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Why do so many adults have problems with kids getting on myspace while at school?

I wish we "grownups" would get off our high-horses about this stuff. When we were in school we weren't any better and to believe otherwise is a crock. We passed notes, we drew on the desktops, we feel asleep in class, turned in homework late, thought the teachers were full of crap and that nothing that we learned in school would ever be of any use to us.

Kids and teenagers today simply have a more interesting way of communicating than we did "back in the day" (which, by the way, was a Wednesday). I say that we SHOULD give them the latest proxies and ways of getting around filters and firewalls at their schools. If they get caught, it's a life lesson - don't get caught. Getting caught passing a note in school would result in detention where I went.

There is more to this question in this post:;_ylt=An8gp...


I understand that at most schools it's the same for a first offense when bypassing filters. At some it's worse, of course, depending on the administration.

As it is, we need to get down off our soap-boxes and start talking _to_ these kids instead of _at_ them. We weren't any better back in our day. I remember a Baz Luhrman song called "Everybody's Free":

Prices will rise

Politicians will philander

You too will get old

And when you do you will believe that when you were young

Prices were reasonable

Politicians were honest

And children respected their elders

As a side note, just so you don't believe that this is coming from the mouth of a slacker, I graduated from high school with a 2.5 GPA then joined the Army and was a Korean Linguist. After 11 years of active duty service I decided that college was for me so I left active duty, joined the National Guard and went to college.

Update 2:

I was called back to active duty along with my unit in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and did my year-long tour in Iraq proudly even though I did not support the war. I came home, finished college at the age of 35, graduating summa *** laude with a backelor's of science and I now pull down a steady income as a software engineer with a large aerospace company programming flight simulators.

Kids, keep trying to get onto myspace. If nothing else, you keep geeks like me employed making sure that kids like you are toeing the line.

To those who don't want kids on myspace while they're at school, learn more about the technology and figure out ways to stop them besides berating them on Yahoo! Answers.

Update 3:

On a side note, I just found out that using the letters c u m by themselves even when talking about an honors degree will get them asterixed out.

Update 4:

Additional sidenote: I misspelled bachelors.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't want them on the site even when they are at home much less at school unless they are somewhat supervised. I want to know the information that they are putting out there to the public. To really is about keeping my teenager safe. I realize that the whole school day is not used on studying. Of course children are also going to have fun and socialize. That is all a part of growing up. I want my children to have the whole experience of school but in the is my responsibility as a parent to protect them.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    When i highly recommend making use of to unblock web sites. I am using their services for more than 3 years with no troubles.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I understand the urge to use MySpace, but public education is bad enough without MySpace focusing everyone's attention on the latest trend in materialism or who said what, is pregnant, or has a case of GonaHerpaSyphilAIDS. Tax payers don't pay schools for MySpace and don't want to chance a teacher getting apathetic about computer usage because they're tired of repeat offenders that will take detention over giving up the chance to leave perverted picture comments on classmates' sites. I'm sure if the school has a way of ensuring that no student could pass a note in class, they would have do it. So, why not get ride of MySpace in a schools and return to note passing?

  • 1 decade ago

    I say its because they are jelous. They didnt have mySpace in their days. Im not much of a myspace user, but i do see people at my school who check their myspace all the time. Well okey, the jelous answer was kinda bad. I think the real reason is that they want to be protective of you and want to know what you are doing online(their paranoia is only fed even more by the media who keeps making the internet looks so scary, when the truth is that they are making it seem bad only because the internet has taken so much bussiness away from old-media).I dont think myspace is that bad, and i dont think adults should have a problem with it. MySpace is just our trend like they had their bulletin boards and mails (okey okey, that may not be their trends. Did they have a trend??? Yep, back to the jelously point!)

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  • Barry
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    We're against it because the kids are at school to learn not to get into MySpace or another web site.

    Yes I was a stinker once in a great while, but my main purpose in school was to learn. Had computers been available when I was attending, this gal would have known better than to try and access a web site. The consequences wouldn't have been worth it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ya know i agree w/ you. However in my case it's work, not school. I get done w/ my duties and have nothing left to do but sit there. What's the harm in checking my myspace? I've done my job! It's not any different that any of the other sites people in the office visit. I think Myspace just has a BAD label and for some reason people shun it.

    Which is bull!!

  • 1 decade ago

    We were in school, talking passing notes, not out in a public area like a park where a threat could come steal you or break down your mental ability to think. letting kids onto myspace with all these pedophiles is not a good idea! now creating an internal intranet between schools would be a better idea!

  • Bjorn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    For a while there, we had no problem giving out that kind of information.

    That is EXACTLY the reason why we berate them now.

    Because they constantly ask the same question. They ask it over and over.

    Yes, I know that it is different kids asking the same question. But if they even had a hint of common sense they would do a quick google search or even use the Yahoo! Answers search function to figure it out.

    Instead, they ask over and over with some of them barely even being able to spell "Myspace".

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe because I don't like seeing the 22% of my paycheck taken for taxes, used by idiots for something other than what it was intended for: education. NOT social security blankets.

    It not just a question of them getting caught, it's the computer down time and the man hours the IT person has to invest when one of the little brain farts download a virus onto a school network.

  • 1 decade ago

    its hard enough to protect our children from internet predators and inappropriate material while on the home pcs....if the integrity of the schools computer system is broken can you imagine the access to records, names, addressess etc that these predators would would you feel if your child were "discovered" by a predator from being on the internet at school then were stalked and kidnapped from that school or even at any other location given on myspace or wherever else.....i bet you'd be inclined to sue the school wouldnt you? least when we passed notes in school the notes were going to other 13 year olds and not 37 year olds posing as 13 year olds

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