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Lv 6
Cyndie asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Murtha said on "Face the Nation" there are 4 ways to influence W on Iraq. Which do you think will work?

1) Popular opinion

2) The election (obviously this one won't work)

3) Impeachment

4) The purse


#4 wouldn't mean hitting HIS purse, per se, but not giving him money for his pet project and stop funding his war.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "4" Is the only answer. #1. Popular opinion has been against him since day numero uno. #2. He doesn't care. He can''t run for election and Cheney isn't running or this would be option one. #3. Impeachment won't help once proceedings are initiated because if congress decides to do this it will already be too late (Threat of impeachment could work). #4. Continue to tie the purse to withdrawal. Either the Bush's ignorance will cease and he signs the bill with the said timetable, or more likely there will be no cessation to his ignorance and the money will run out forcing the end to this ignoramus's plan.

    BTW Politically Wrong, Congress controls the dispensing of the nation's money. Get a clue about how the government works.

  • 1 decade ago

    Non of these options will work. Number one, Bush doesn't care about polls, we've seen that. Two, next election is s/one elses. Three, he's not impeachable. Congress Democrats know they will never get enough votes to just won't happen. And four, the purse is the only legitimate way for congress to contradict the Commander in Chief decision on war, but democrats won't really cut funding. How do i know? Just think back to Vietnam. When they did it then, the nation blamed them for the war falling apart so badly, and the next four elections were our democrats aren't going to really pull money...they're smarter than that. All of this talk is just that, talk. It's for the record, that's all.

  • 1 decade ago

    And you think Murtha knows his head from his backside??? This from the same little boy that keeps his brother's business in business by selling government contracts to his brother's company? The same idiot that enslaved 7 Marines and 1 Navy Corpsman for doing their job? He doesn't know what is going on, and is just political grandstanding, and as for what option will work on Influencing Bush on Iraq, Murtha has no influence at all. He is a double talking joker that even the Dem's don't follow and Senator Boxer said was political embarrassment.

  • 1 decade ago

    Murtha is another has been who is playing for the media like a monkey on a string. Pelosi jerks his chain and he comes up with another feeble idea. Too bad at one time he was a good man but perhaps being a dummycrat so long has destroyed his mind like Kennedy's and Kerry's.

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  • First off Mullah Murtha should be in jail for ABSCAM bribes...secondly he is no war hero. He was a reserve Intel Office in other words in the rear with the gear.

    He will never travel to Iraq for fear some jarhead will frag him on sight after what he has said and done to demoralize the Corps and our military.

  • 1 decade ago

    john murtha needs to worry about cambria county Pa and why it's so financially distressed after he has been in congress so long , i applaud his 30+ years in the marines , but this guy is a whack job . and should lose his seat , BTW i grew up in John Murtha's district ( johnstown Pennsylvania )

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    John Murtha should be in jail not on Face the Nation. Just another example of Democratic hypocrisy. Pray tell, what did Charlie Manson say about Iraq and G-Dub?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Murtha has put a knife in the back of our solders.

    Now they want to do a coup d'État on the white house and put the puppet queen in place. She will quickly change many laws, one making talk radio against the law unless you say nice things about the dems.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    None of the above......

    1) He does not perform by popularity ( Good strong point)

    2) He isn't running

    3) No Crime...No Impeachment

    4) How do you hit his purse??

    Your options make no sense

  • AZ123
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Number 3

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