family over and just announced it in a separate room to him then to everyone that way i wouldnt feel too bad.

    i was 21 and married when i found out that i was preg with my son. and it was no easier telling either my mother or father. my husband slipped and told my dad at one of our family gatherings when i was like 2 months my mom guessed. i just had my son in jan.

    both times my dad seemed disappointed but made it clear that it is my life and they are my kids. disappointed or not my dad still tells me how proud of me that he is and what a good job that i have done for myself.

    either way trying to keep it a secret is stressful and not good for you or your baby. the longer the worse. expecially if you havent seen a doctor because your afraid shell find out.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The sooner the better. Believe me. She will be a lot more accepting if you tell her early. If she finds out some other way it will be chaos.

  • 1 decade ago

    The best time would be now. If you tell her now you guys can get things resolved and understood before you get to emotional and things get to bad because you didnt tell her when it happened. If you tell her later things may be worse.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was scared to tell my mum. The sooner the better, get it out the way then you don't hacve to worry about it anymore

  • Miki
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    if u r young, i would say asap, so that u can start seeing a dr. and planning out the action u want to take.

    if u r older, i would say 2mos because thats when most people start announcing it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    as soon as possible

    before you even get pregnant

  • 1 decade ago

    well i suppose whenever you are comfortable in telling her but i say the sooner you tell her the better as this will mean the sooner it will be that she adjusts to the news.

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