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logan asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Paris Hilton goes to jail?

Wow poor Paris has to go to jail for breaking the law. But it so unfair. What I want to know is why is it unfair? And why are people so concerned about it? I just read that there is a petition signed by over 900 people asking the govenor to pardon her. Who really cares. Just cause she is rich she should have a get out of jail free card. What kind of message does that send to people? What do you all think?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do not in any way feel that Paris should be treated any differently than you or I. She is a spoiled little brat and needs a wake-up call. The petition is no more than a joke. You ask who really cares? I DO. Let's say she caused an accident when her lights were off, the ramifications of that would be something even her mommy couldn't help her with. L.A. county should be like Fresno. You do NOT want to get a DUI here. I have already vented on this, I'll just say one more thing, she needs to be treated like anyone else. Why is she even "famous"...because she did sex tapes? She can't act, sing or write, so what does that say about society? Grow up, Paris, do something right for a change, except your punishment and learn something from it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi...My personal opinion...I think it's krap! Why is Paris so special? She's a spoiled brat with a name that's all. She shouldn't be treated any more or any less than anyone else that has to pay for their crime. And as for the Gov. Mr. Arnold...if he does assist her to where she doesn't have to serve her time then I feel he's not much of a Gov. And I can just imagine on who those 900 names are on that petition. I have no respect for Paris. She's selfish and she doesn't care about anyone but her own-self, so who is she paying off? She needs a reality ck as far as I'm concerned. She whines so much she needs a diaper slapped on her butte'. Give me a break! I'm outta here. Have a good day!

  • 1 decade ago

    My comment: The petition for the gov to free paris only says to forgive her for DUI, but she's not only going to jail for that, some people forget she was driving without a license and the law clearly states: If you drive with a suspended or revoked license, you can be fined and jailed and your vehicle may be impounded. At least she still has her car! And what example would governor Schwarzenegger set if he steps on a judge's decision?

    I'm going to sign these two:

    LOL but this one is just mean haha and kinda funny

    Seriously I signed that one too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the petition to pardon her is absolute nonsense and the last I heard,the number of people who had signed it was over 1000! Hopefully,the governor will ignore it and order the sentence carried out. He will be sending the right message-that no one is above the law,not even celebrities-if he does.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If I got pulled over with a suspended license I would be put in the back of a police car and my car would be towed to impound. If I tried to feed the police or judge some line about, "well my mom told me that I could drive as long as it was work related" they would say "so what. Ignorance is not an excuse" The fact that she would drive when she knows she doesn't have a license just proves that she thinks she is above the law...that if a cop pulled her over she could talk her way out of it. I give kudos to the cop for not letting her off, and kudos to the judge for giving her what she deserves!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    SHE DESERVES IT!! If you or I got pulled over for driving on a suspended license (which was suspended due to a DUI, mind you) we would be hauled off to the slammer, so should she. This crap about her not knowing that her license is suspended is too stupid. It's her license, it's her responsibility to find out if it has been reinstated. I think jail would be a good wake up call, maybe then she will stop acting like such a public fool, and spare us all from any more of her antics.

  • She needs to learn to respect authority. If she gets off without jail time, all it will prove is that you just need money and influence and you can completely ignore the law.

    C'mon... "I didn't know I couldn't drive on a suspended license." I'm quite certain she knew. She just didn't care. She didn't think the rules applied to her.

    Lock her up.

    The only bad part of this... she's getting even more publicity. Becoming even more famous. Which means it will take even longer before she stops showing up on my TV.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think she should be held accoutable just as you or I would. Her social status should have no bearing on the final decision, however, it might. I say put her in the big house, she broke the law, more than twice as I understand it, do the crime pay the time.....And by the way the public, if they choose to, can also write to the governor supporting her jail time.....

  • 1 decade ago

    She committed crime and should go to jail. No petitions will work - for heavens sake, what can one write in such petition? "Paris is so great and rich and she can't go to jail!", huh? She already has many privileges and she thinks she's everything, so if they decided to let her go, I would create my own petition to send her back :P She's selfish and she deserves it, maybe she will learn what real life is all about.

  • 1 decade ago

    Man, poor Paris Hilton. She's getting roasted alive by the media because of drunk driving. Wonder what made her do such a stupid thing. Maybe its because of the public pressure? Anyways, its not her fault that she's rich and all that and I don't think she's the one who started the petition so yea, don't have to be so harsh. Its tough being a celebrity and all. Imagine being hounded 24/7. Its crazy man, and creepy...(shudder). Anyways, being on a neutral side, I'm just saying that although she shouldn't have been driving when she's drunk and all that, you can't exactly criticize her without seeing things with her point of view and imagine her life. My dad's always told me that. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. One of my mottos in life that actually made sense.

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