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When typing the name of a book title, my M. Word is telling me not to cap. everything.?

The sentence is:

She received a book called, 'Spells Made Easy'.

I thought it should all be in caps since it is the title of a book, but my comp. is telling me only to cap Spells. I even have the title italicized. What's correct?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are correct: italicized or underlined and all words capitalized. MS Word grammar tool is a big, fat joke. Don't rely on it.

    And, Antonio, being a teacher, you should know that it's "they're," not "there." Anyway.

    Source(s): English teacher who hates Word grammar check.
  • 1 decade ago

    Capitalize the first letter of all three words, then italicize OR underline them. Microsoft Word is nice for some of its grammar and spell checks, but you have to remember it does not understand context. Do not rely on it to give you correct information ever. Use it as a guideline to double check with either a proofreader or a style book.

  • 1 decade ago

    Capitalizing, by standard grammar, is supposed to be done to differentiate any specific noun from a 'class' of nouns. It's Seabiscuit or Secretariat, just as it's Keith Andes and Ms. Johnson, to separate these specific named persons from all the sea biscuit, johns, "keiths" and "johnsons" on planet.

    The system is telling you to capitalize only the first letter of a word at the beginning of a sentence of title, and only thereafter when it's a "proper" or identifying noun--New York, "Spells Made Easy" and Alexander the Great; all caps is the equivalent of shouting on line--but it has nothing to do with capitalization and a lot to do with asking for ATTENTION.

  • 1 decade ago

    The ms word can't recognize your intentions. it doesn't know that it is a title for a book. Try using "Title ", maybe the comp would ignore

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  • 1 decade ago

    don't cap words like is, the, an, and

    little words like the ones in the top don't cap them

    only if there the first word

    Source(s): teacher
  • 1 decade ago

    Keep it as is and when editing, just choose "ignore" when you know that your version is correct.

  • Vi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    your way is correct. the microsoft word is stupid.

    Source(s): use microsoft word every day. (literally)
  • Diggy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    underline it

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