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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationCommuting · 1 decade ago

Gasoline prices keep rising . . .is your budget feeling the increase???

Are you having to 'do without' -

to fuel the vehicle-

That carries you to and from -

your place of employment -

Where you earn the dollars -

to burn in your gasoline tank???

47 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not really I live close to my job so I can ride my bicycle.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I am not feeling it but I don't think I count since I choose not to drive.(don't think that means that I had my license taken away because that is not what is means, I had license @ 16 and never cared to renew it since I found it was so much cheaper to use the bus) I see it as a waste of money in the first place. I spend 54 dollars a month and can get everywhere and get everything I need though the good ole bus system. This is in Colorado but I have found that most major cities have a decent enough form of public transportation. I can understand not being able to live without a car say if you have a family or have family members whom need medical care often but if you are solo I can't imagine a good reason to spend the extra few hundred or more a month.

    Source(s): Happy to be car-less!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes! I am feeling the budget increase. I can't help but be upset over it, but I nor anyone else can do anything about it. Well, maybe we can: We can stop using gas for 1 day all over the U.S. and that would bring it down some. If it didn't do any good then we might could plan a weekend for the U.S. to stay home and not go anywhere. I mean not even start an automobile, start a mower, start anything with gas.

  • Bulk O
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Wow looking at all these answers makes me feel really good. Because personally I believe the only way you will get Americans to be concerned about gas guzzlers and such is by driving up the prices until they really feel it.

    On the other hand, for me I really don't actually notice it in my budget. No driving habits changed. Gas is really quite a small part of my "budget".

    BTW for the people that don't understand the prices. If you are looking for something like, well it costs them more so they charge more, you have the wrong idea about this. This is about how people feel about the future (should they bet on oil going up or down), about not paying for infrastructure (or allowing for it in your state), and plain old supply and demand, as in charging what the market will allow.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think everyone feels it regardless of driving far or not. When you are use to only having to spend $20 to fill up and then it becoming %30 to fill up I think everyone realizes it.

    I do not get why they are going up anyways. There is no need for it because they have not improved their technology that they use to collect and manufacture it. Also if they have made production better then more gas should be at our disposal and gas should remain the same. Gas company's are sticking it to us and the Government allows it to a certain extent. I just can;t wait till 5 years latter. We will all be paying $7 something for gas if not more. I think by then people will be making their jobs pay them on the mile. I know I am ready to. 50 mile a day just for work is not helping anything.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually this may seem odd, but if you think about it, gas is one of the cheapest liquids we purchase today. it costs an average of $3.25 per gallon of gas, while it costs $4-5 for a gallon of bottled water, or $5-6 for a gallon of milk. Unfortunately, most people don't drink 4 gallons of milk per day, but may burn that much gas just doing their normal routine. The key is to conserve, roll right up to those red lights, and turn your engine off if you are just going to idle for 15 minutes in your driveway. Another problem is cars are very inefficient with fuel. There is something near 25-30% energy loss while transferring the stored chemical energy in the gas, into electrical energy and mechanical energy, which your car uses. Personally, I just bike to work. It's a 8 minute bike ride from my house to the office where i work, don't even break a sweat doing it.

  • Deedee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes gas prices suck! I have 4 kids and have to watch our budget every week so we can afford the gas to keep the job. We often do without things or have to compremise bills to buy gas. If work was close it might be different, but work being across the state is hurting us bad.

    Also funny how much of the oil that our president owns. Were fighting a war that I feel is continuing to long and in my opinion its to make the fat cat oil company owners more money in their pockets, while the little people suffer. Again funny how our president owns stock in the oil business. Things that make ya go hmmmm

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh yes, I am feeling it bad, I have a little Doge Neon that should only take about 18 bucks to fill at least that’s what it used to be. Now it cost me about 25-26 dollars....that’s crazy. I have never had to pay so much for my gas tank to be filled, plus I live at least 30-45 min away from my job then at night I go to school three days out of the week so that means 30-45 back to school then about 10 min back!

  • I know I'm really feeling it but I think everyone is. I work within 10 miles of my house but can sit in traffic for an hour coming home and my husband makes 80 miles round trip everyday, some days more. Its not only gas, everything is more. Milk is $4, OJ $4-5. A word to all of us broke people its not getting any better. Its bad when 2nd jobs aren't even working anymore. lol

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It's especially hard when people own gas guzzlers such as Sports Utilitie Vehicles (SUV), Van's, Large Capacity Trucks, etc, and don't have the means to downsize or purchase fuel economy cars. Thus, their pocketbook is pinched to keep a reasonable amount of gas in the tank.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't have to do without anything to fuel my car that gets about 35 mpg around town, because I take the train to the city for school everyday where I earn the small graduate student stipend that pays for my gasoline.

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