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Who is your favourite superhero?

This question occurs to any character from any comic book. They don't have to be the most powerful. Just tell me who they are, what comic they are from and why you love them more than any other character. If the character has multiple people donning those costumes, give the best of those.

My favourite is the Jonn Jon'zz, the Martian Manhunter. Why? Because he is unique. He's as powerful as Superman and as smart as Batman. He is also more noble and wiser than any other character.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, actually my favorite Comic Book character isn't a superhero, he's a supervillian. The reason he is my favorite is because there are so many more layers and degrees to his persona than any other villian in the comic book world. He also has the best reason to seek revenge on any superhero you could name, not to mention he is totally unpredictable, and I can identify with his reasoning much more than I could with any other.(and I know as soon as I say who it is everyones going to say, 'What Reasoning, the guys CRAZY!')

    He is Batman's arch-nemesis, and rightfully so because you can't have a superhero who doesn't have a worthy opponet, one whose equal to or greater than himself, he is: The Joker.

    That's who my favorite comic book character is, and in his own way he is a hero in his own right. If Batman didn't have The Joker, he probably would be out of a job, sniveling and crying in the very cell he likes to place HIM... (maniacal and mechanical sounding laugh ensues...)

    p.s. Superman is such a wimp, who wants to support a hero whose immortal ?! phh!

  • 1 decade ago

    Mine is Daredevil (glad to see I'm not the only one on here)!

    First of all, the DD comics, for the last several years, have all been consistently excellent. You'd actually be pretty hard-pressed to find a bad issue or a bad arc. And the reason they are so good is that the authors tend to really make you feel for what Matt is going through.

    And he is going through a lot.

    If just about anybody else had been through even a fraction of what Matt has been through, they'd end up either catatonic, suicidal, or a villain. Matt, though... even though he's definitely ended up with some emotional and psychological damage because of all of it... is still a hero. In fact, he's even MORE a hero because of the psychological damage - because he channels all of his pain into helping others. It's really a beautiful (and surprisingly believable) testiment to the strength and goodness of the human spirit.

    My second favorite is Spidey. Just because he's such a likable and sympathetic guy.

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont read comics but I always have this arguement with people. because I just think that superman is the best superhero. He is indestructable apart from kryptonite of course, he can fly, he can freeze water with his breath & put out fire. and he's good looking. No matter who plays him. Christopher Reeve was the best of course, Dean Cain was cute, And Smallville, he is lovely! Not to keen on the new one though. P.s batman's smart?

  • Ellie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I have four favourite superheros, Wolverine, Spiderman, Silver Surfer and Daredevil (Definitely a Marvel fan). Hmm... but as your question says any character I'll have to go with Lucifer from Gaiman's Sandman series (and Carey's spin off Lucifer series) I know it is probably a bad thing to empathise with the Devil but I suppose that is a testament to the quality of the writing.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Like you I have to go DC for my choice.

    Nightwing. The character that bind the whole DC universe together. I was never a big fan of him as Robine, strange Iknow. But as soon as the Titans kicked off he started to become his own man, then the change to Nightwing, to be his own man was great and well handled. Someone mentaioned earlier that they like a villian instead of heroe. My pick there was have to be Two-Face. I love the idea of a character who is unpredictable, who lets fate choose his next move, kill or save, Love It!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mine was Iron Man, until the events of Civil War took place. I am so hoping that this turns out to be some sort of "What If?" type story, but I'm not holding out much hope.

    Current favorite is Wolverine and/or Green Lantern (Hal Jordan).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm gonna have to go with Iron Man. EVEN AFTER THE CIVIL WAR!

    You wanna know why? Iron did everything in his power to avoid the Civil war, but he knew it was coming. He begged Cap to stop but he didn't. Tony Stark is a born leader and is definately not afraid to throw a punch when the time comes.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Thing, from the Fantastic Four series. He hates the way he looks, and is nowhere near as strong as some of his enemies, but his sense of humour (arrived after about 1966) and his courage were an inspiration to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course my childhood hero - Mr. Logan a.k.a Wolverine.

    And don't forget the defected Jedi - Lord Vader in the form of Anakin Skywalker.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would have to say The Thing. His sense of honor and duty goes down to the man he is underneath his rocky skin. His sense of humor, and never say quit attitude is an inspiration for everyone.

    Source(s): Many years of comic book reading.
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