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How do you teach a five year old to deal with rejection?

my daughter is freaking out right now, she just moved in with my husband and I and she has no friends around here, she went to play with the kids next door and they were calling her names and being mean, which gets me mad because I deal with alot from those kids thier loud in the middle of the night and thow things at my dog, their lucky I don't call the cops on thier parents for not watching them, sorry it gets me mad to see my baby cry and I don't know what to do.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You know, this is a good time to teach her some valuable lessons for later on in life. As the earlier poster said, just remind her that some people are mean and do not make good playmates. It may be hard for her to want to have kids to play with and not be able to but you want to make sure that she gets good at selecting appropriate friends.

    It would be better for her to have no playmates than to have mean, rude,bullies. Teach her to stand up for herself and to do it in a way that doesnt turn her into a bully. Tell her that you are proud of her for realizing that some people are mean and that you are glad she is not like that. Tell her you will help her to find friends that will like her for who she is. Help her to like the person she is by complimenting all her good traits. Give her lots of confindence in herself by making it a priority to notice all the things she does well. TEll her she deserves friends who are good and courteous and friendly. It may take a while but keep encouraging her and you keep an eye out for friends who share your values and morals.

    It will pay off in the long run when she chooses to run with the good crowd instead of a crowd full of loser, bully, druggy types. Good for you mom for helping her get on top of this now instead of at 15.

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try and help her make friends with other kids. You could join a playgroup, put her in dance or some kind of sport. She probably needs something to help build her confidence. You should also tell her every day how much you love her and how special she is. I would also try and make her feel as comfortable at her new home as possible. As for the kids next door, I would talk to their parents about their behavior. If the parents are not responding call the cops about them throwing the rocks at your dog. They cant do anything about them being mean to your daughter but throwing rocks at a dog is violent and they could get in trouble for that. Good Luck!

  • Stimpy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Check for local activities for kids her age. There may be music groups, dance classes, etc. Check those local publications that get thrown on your driveway and/or stuffed in your mailbox. Ask other moms in the area what there is for a 5 year old to do. If you have a neighborhood park, go there with your daughter and observe the other kids. See if they are the types of kids that will be sociable.

    Meanwhile, next time the neighbor kids are nasty to the dog or make noise in the middle of the night, explain to your daughter how hurtful those kids are and that they are not worthy of her time. Your daughter should be able to relate to the way those mean kids treat the dog.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since you have a lot of trouble with those neighbor kids, you couldn't expect them to be suitable playmates or appropriately nice to a new kid.

    You teach her to deal with rejection in many ways. Sometimes you can only comfort her.

    I think a message you want to teach loud and clear and early and often is that it is foolish to want the approval of people we do not respect nor admire.

    More than teaching her to deal with rejection, you want to get busy finding out who the nice kids are and invite them and their moms to your house.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You have to expose the child to rejection sometime in her life. If she goes through out her life not feeling rejection, once she does experience it, she might have a breakdown. Just talk to her now, tell her if somebody picks on you, they're not worth being friends with. As she gets older, reassure her that you love her and her confidence will grow with time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just explain that some people are mean, and don't make good playmates.

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