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VT Shooting. Killeen Shooting, Why in the USA?

If anyone remembers the Killeen Texas shooting massacre in A Luby’s where 23 people died and 20 were injured. This was in a restaurant in 1991.

WHY does this happen in the USA of all places?

I’m asking this question in a couple different areas to receive different points of view.


GREAT Answers so far... THX...

Update 2:

I Did NOT say ONLY in America.

I understand it happens in other countries. For some reason one of the freest lands on this globe people take it for granted.

As for other Terrorist actions. After 911 I admonished many Americans for finally waking up to terrorism. They finally were able to see first hand at what was happening in Israel for DECADES.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Too many drugs, violent movies and video games, guns, gangster culture, wars... you name it.

    Unfortunately, freedom is more important than compassion in America.

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't only happen in the US. Things like this happen everywhere. I'm from Israel, and we experiience terrorism on a daily basis. I view shootings in schools and restaurants as terrorist attacks. Read what goes on around the world and, you'll see this stuff happens all over the world.

    The "terrorist" in the different situations, may be a little different in each country.

    I can't answer why, so many of the "terrorist attack" in the US are school shooting by tudents of just by civillians.

    I have a few theories.

    1. The public school system. It doesn't acknowledge that people may need more attention and supervision. That they may not get it from home.

    2. People just want to be remembered. What they don't realise is that 10 or 20 years from now people the ne generations arn't going to know what happened. And people can't keep track of so many shooting, so they'll remember the original. Stop shooting you classmates!!!

    3. Americans only think of themelves. I'm also an American.What I'm trying to say is that the US is like it's own little world. Sure people read the news and here whats going on in other counrties, but they forget about those countires when something tragic happens to the US. Shootings happen everyhere. Maybe in other countires it's not in a school and maybe the amount of casualties is different. But it happens. I can recall a few incidents in Israel that were done by citizens who were not Muslim. Read up on massacre shootings in other countries, and you;ll see that it doesn't only happen in the US.

  • 1 decade ago

    This sort of thing happens all over the world. I think it happens more often in the US than say the UK or Australia because of gun laws.

    It's not just that it's much easier to get a gun in the US than some other countries, its the type of guns. I live in Australia and when ever you hear something in the news down here about someone getting shot it's usually by a rifle (a farmers gun) and hardly ever by a handgun. After a similar gun related massacre in Port Arthur in the 90's the Australian Govt instituted a gun buy-back scheme, to get certain types of guns out of peoples cupboards to be destroyed (semi-automatics/pump action shotguns).

    It probably didn't cut down on the actual murder rate but it would have cut down on murders involving firearms, suicides and armed robberies involving firearms. There were 16 mass murders between 1989 and 2001. And since Port Arthur there have been none with a firearm.

    I think it would be ambitious for the US government to try and implement a similar scheme, but I truly do believe that their gun laws do need to be looked at and revised. If a person goes mental one day and decides to take lives, then they're going to find it a lot harder to take 32 of them with the only weapons available to them being a kitchen knife an a car.

    Gun laws are the be-all and end-all of these situations tho. It's like the saying goes...gun's don't kill people, people kill people...but if some nutter was intent on killing me, I'd like my chances a lot more if they didn't have a gun.

    Source(s): Just my opinion...
  • Joshua
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think it has to do with the law in the USA, which allows adults to possess a gun for their own protection.

    So parents of schoolkids may have a gun in the house, just for protection of their family.....but too often it seems too easy for the kids to find the gun, AND the ammo for it.

    Further more it seems that, if you've got the "right" connections, you can purchase guns on the street, for not too high a price at that.

    Over here in Europe we have very strict gun-control....I live in the Netherlands, and people over here are not allowed to own a gun, unless under very special circumstances. (there aren't many!)

    Mind you, if you care to have a look at the links below, school-shootings (and shootings in restaurants and such) don't only take place in the happens around the world.

    I guess the fact the USA is such a huge country, it is bound to have more shootings like, say, my country. (which isn't even as big as most of your States!)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    School seems to be place where people can bottle up their anger for whatever reason. Although shooter at VT wasn't student this time. Just last month there was shooting at University of Washington in Seattle by crazed ex-boyfriend. The news today highlighted several shooting incidents by graduate students who killed faculty, deans...and others. It might reflect overall state of morality. These people for whatever reason became so angry without having chance to get help(not in all cases) or were ignored. It's pretty outrageous the way people shoot up schools, but it can be even more mind boggling sometimes when you hear how they were treated.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why in America?? First of all it doesn't just happen here. Second did you ever consider the fact that there are over 300 million people living in this country. With this many people living here what the heck do you expect or think that everyone of them are going to be goody to shoes.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it stems from several factors.

    1} We live in a society desensitized to violence. Repeated gratuitous violent acts on television being the main source.

    2} Acceptance of pornography as entertainment medium. It is an method of gratification that will eventually manifest itself into violence when unfulfilled.

    3} The worst offender is ADHD drugs and anti-depressants. The dark side of theses drugs are that they inhibit feelings of guilt, shame, and remorse; all feelings that effect our ability to judge right and wrong.

    We will see in the next 5 to 10 years a new generation of over medicated sociopaths.

  • 1 decade ago

    America has all kind of cultures and views inside it so this must bring conflict.

    also in America they stress the whole freedom of choice and sometimes they over look the fact that sometimes enough is enough. plus it's very easy to get a gun and the violence in the media is horrifying

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you ever seen the movie Taxi Driver? It is a movie about a troubled man and modern American society, Its about urban isolation and how a troubled person might snap and how its a problem in our society. Very good movie, you should rent it some time.

  • 1 decade ago

    that Lubys reastranut i used 2 live in Killen Texas and i sat right where it happened but i was there in 2002. so we had nothing 2 worry about..

  • olis
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    some years in the past the place I stay, a guy went to our mall and opened fireplace the day in the past Valentine's Day. He could no longer take care of melancholy and he became into for sure afflicted with of non-public issues and unrequited love. He opened fireplace in the mall and became into ultimately tackled via some bystanders and held till the cops moved in on him, and the cops placed the mall and automobile parking zone on lockdown for 3 hours - no one ought to go into OR go available. i think of the media performs a smaller function in those issues. the top reason for those issues is the character of folk, their skill to preserve issues, how others take care of them, upbringing, and their ecosystem....human beings do no longer devote those crimes because of the fact they experience enticed via the media. If human beings can no longer take care of their psychological issues and are made to experience and have confidence they are valueless or unimprtant and ridiculed or mistreated, they're going to have confidence it, and alter into violent, sociopathic human beings. human beings write suicide letters boasting of being nicely-accepted or rememered in ordinary terms because of the fact they felt unloved and unimportant, and that they determine that even a terrible go out will substitute that. yet you could not supply all the blame to the media. The media isn't something extra advantageous than an outlet. you could not blame the weapons. A weapon isn't as risky because of the fact the shooter. eliminate weapons and we nevertheless have afflicted, risky people who will discover different ability of killing. the actual subject is how human beings take care of one yet another and the mentality of a few of people who get stepped on. while human beings give up treating human beings so callously, we ought to in ordinary terms have much less of those rampages....when you consider that there is not any surely info that the media had further on him to devote the crime, a lawsuit against the media would not be accessible. in case you tried doing that, you will possibly additionally would desire to go after people who helped to create the killer....Being nicely-accepted won't be what those human beings needed - they needed to experience enjoyed and needed. while they did no longer get that, they tried grabbing at being infamous....I wish i ought to have talked to him and enable him understand his existence became into incredibly worth something. i've got confidence undesirable for him as nicely as those sufferers.

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