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Lv 5
Seeker asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Little dog for small child??

I am wanting to get a house dog for my 2 year old daughter. She loves animals and we live on a farm w/ lots of cats and two labs outside. We want to get her a pet that she can keep in the house. I would prefer a dog. So, what type of small dog would you recammend for a small child? She had a cat and did really well with it. (it ran in front of a tractor:>( So I want to get her a puppy I was thinking something like a jack russell terrier or a peeka poo. What do you think?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jack Russells are tooo hyper for a small child. And a peeka poo will have to be groomed every 4 to 6 weeks and if you live on a farm they can get really dirty really fast. A miniture Australian Shepherd makes for a very good house dog, easy to house break and very smart. Or go to the pound and find a short haired puppy with small feet that is a mixed breed this will save a puppy and chances are it will be healthier than many small dogs. Do Not get a chihuahua for a child. They are the number one biting dog!

    Source(s): I work for a vet.
  • 1 decade ago

    I've heard that Boston terriers are amazing with children. They are very, very smart dogs, and very cute-they kind of look like a dark-colored & white heavy-set Boxer but at half the size of a Boxer- Boston terriers grow to about the same size as a large Beagle.

    I actually got to see one in action at the pet store and I could not believe my eyes. He was a puppy, about 3 months old, and very, very playful when he came out of the cage-jumping, running around, wanting attention. A typical puppy. The lady who was interested in meeting him had a 3-year-old girl in her stroller. The handler brought the puppy over to the little girl, and the puppy IMMEDIATELY settled down as soon as he saw the little one, going up to the little girl at a walk, and quietly placing his head in her lap so that she could pet him, wagging his tail the whole time. He stayed there until the handler took him away to put him back in his cage. I've never seen anything like this, before or since, but I've always thought that if I were ever going to get a dog to have around children, it would definetely be a Boston terrier.

    Here's what Wikipedia has to say:

    While originally bred for fighting, they were later down bred for companionship. The modern Boston Terrier can be gentle, alert, expressive, and well-mannered. Many still retain the spunky attitude of the typical terrier. It must be noted however, that they are not considered terriers by the American Kennel Club, but are part of the non-sporting group.[4] Boston Terrier is something of a misnomer. They were originally a cross-breed between the White English Terrier (now extinct) and an English Bulldog.

    Some Bostons enjoy having another one for companionship. Both females and males generally bark only when necessary.[3] Having been bred as a companion dog, they enjoy being around people, and, if properly socialized, get along well with children, the elderly, other canines, and non-canine pets. Boston Terriers can be very cuddly, while others are more independent. [

    I've included some links below on the breed, including the AKC's, which delves more into the breed's conformation, the Wikipedia link, and Dogbreeding Info, which I found very informative.

    Hope this helps! :)

  • 5 years ago

    If your child is 4, I would stick to anything 20 lbs or heavier. It doesn't matter about the breed, it's totally dependent upon the individual dog whether or not they will be good with kids. Why don't you visit your local shelter (without your child at first) and check out all the little dogs looking for a home like yours? You can also go through a rescue, they will know which of their dogs are excellent with children.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have had a lot of dogs growing up and as an adult. I strongly recommend not getting a small dog for little kids. I have never seen it work out for the dog or the child. A medium size dog works well. But some of them are not good for small kids. ( cockerspaniel i found is not good for kids under 8) I had a half mixed husky and Samoyed breed that was no higher than to my knees but would let the baby's bite him. Once i even caught my 4 take a screwdriver and try to pry his teeth out and he didn't do anything. The 2 yr bite him all the time. I found him to be the best kid dog ever. I keep him in the house and shaved his hair down. Check out the dogs listed here We had him for 6 yrs and he was the best dog i ever owned from all the breeds we had through the years.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do not buy a Jack Russel Terrier, or any terrier for that matter. I would suggest a Pug, French Bulldog, Shih Tzu, Cocker Spaniel, An English Bulldog. These are all usually good with children, but don't listen to what you are told about small dogs being bad with kids. If you get any breed from a good breeder, train it, and raise it from a pup with your child it should be fine. I have 4 kids ages 1 - 9 years, and chihuahuas. I have never had a problem with my dogs being aggressive or snappy at the kids. I just trained the dogs and taught the children how they are to behave around one another. My kids and my dogs are inseparable now. Good Luck with your decision.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    BE careful selecting a dog. More important than the breed is the temporment. All breeds can bite. (cats too) Lots of small dogs have HIGH energy levels which depending on the individual dog, that can be either good or bad.

    I would reccomend picking out any breed you like, then narrowing it down from there. Try holding a puppy upside down for a couple seconds to see if it lets you see its stomache. Try taking its food away to see if it has food agression, see how it gets along with its littermates.Make sure it lets you pet it all over. Let your daughter meet it, and MEET ITS PARENTS!

    Do you think getting an inside dog would make your two labs jeleous?

  • Megz
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have a jack russell, and while I absolutely love the breed I don't think a jack russell would be ideal in your situtation.

    As a person previously mentioned, they would much, much rather be out on the farm with the other dogs and animals. In addition, they are often one person dogs. My dog enjoys being with other people in the family, but she is extremely attached to me. So I have a feeling if you got one, it would be attached to its primary caretaker (probably you) and not as interested in a little girl.

    I think a cavalier king charles would be a good choice or a non-hunting dog (b/c on a farm jack russells, beagles, other terriers are just going to want to run around).

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    PeekaPoo might be OK or a medium sized dog - nothing tea cup sized &, NOT JRT's or chihuahua's !!! Better still go to a rescue center where you can see & check the dogs out or s a rescue center for specific breeds ( such places have very knowledgable rescuers ) pick a mellow dog, gently pick them up from under the arms so their back legs just barely dangle off the floor...if they don't struggle & fight, chances are it's a mellow dog ( works for cats too )...many small dogs do not do well with children..cuz most kids are hyper, fast moving & loud..this is true of any dog & especially JRT's or Chihuahua's - freaks them out big time !!! Beings your on a farm, make sure you have a contained area for the dog to go out to, so they don't run off or in front of tractors...Yikes, sorry for that too..Take Care :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I say poo poo to any poodle breed. My impression is that they are way to sensitive and I can't see one as a happy farm family member.

    Little kids can be rough on dogs, so I wouldn't get a small dog.

    One of my two favorites are the Blue Heeler which will be her guardian as well as a great playmate for a child. Blue Heelers are farm dogs.

    My most favorite on the farm and with the kids is the Great Pyrenees. They are cute little snowballs that grow into BIG CALM guardians. You already have two labs, so a pyr won't feel all that big to you. Pyrs can be used inside OR outside. You can have the pyr outside at night and inside with your child in the daytime. My pyrs guard outside most nights and come inside part of the day. You just have to make sure as the pup grows up that it knows that YOU are Pack Leader, but I suspect you had to do that with your labs.

    Pyrs are calm and quiet inside. My dogs do roughhouse inside at times, but mostly are quiet. And mine are careful of the furniture when they play inside.

    Terriers are also good dogs. I had fox terriers and welch terriers as a child. I'm really glad I have the pyrs now as they are excellent companions and they guard me wherever I go.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A jack russel would be a poor choice for a small child. they are very very energetic and can be really difficult (my parents have one). a jack russel would much rather be out on the farm running with the labs than in the house with the little one. i had a pekeapoo growing up, and he was wonderful. i would think a small lap dog like a maltese or bichon (or a small breed mix) would be good for a 2 year old. the ones i've met have been calm and loveable. sounds like you have a great home for any dog so good luck in your choice!

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