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Lv 59,665 points

Chris S

Favorite Answers60%

Until recently, I was a software engineer with an aerospace company and worked on flight simulator interfaces. I was miserable. Luckily, an ad agency I worked for fresh out of college happened to be short some personnel and I was able to switch jobs. Now I get to do what I really enjoy, web-site design and development. Additionally, I'm a part-time gamer who focuses mostly on single-player and strategy-based games (I'm back to playing Diablo 2 now). I've played a few MMOGs but I prefer trying to figure out how the programmers put together the games (how the AI works and where the glitches are that I can work in my favor) instead of trying to keep track of 15 other nut-jobs jumping around firing off random rockets and shouting "PWNED". I play acoustical guitar, ride the Erie-Canal towpath whenever possible, read heavily during the summer, and do my best to keep my wife happy. Help me out by going to and clicking on any of the links.

  • How do you tell your car pool buddy they have body odor?

    I give one of my co-workers a ride to work most of the time. He has 3 kids, two of which are autistic and difficult to get ready in the morning. He's recently gone to a one-car family to save money which means that his wife would have to get up early every morning to get the kids ready to take him to work. So, I pick him up since he lives right near my gym and I'm there pretty much every morning. We're both web developers for an advertising agency.

    My co-worker is a nice guy but is extremely obese. I'm sure he showers but I don't know if he does it in the morning or only before bed at night. He mentioned having problems finding his deodorant one morning so I know that he wears it but, his body odor is killing me! I try to have the car warmed up before he gets in so that I can shut off the fans and not circulate the air too much. Unfortunately, my windows always fog up after he gets in and I end up having to turn them back on again anyways!

    I don't know what to do. I don't want to embarrass him since he has enough problems with being social because he's borderline asperger syndrome. I can't stop picking him up because I feel bad for him and his family. But I can't take the smell anymore. When I get to work I drag my shower bag to the bathroom with me so I can get another hit of deodorant because I feel like his smell is clinging to me. I know that's just paranoia but even now I can still smell it.


    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Should I be jealous of an ex-husband?

    I am married to a slightly older woman. We've both been married before and both have kids. Her two daughters are fully grown and getting ready to head of to grad-school and see the world. I've always been on speaking terms with their father (my wife's ex) who is a bit eccentric. The girls and their father were supposed to be leaving for Ireland for a vacation but this was cut short due to the fact that the father took a bad fall while roller-blading and is now in the hospital. He's had a bad time of it for the last couple of days and it's starting to wear on the girls. But, my wife seems to think it's necessary for her to go visit him in the hospital as well. I understand going once to support her daughters but she's now gone several times and seems to think it's necessary to update me on everything going on with him. She's also gone as far as to invite his family (her ex-inlaws) to the house.

    I'm frustrated. Do I tell her that I'm uncomfortable and getting angry about all of this?

    21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Building a computer. What do I need to know?

    I've decided to build my next PC from the ground up. I would like it to be able to do pretty much everything: gaming, multimedia, and standard home computing. I've been checking out some cases to start off with at and I'm quickly realizing that power is going to be a big concern. I really want a dynamic system that can expand for the next few years as well.

    So, what kinds of cases, power supplies, motherboards, video cards and memory should I be looking at?

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Why do so many adults have problems with kids getting on myspace while at school?

    I wish we "grownups" would get off our high-horses about this stuff. When we were in school we weren't any better and to believe otherwise is a crock. We passed notes, we drew on the desktops, we feel asleep in class, turned in homework late, thought the teachers were full of crap and that nothing that we learned in school would ever be of any use to us.

    Kids and teenagers today simply have a more interesting way of communicating than we did "back in the day" (which, by the way, was a Wednesday). I say that we SHOULD give them the latest proxies and ways of getting around filters and firewalls at their schools. If they get caught, it's a life lesson - don't get caught. Getting caught passing a note in school would result in detention where I went.

    There is more to this question in this post:;_ylt=An8gp...

    14 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • What is the distance in nautical miles between 42N 115W and 42N 116W?

    I think that the calculations being done in a legacy program I'm working on are incorrect. A range and bearing tool in the program says that the distance between 42N 115W and 43N 115W is 60 nautical miles. I'm pretty sure that's correct.

    It also says that the distance between 42N 115W and 42N 116W is 44.7 nm. Is that right?

    3 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • Tough question?

    I have an ellipse who's proportions are always the same: the major axis is always 1.355 times the minor axis. It is centered on and symmetrical about the origin (0,0).

    Given that the ellipse passes through the point (3,2), what is the value of the y-intercept?

    Actually, I don't need the answer, I just need to know how to solve for the y-intercept. This is a work problem that has been plaguing me for days.

    5 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Need the formula for an ellipse containing a specific (x,y) with axis ratio of 1.355?

    I'm working on a legacy program at work and could use some help.

    I am drawing an ellipse that always has an x-axis that is 1.355 times that of the y-axis. The ellipse also passes through a specific (x,y) coordinate. I can figure out the displacement so assume that the origin is the center of the ellipse.

    Can anyone help? It's been more than a year since my last math course and I've forgotten everything, apparently.

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Why can't Rhode Island participate in sweepstakes?

    Every time I hear about a promotion taking place on the radio or online I always hear a disclaimer saying "Not valid in Rhode Island". why is that? What is it about Rhode Island law that doesn't permit their participation in these prize contests?

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • MySQL syntax question?

    I'm writing a database application for the web using php and mysql. Right now I'm working on the portion of the code that will allow the administrator to authorize someone who is attempting to register to use the database. Here's the mysql query that is giving me fits:

    mysql_query("replace(authorized, '0', '1') from members where id = $_POST[sel_id]") or die(mysql_error());

    What the code is attempting to do is changed the boolean field authorized from 0 to 1 for any records in the members table where their id matches the one passed in from the submission form as sel_id. But, when I attempt to authorize, I get the following mysql_error:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax near '(authorized, '0', '1') from members where id = 10' at line 1

    Can anyone give me a hand in figuring out what I'm doing wrong? This is my first attempt at using the "replace" function so I've probably got the syntax wrong or something but I can't seem to find help on it anywhere. Thanks.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • OK, have to ask the question. Where is the picture of Britney everyone is talking about?

    Just need to see it. Don't care how clear it is. Not searching for porn but I'm curious what the big deal is about.

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago