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How do you irritate a liberal?

Pray hard, work hard, be responsible and successful?

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hunt, smoke, eat beef, be married and have a sex life, be prolife, be procapital punishment, own a gun, be against gay marriage, ignore Al Sharpton, don't feel guilty about slavery and former Native American relations, and if you are a married woman, don't work.

  • Roy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Then you would become a liberal. Instead pretend to believe in Christ and do everything unChrist like ie don't help the poor, the sick, the disadvantage. Put greed above all. Fight tooth and nail for a president who lies at the speed of a lie a second. Be a part in dismantling the US constitution so for term it would put you at an advantage regardless of the fact that in the long run it would ruin America. Promote and a war so poorly executed that it makes the most powerful country in the world look weak and weary. Think in selfish terms as your success is detached from the success of America while using all communal assets provided by the government.

    Insist on no sacrifice from you while you ask again and again for US soldiers to sacrifice all they have.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well gee that won't work, I'm Liberal and do three of those things already, I just don't pray, guess that makes me one of those Godless Liberals Ms. Coulter gets to fabricate stories and books about. Oh well so much for your little plan, I'm a damn happy Liberal no matter what, see we actually accomplish a lot for the country like

    Interstate Highway System

    GI Bill

    Labor Laws

    Marshall Plan

    Environmental Laws

    Food safety laws

    Workplace safety laws

    Social Security

    Space Program

    Peace corps

    The Internet

    Women's right to vote

    Universal Public Education

    National Weather Service

    Product Labeling/Truth in Advertising Laws

    Rural Electrification

    Morrill Land Grant Act

    Public Universities

    Bank Deposit Insurance

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    Consumer Product Safety Commission

    Public Broadcasting

    Americans With Disabilities Act

    Family and Medical Leave Act

    Damn us Liberals, Damn us all....................................................................................

    Source(s): I love how the truth gets you a thumbs down, LONG LIVE THE TRUTH and may the fantasy that is today's conservatism die a quick death
  • 1 decade ago

    Just spout one of the many illogical arguments that you people argue, like advocating banning abortion, but not offering any suggestions on what to do with the millions of resulting orphans. Or arguing that teachers should tell their students to pray and who to pray to, when the first amendment clearly says not to. Or arguing that gays and lesbians shouldn't have the same rights that every other American has. Or arguing that there are no consequences to polluting our air, water, and land. Or arguing that we should continue to fight a war that we entered to on false pretenses, and is unwinnable. All that stuff really ticks liberals like me off!

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No, because I'm a Liberal and I do all of those things, too. (Well, not so successful money-wise, but I have a great family!)

    No, the best way to irritate me is to ask silly questions!

  • 1 decade ago

    Prey hard, whine harder, be accountable to none and pretend that your success comes from something other than an accident of birth.

    Or just keep lying.

  • 1 decade ago

    Talk about King George

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In other words, act like a liberal.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are probably several ways. Those that you mentioned MAY make him HAPPY if he is one of the liberal freeloaders. One sure fire way is to say the words- Anne Coulter. Another way is to remind him that GW won the last 2 presidential elections.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Lie. Steal presidential elections, start illegal wars for no justification, pass laws that eliminate habeas corpus protection and first amendment rights, politicize the Justice dept, appoint unqualified cronies to positions of responsibility and cause needless hundreds of thousands of deaths.

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