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Am I the only person who thinks that JAYNARIE needs to get a life?

Why does she answer every single question. Half the time she answers with a smart a*s stick up her butt. Why does she think she knows everything about Nascar?


Why would I be jealous? I work on these things everyday. I have 2 championship rings from HMS already and this year looks good for a 3rd.

All I'm saying is that you don't have to be so technical all the time. Loosen up a little, have some fun.

Update 2:

Oh and as far as you being female and knowing about racing and cars, no resentment here. I think that's hot, quite a turn on actually.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why don't you get a life?? I do not answer every question. While I am online, I keep answers at the bottom and answer some questions when I know the answer or when I get to look up stats. I like numbers, I majored in math in college.

    I think you are just jealous or angry that a female can be so knowledgeable in racing or about cars.

    But, you guys are wrong. I believe I got a best answer today for "trash talking" Montoya. I also often criticize people who like certain drivers because "they're hot". If I come accross snotty, if you will, it is because I detest misspellings as well as grammar and punctuation errors. It is in my nature, I can not help it. I am a teacher (I majored in math before anyone says anything about the fact that I said I was a math major


    And, if you must know, I made it my goal a few months ago to be the top-answerer in a category. I chose NASCAR because it was the topic in which I could answer questions with ease. Therefore, I try to answer questions in a manner that will earn me the best answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    And? At least Jaynarie is answering the questions thoughtfully! She could be like some of the women who ask questions about the drivers personal lives and whether or not they are married and have a girlfriend; at least she is not answering every question with "Kasey Kahne is so hot!".

    So what if she gets technical, that is the way that she prefers to type her answers and that is her choice. She has her ways of doing things and you have your choice of doing things. She does not think that she knows everything about Nascar. Heck...sometimes you barely notice her here in the Nascar section (no offense Jaynaire). She will answer the questions that she knows the answer to.

    And you telling us that you work for Hendrick Motorsports does not make you better than any of us! Maybe you outta tell them to stop being cry-babies and to stop cheating so much then maybe fans wouldn't throw beer cans at Jimmie, Jeff and Kyle! You can take your championship rings and go some place else because you sure as heck are not better than the rest of us!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Personally, I look up to jaynarie ever since I saw her first answer. And she has answered some of my questions with very good answers. I dont think that she thinks she knows EVERYTHING about nascar. But, she does seem know her facts. I have just recently become interested in nascar and am trying to learn as much as I can.

    Jaynarie, I think you are very help full and I hope you dont take anything this person says seriously. Keep up with the good work.

    I read an article the other day on drivers getting booed. It said that the more popular and winningest drivers get booed more than the ordinary drivers who finish in mid to last place, because the fans are jealous that the better driver is, well, better than their driver. So maybe this guy is jealous that he doesnt know as much as you or cause he cant answer the questions as good as you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have to admit that at times she has ticked me off a little and I often don't agree with her opinion answers. On the other hand, her fact based answers are always right on and at least she is a true fan (not some troll trying to infiltrate the NASCAR answers leader board). I commend her for her determination. I had aspirations of trying to become the top answerer in this category but I do not have the time to keep up with her. I do enjoy the variety of opinions coming from real NASCAR fans even if I don't agree with them. She does need to lighten up on the grammar and spelling pet peeves she has. People come here to offer opinions and most don't want to get "graded" or judged.

    I don't know which Hendrick team you are mostly with but I am sure hoping for the first repeat champion since Gordon. GO JIMMIE, CHAD and the rest of the 48 team!

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  • 1 decade ago


    What's with the hostility?

    So some of her answers are technical, I'd much rather have her give some technical fact to back up her opinion than be like some of these other people on here that just say

    "Jr rocks and Jeff Gordon is stupid"

    Besides you don't have to read her answers, you can skip right over them and read other peoples, if hers bother you so much.

    I don't agree with her half the time either, but that doesn't mean she's wrong or that I'm wrong, we just see things different.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Ok, so he didn't have to be such an ahole in his question. To his defense though, you are always technical with your answers. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that. It's just, I see his point, maybe you should loosen up on your answers a little bit. Come on, trash talk a little!!! That's what we are all here for anyways. Most of us can look up our own stats!

  • 1 decade ago

    I've noticed the rambling on in some of the answers she gives.Though most are OK answers they are too long and attempting to get too technical.

    But in her defense there are some very good points that are made by her,just too long on the answers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    so whats your point? you probably need to get a life too. there is more than 1 person that lives on yahoo answers that thinks they know every thing and every one that visits nascar thinks they are smarter than the average bear that's just life get on with it. NEXT QUESTION

  • shaggy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Leave Jaynarie alone... people ask questions, she gives good fact supported answers... Most of the time I don't even bother answering questions after her cuz she hits on all the main points (grrrrrr) haha

    The real question is, why are you such a douche bag?? "Oh look at me look at me I work for HMS, I'm so cool!" Hey loser, nobody cares!

  • 1 decade ago

    so she likes nascar..i like it when the person i am dating has the same intrest as i do..she does have a life...and she likes nascr which is making or going to make a very special person in her life very happy!

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