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why do american hate communism?

personally i think in principle its a great idea i accept it doesn't work very well and the way it was implimented was terrible but the idelogy is in favour of a fair society. so why do americans hate it so much.


communists are not evil, at least no more than capatalists. do americans realise there are thousands of people living in american in poverty and there are people in america with billions of dollars. and as for power corrupts well now america is more powerful than the communists were so is america more corrupt than them corrupt. why can communism olny be under a dictatorship, that is not written in the communist manifesto. why are democracies better it was only after tito died that civil war broke out and more poeple have died in iraq since saddam was toppled than when he was in power.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    propaganda spread by the wealthy or greedy in the usa.

  • 7 years ago

    For some reason we Americans believe the propaganda about communism and capitalism. I do not know what it is but we are a hateful group of people. Not all of us but the people in front of the camera and those who have the mic are heard rather then the Americans who believe and the well being of all Americans. America has changed to selfishness and we need more loving Americans to speak out against all those who want to bring us down. We have internal destruction from within lead by corp media and pure capitalistic views. There is not one pill for all - we need a mix of different solutions for continued success. Any country who has to deploy one solution as a fix has failed. i.e. Rome, Spanish Empire, British Empire, Mongol Empire, Qing Empire etc. and if we don't get it together we will be next.

    This is the real definition of communism not what corp America and corp media try to redefine as communism. We are always trying to redefine and change the definition of something to make it fit for our cause. That is wrong!

  • 1 decade ago

    Communism is the belief that there should be no such thing as private property (that also includes intellectual property) and that all means of production of goods and services is run by the State in the name of the collective people. In practice it will never work because you will always have people who don't do their fair share and just sponge off of those who work hard. Plus there is no real incentive to create or produce anything. That's why there were always massive shortages of everything in the USSR and why Cuba, North Korea are still that way. Plus when you have that sort of society, just like any society, someone has to be in charge and decide what is best for everyone - in a capitalistic society, you yourself make those decisions and then live with them. I think most Americans would rather run their own ranch than work on someone else's. Capitalism isn't perfect, but it beats communism by a long way. Yes, there are inequities, but there will always be, because some people are smarter than others, some are more industrious, etc. It's an unequal world, and artificially human attempts to try and make it "equal" will always be doomed to failure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, under communism you had the same as America, only instead of people being able to work hard and get rich it was only the corrupt party members. The higher up you were the better stores, luxuries you had. Show me a communist contry that really lives by communism and we may have something.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Communism worked for countries like China and Russia, because the majority of their population is of lower class and living in poverty. The masses would love a goverment were they could live in the same level. Since that has been the situation for China and Russia back then it worked...

    America however have brought themselves into a rich and prosperous life (well the majority of Americans anyway). Implemmenting Communism to their community would enrage the greedy capitalist, and er, rich citizens, which form up the majority of the population.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's economically inefficient and can only be run by an authoritarian regime (otherwise its impossible to quell the forces of the market).

    Dictatorial regimes are always repressive and unstable.

    The reason you need a dictatorship for communism to work is that you need a method for forcing people not to sell their goods on the market. They must give them to a cooperative and in return they get a living income. This could be more or less than the value of what they produce and all economic profits are confiscated by the state for public spending.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    MISINFORMATION. the whole capitalist world got the wrong info and the communists did themselves in. They equated / made it into a totalitarian state which is against its original principle and the world whacked it hard like Senator Macarthy after the war. after him, the world polarized into 2 camps. The cold war was based on mutual fear and this is how messy it can get. Also, many americans are only shown one side of the picture and the news in controlled by the big network that run down all other system and claiming the american free capitalist system is the best

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is a system designed to suppress excellence. The whole mistaken idea behind communism is that people can be treated like ants in a colony. I prefer a system that encourages and rewards excellence.

  • 1 decade ago

    hate may be too strong a word, but most Americans definitely think it just doesn't work because our freedom is much too dear compared to being suppressed and policed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Communism discourages individual productivity and fails to reward hard work or innovation. This is contrary to the American work ethic. In practice, Communism has always been imposed by an authoritarian and repressive government, which is also contrary to American beliefs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because it no worky!!! It is a sound ideology but unfortunately power corrupts which is what Communism usually ends up being. Good question!!!

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