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out of control 4 year old?

i have a 4 year old little boy (tyler vance cameron) he's the cutest thing. He just dont listen to me. For the most part he is pretty good when its just me and my husband and him. I mean he's not wild and out of control then. but when i ask him to clean his room or do something he tells me no. Time outs havent been working and i hate spanking him. he's an only child i'm not having anymore but i babysit througout the day. When someone comes over he starts acting up really bad. I think its because he knows i wont dicipline him in front of our guests. I need help i dont know whta to do with him and i'm about to loose my mind. Please anyone with any advice i'm listening.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He is at the age now where, he is feelin' u out! He knows what he can get away with and he sees how this makes u mad. U need to teach him right from wrong b/c he can understand when ur talking to him. Sit him down and have him look at u while u r speaking! Let him know what he can and can not do. Let him know that if he breaks any of the rules, he WILL get popped on his behind! Do NOT not spank him. And do NOT beat him either! There's a differnce. The child can understand better when u talk to him and when he knows y he's getting a whooping.

    If u tell him to clean his room and he says, "No!" Approach him calmly and talk to him directly making sure u have his full attention. Remind him that he is the child and that u r the parent/ adult. Never ask ur child to do something. Tell them to do it with authority! And if he says, "NO!" Remind him that it was not a question. It was a command. Children can sense when ur not serious and when ur becoming furious! This is y they play u! When company is coming over, remind him of the rules and consequences if the rules r broken. Consequences should include no play time, time out, and spankings!

    U say that time out doesn't work. But maybe it's not affective b/c the rules of time out have not been enforced properly. Putting them n the corner doesn't work! I personally liked standing n the corner when I was a child b/c I got to play with the wall. LOL A more affective time out would b a "naughty chair" b/c they can't wander off as opposed to sitting n a chair. Place the chair in an area n which u can watch the child.

    Another form of discipline is to make him stand with his arms str8 out for 5 minutes! He'll probably start crying and b so exhausted when the 5 minutes are up that he might run into ur arms and ask u to hold him or he might just fall asleep. But don't b fooled by the tears! Never fall for the tears! They're fake! Unless he fell, scraped or busted something! LOL This is a punishment that no child wants! He can deal with the naughty chair, but the pain in his arms will make him want to obey ur every command! Use the arm thing as often as he disrespects u. Again let him know that u r n control.

    Every child has a natural burst of energy! Do not make it worse by giving him candy or anything with too much sugar like cereal, pancakes and syrup, cookies, cakes, and some juices! That is the worse thing ever! I don't give kids candy. Only on special occasions! But don't make it a habit of giving them sweets.

    U need to get control of him now b/c when he gets older, he won't obey u if u don't! Just remember that just b/c he's cute, that doesn't mean u can't discipline him. You'll both appreciate it later n life.....esp. his wife! I hope I helped!

    Oh another thing, make sure u and ur husband enforce the rules together! If u don't, this will confuse the child on whats right and what's wrong. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    He's out of control because you've allowed him to be.You need to take back the control now before it gets any worse.

    When you ask him to do something,you take him by the hand and stay there until he cleans his room or whatever. Don't take no for an answer.If it takes all firm.He will soon come to understand that you mean what you say.

    Why would you not disipline him in front of guests?He needs to be disiplined right then and there.Not later when he's forgotten what it's all about.

    You have to take charge and spanking is wrong.

    Timeouts are timeouts and they work.You have to make them work and right now he knows that you don't.Put him in timeout and walk away.If he follows it's back to timeout until he stays there.

    You're going to have to have a lot of patience and determination for awhile but if you stick to your guns it will work.Both parents have to follow the rules.Not just you.

    Get yourself a good pair of earplugs or turn up the music bacause you'll listen to a lot of crying and carrying on for awhile.Just tune it out.

    Good luck with your child.

  • 1 decade ago

    He may feel left out when you are taking care of the other childeren when you are babysitting. You need to tell him sternly but don't get mad. He wants your attention but he is trying the wrong way. He thinks that being bad will make you focus on him instead of the other childeren you babysit. Tell him to not be bad and when he does act bad tell him you will set aside a special time to just be u and him. If it doesn't work time out is a good idea but be persistent and don't let him get up. Keep putting him back on the chair and give him 5 min on the timer and let him have a chance to apologize. If he doesn't cooperate reset the timer. Hopefully that works.

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont have any kids of my own, but i worked at a daycare for two years and my brother has five kids....all of which i have had the pleasure of babysitting. at that age, kids try to test their limits with their parents. you can't just not discipline him just because you have a guest. the guest can see that the child is misbehaving. just excuse yourself and deal with him. you HAVE to be consistent with him. i was a child who was spanked and i when i have kids, i'll spank them too. i have used spanking with my nephews, but only as a LAST resort. i've tried the timeout thing, but that only works when i've had the child stand in a corner of the room, where i can see them. i've also used the army-style "punishment". where i make them squat up against a wall and hold a pencil with both hands outstretched. that really seemed to work. lol. good luck!!

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  • Nanny 911 LOL just kidding.....Well first of all you need to correct him no matter who is around. Excuse your self and correct him. If time outs stop working maybe a horse stance....sounds harsh but worked for my kids and martial arts training.

    Horse Stance: Place child standing against the wall straight, have them take one step out, back straight bend knees to almost a squatting position with feet shoulder length apart arms bent with palms up.

    this will build their indurance for patience too.

    Regardless of what you decide to do you must stick with what you say to him. Other wise you are letting him know you won't follow through.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    *Sigh* So your one of those parents who hate spanking your children? Look, I was spanked as a child, and I can tell you from that experience that it does not make your child hate you, nor does it effect them emotionally in anyway. In fact, it makes them less spoiled as they get older, and they won't wine as much(lol). So I recommend spanking your child. He will probably cry, he will probably scream, "I hate you", but he's just mad at you, and he'll probably be over it within an hour. Just remember to act firm, and act as a parent should towards their child.

    Source(s): My own personal experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    mabee he doesnt want you babysitting other kids because he wants your attention and only you to love him. mabee he had adhd or something.

    but try having talks with him and spending more time with him. or take him to see a doctor- its not good for kids that age to disrespent you because you will have millions of problems with him in the future. teen years....

  • DOT
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Surprise him a few times when someone else comes in and send him to his room. A few times and it will help.

  • 1 decade ago

    act like he is your friend with him ..try to share him in things .... don't punish him ...try to make it as a conversation .... he will try to understand ..may be he won't ..but he will try .... this will make him trust you this will be a great move ....and he will try to share you too understandfull ... don't use orders in your speech ..make it as suggestions ..this may help

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