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Did you try to answer the "Evolution" question after it was removed?

I followed the link.. and found the following:

Creationists strongly dispute the fact that there is overwhelming support for evolution in the science community. One of the first attempts to provide evidence that there were substantial number of scientists who disagreed with evolution was a pamphlet produced by the Institute for Creation Research in 1971 entitled "21 Scientists Who Believe in Creation"[45] This pamphlet has been reprinted several times. Skeptics have claimed that this list of 21 creation supporters is misleading since it includes 3 people with PhD's in education, 2 in theology, 5 in engineering, 1 in physics, 1 in chemistry, 1 in hydrology, 1 in entomology, 1 in psycholinguistics 1 in food science technology, 2 in biochemistry, 1 in ecology, 1 in physiology and 1 in geophysics, and therefore most of their backgrounds might not give them much authority in evolutionary biology.[46][47]

Really sounds like people well versed in the requirements of Evolution <NOT!>


This is the same type of argument from the other side too. Creationists are NOT scientists, it is not a science that requires the education <or brainwashing> to think that Evolution is a true science...

I think that Evolution is a faith based science.

Update 2:

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I could not find the research from 1971 anyplace.

Update 3:


Also, I DO believe in Creation but this "Research" is an example of people distorting the truth. This is NOT a one sided distortion. I have had to review DOZENS of submitted Thesis' and the accompanying data because of suspected fraud in data collection (I was doing my own research in Mathematics but was recruited to help investigate).. some of them had already been published in "peer reviewed publications"...

My point is, SHOW me the original research links...

Remember the Model-T.. and look at cars now.. a lot of people believe that cars evolved into much better machines.. but they were CREATED.

Update 4:

Jedi: So True!! I worked in a hospital where a company came in and gave them FREE pain medications if prescribed by the doctors for 2 years.. and right after the 2 years were up a "research team" came in and "did research" on the most prescribed pain reliever in the last 2 years... OF COURSE it was the one that was FREE!

Update 5:

Jennifer: I had to review dozens of PhD & Masters Thesis (soon to be published) which were on evolution and contained the SAME kind of exaggerations or falsities (the authors did not get their Degrees and were not published but it was close.. my professors were "tipped" is why we were researching them)

Update 6:

Zach: Yep.. only.. your average person does not have a PhD.. and probably more than 50% of them are not capable of doing the work for it.

Update 7:

Biggestj: *GriN* Yep! but.. sometimes.. I like to argue a little!

Update 8:

Belet: Hmm.. evidence.. and interpretation of that evidence.. that is why even evolutionists argue among themselves.. interpretations...

What if the Earths rotation changed speeds at some time? Say the days became longer by about 30% and the wobble for Winter/Summer also changed.. would that mess up your dating?

Update 9:

OK.. I got a LOT of good answers.. some I don't agree with.. but they show thinking.. people who call other people derogatory names will NEVER get best answer in my questions.

8 Answers

  • Dr. NG
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What do most scientist believe.Give us those figures.Remember 50% of all PHD's graduated in the bottom half of there classes.

  • 1 decade ago

    I always refuse to get into a discussion about evolution because it is such a touchy subject with some people and the debate is still going strong to this day. My beliefs are that #1 I DO NOT think that we evolved from monkeys. As far as most of the rest of it goes, I don't know. I think that God created everything and made everything happen. So if there is any truth at all to any arguments for evolution, then God is still in charge. God created this world whether it evolved over a period of many, many years or whether it instantly came about. I do have other beliefs about it, but like I said, I stay away from this debate when I can.

  • 1 decade ago

    The theory of evolution is based on actual observations. The creation story in Genesis is a story that was made up in 500 BCE while the Jews were captive in Babylon. The elders made it up to compete with the Zoroastrian creation story.

  • 1 decade ago

    Creationism is not a science, though it has often tried to masquerade as one. That 1971 pamphlet is one example of how creationists will try and mislead the public.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Evolution is a fact! based on reasonable empirical observation and mountains of evidence! Anyone that contradict that is a malintention Idiot! even if they call themselves scientists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yeah, when somepne says PhD's say this, you have to ask PhD in what.

    Commercials do that too "Dr. so and so" who has a degree in something that is completely unrelated to the commercial is still advertised as an "expert."

    So you could say Creationism is one big ad that just doesn't die.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Evolution is an evidence based science.

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