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Why are liberals "blind" to the obvious?

Yesterday I met a business man, born in Turkey, whose family had been murdered by Islamic Militants and ONLY because they were Jewish. This mans perspective on America was interesting, especially in that he recognizes the same Muslim takeover in America as he saw in his own country. He expressed frustration over the "blindness" of liberals in this country, most of whom have never been under and/or seen oppression the likes of which he has lived, much less lost their entire families.


Okay ... Z H is it? I think YOU are the one who needs an education of Iran. The Jews in Iran are not quite as "free" as you would like to suggest. Check this out junior....

You really should look at what the Jewish people are saying and not your friends in Iran. I bet you believe that the U.K. really went into Iranian waters, huh?

Update 2:

Now for "Moonman" - you need to pull your head out of your own moon. The Islamic Terrorists may be YOUR people but they sure as heck are not mine. Ethnic cleansing sounds GREAT. It would be the first smart thing this country has done since electing Ronald Reagan.

Update 3:

Mamagreen - check your picture out if you need a little help on what a crackhead looks like...though somehow I think you might already know. Yeah....back in 2001 the Europeans thought the Muslims were GREAT - hmmm, I wonder what they are thinking today? What about Denmark and Norway? Remember the riots in France and the bombs in Madrid - yeah.....those poor, unfortunate terrorists. Would you join ranks with the devil because he had the same color skin. Read a history book if you need to know about "white oppression" - most Jews are white dork.

Update 4:

90292 - isn't that the zip code for Venice beach? OMG - LMAO. You really shouldn't open your pie hole.

Update 5:

Eatmorecrack - is that a burning American flag? You are not worth the vomit your mom gave up the day you were hatched.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To answer your question, yes, liberals are blind to the obvious. There is none so blind as he who will not see. Liberals are not the kindly, caring, forgiving, understanding. accepting, all inclusive, tolerant, loving people they are portrayed to be. They are arrogant self-hating, anti-American control freaks who are hellbent on getting back in power. Getting back in power is all they are focused on. They don't care a whit about anything or anyone else.

    There is a war? How can we undermine the president to win political advantage. College students killed by a deranged man? How can we spin this for political advantage? It is all they are about and as a result, mark my words, they will cause the destruction of the democratic party.


  • 1 decade ago

    We have not had violent strife permeate this country for decades. The civil rights movement was, at times, violent. I lived in a city that had riots often. I was only a child but I remember. As an adult, I agree with the measures people took to get FREEDOM. Most were on one side or the other and harbor sour grapes. Some use it as an excuse to do bad things. Others have no idea what they are saying and the CONSEQUENCES for their words. We are all individuals and one size doesn't fit all. Some people have lost or not yet gained control of their own lives and find it easier to tell others what to do. Some just want money. Some crave power. Most conserv. just want the freedom to make choices. yes "neocons" wish to force morality. It can't be done,but...I would rather have a moral person advise me than an evil person advise me.

  • 4 years ago

    i don't think you're being ordinary. i've got found liberals to be people who many times hotel to censorship tries while their fallacies are puzzled, like this censorship attempt I gained in an digital mail this morning from a liberal who spoke back this "question" and calls himself Bush Lied thousands and thousands Died: "Message: you're a valueless piece of ****. luckily for genuine individuals like myself you valueless products of **** have not have been given any means what so ever. once you progression out of your father and mom living house and get a real job you would be attentive to the way issues artwork interior the genuine international. Now wipe the spuge off your face and close the **** up!" As you may needless to say see, this liberal hates freedom of speech, as do each and every of the liberals i've got seen shouting down conservatives at countless college campuses. Your inference that Conservatives are predominantly people who hate freedom of speech is laughable. and that i only observed which you do not enable human beings to deliver you emails. this is being slightly a hypocrite...

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't you suppose the man brought his opinions with him that don't exactly mesh with the rest of the world an only fit the issues and tragedies in Turkey?

    The biggest nut in the world can find some ammunition for his pet theories no matter how far out they've done it you found ONE man to prove your opinions

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  • 1 decade ago


    But seriously, do you have anything beyond conjecture and anecdotes to support your ideas? You sound like every other talking head on the TV, "damn muslims are taking over our country", "it's all the liberals' fault", etc.

    Come back when you have something factual to bring to the discussion. Otherwise, you're no better than the crazy Islamist religion-hijackers.

  • 1 decade ago

    "Muslim takeover in America?" I might be blind, but I'm not smoking crack!

    What exactly are Muslims taking over? I find them to be a hated and descriminated tiny minority here! There are hardly enough Muslims in the US to take over anything! Even if this had the tiniest bit of truth to it, why would "liberals" be to blame? They're hardly in power to do anything in the government - the cons have been in power for a while, in case you hadn't noticed. No one who's been born white in America has seen any oppression firsthand - certainly not rich convervatives! So what in the world are you talking about?

    Hey, we're not talking about Europe here - you said they were taking over *America.* Back up your statement with some facts! I would LOVE to hear them!

  • 1 decade ago

    So what are you suggesting? Should we do an 'ethic cleansing' of our own? Would that make things better. If liberals are blind why are conservatives warmongers? I guess because a few thousand muslims are fanatical theres really no redemption for the millions of followers... lets start a world war and solve the problem.

    I guess its hard to explain 'blindness' to someone who would use the term so loosely. But in the end I gather it takes one to know one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ya theres a bit more to how things work in islamic countries. The largest population of Jews outside Israel in the Middle east is??? Ya you guessed it Iran! And they dont talk alot about how militant islam is wrecking their lives. No they arent opressed in fact they have had increased freedom to visit family in Israel. Stop trying to escalate a situation based on a single murder!!

  • 1 decade ago

    They refuse to acknowlege evil. Their doctrine is tolerance to all and pulpit is the public school system. They will do anything to please their beloved overlords who preech freedom and civil rights while condeming America and all that it stands for, and even to the extent of covering for their deception by spreading the propaganda delivered by the media to the captive audience of sheep, that they are innocent on the grounds that their dissagreement is their right and so is it of their supporters because "Patriotism is about dissent" they will say, or something along those lines, But what about dissent against the freedom to object to them? When put in power, it is not only paradoxical and hypocritical but dangerous. Nearly all of Europe is infested with Muslims, Im sure I will get many thumbs down just for saying infested, but that is the case. With declining birthrates of Europeans and high birthrates of Muslims who flood in unheeded, soon they will be overrun unless action is taken, a country can be taken over in more then one ways. They are a religion of intolerance thats the irony isnt it? Have you ever heard of the intolerance of tolerance? If you have convictions you must be intolerant! ALL MORALS ARE RELATIVE! they will chant. They take away right and wrong. It baffles the intellect's mind as to how this got so out of hand, how so many people can blindly believe the liberal agenda. I dont anymore even claim to be a conservative although I strongly agree with them on everything I can think of. I am who I am, I am myself I dont claim to represent any group. We are at war with the fanatic muslims and have to deal with infighting against the cowards of our population too. Thats a good point, about the political spin they made off of the shooting to say that we need more gun control-gun control is already in place, gun control creates a market for underground sales of firearms and makes it harder for decent people to get the means to protect themselves. Youre right it is completely politically motivated, and all they want is to get in power, thats why they change their views so much they will say anything to get in power.

    Try reading whatever happened to justice by richard maybury. Its mostly about common law-

    1. Do all you agree to do- contract law

    2. Do not encroach on others- criminal law

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Muslim take over? Where do you live? Dearborn, MI

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