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do u think nowadays parents are more protection of their children?

a lot of children and teenagers are spoiled or pampered.why?

11 Answers

  • AV
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you are asking if parents are more protective of their children...

    I, for one, am protective of mine, but that has nothing to do with the children being spoiled/pampered. Parents are supposed to protect their children.

    Some parents aren't protective enough... I have seen parents with their children at shopping areas, and the child is walking way behind the parents. That really bothers me, that child could easily be snatched away and the parents wouldn't even notice it, not til it's too late.

    The fact is, we live in a sad society nowadays, with all of the shootings (ie VA Tech, Columbine...). I would think that parents would want to protect their children. Naturally, you can't protect them from ALL evil, but you can sure as heck do your best to try. Nothing spoiling about that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well when I grew up my family moved from puerto rico to brooklyn new york and worked there butts off but then they started doing drugs. We've been homeless, poor and everything you can think of. My parents recovered in 96 and now they are going to own there second home. Im 18 I am already spoiling my baby daughter. Im giving her the life I never had! I buy her so many toys and clothes. If its a toy and it catches her eyes I will buy it. When she gets older I know I will spoil her even more. I think some children are spoiled because there parents often want to give them the life they never had as a child

    For the first question you asked... I am more protective of my daughter. Who wouldnt be unless you live in a place where there is no crime (I dont even think places like that exist)

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes they are. The reason being is that in the old days, like when I was a kid the children freely played in the streets and there were many kids around. Now because of our "awareness" we are worried that our kids will fall prey to pedophiles and gun-men and we tend to keep them indoors, the parents that are less protective are left with no play mates in the "hood" because so many are kept inside. Also nowadays, we have more women not staying home and due to that the kids are left inside.

  • 1 decade ago

    The real deal is that parents, huge numbers of them, are dumping their kids in day care so young that it is devastatingly harmful to their intellect and social development. Parents spend hardly anytime with their children, tho they throw things at them. They may act 'protective' but not in a real sense, not in the sense of giving kids what they need.

    Mom virtually 24/7 for the first three years at least, and consistent, daily, loving, interested interaction daily from them on is the way to make a happy, healthy adult. These teens aren't really pampered, and they demonstrate the aphorism: all children behave as well as they are treated.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is a HUGE difference between being "PROTECTIVE"[not "protection"] and spoiling your child. Spoiling children involves bending to their every whimper, grunt and demand when they are grown enough to comunicate using sign language or words when they are just exiting infancy to toddlerhood. It involves letting them have run of the home and letting them make their own rules and breaking yours. It is buying your child what ever it is they want to keep them quiet so they don't whine and beg.

    A productive parent lets their children know who is boss without scaring the crap out of them. All a productive parent has to do when a child thinks it is okay to cut a fool in public, is shoot that "I mean business" look, and the child automatically knows to stop.(ie. my daughter since she was 2. NEVER had a huge problem with her in public)

    A protective parent keeps their children safe.

  • 1 decade ago

    i am definitely more protective. i think a lot of it is down to media coverage of abductions and such. also, as someone has already pointed out, a lot more mums are working these days and so we buy more for our kids to keep them occupied indoors where we know they (should be) safe. when i was younger we always had to go to the shop for our parents, these days we buy most of our stuff in bulk from the supermarket, we walked to school as kids but because we now work we drop our kids off at school in the car, and pick them up on the way home. we are also more aware of the risk of child abuse and try to keep them safe. i sincerely wish it could be different but i think those days have gone

  • 1 decade ago

    I think parents now days are overprotective. They watch their children like hawks and dont let them learn from their mestakes. I understand you dont want your children hurt in any way, but pampering them and making their dections for them wont help them either. Once they meet the real world they dont know what to do and the lack of security scares them. Wich can really hold them back. You have to let the eagle soar, not clip its wings.

  • 1 decade ago

    parents now a days are to busy with there own lifes and have less time to spend with there children. Parents are also afraid to disaplen there kids too.

  • 1 decade ago

    being over protective and pampering or spoiling are two different things are they not? as far as over protective, yes, b/c the world seems less friendly and trustworthy

  • 1 decade ago

    I think its because we want to give the stuff that we didnt have as youngsters and so we over give them things

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