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Should I be jealous of an ex-husband?

I am married to a slightly older woman. We've both been married before and both have kids. Her two daughters are fully grown and getting ready to head of to grad-school and see the world. I've always been on speaking terms with their father (my wife's ex) who is a bit eccentric. The girls and their father were supposed to be leaving for Ireland for a vacation but this was cut short due to the fact that the father took a bad fall while roller-blading and is now in the hospital. He's had a bad time of it for the last couple of days and it's starting to wear on the girls. But, my wife seems to think it's necessary for her to go visit him in the hospital as well. I understand going once to support her daughters but she's now gone several times and seems to think it's necessary to update me on everything going on with him. She's also gone as far as to invite his family (her ex-inlaws) to the house.

I'm frustrated. Do I tell her that I'm uncomfortable and getting angry about all of this?

21 Answers

  • Stefka
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes - she can't read your mind. As far as she's concerned you are okay with it. Let her know how you feel about it.

  • Rein
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I understand your frustration. Go to some blended family problem sites on the net and you will not feel so alone. It took time for my husband to realize that it wasn't good for us to have contact with his ex in laws and visits with his ex. Some people can handle this kind involvement, I can't. I can be civil for the kids sake to the ex and stuff at functions, however I am of the mind set that it makes me feel like an outsider when ever too much contact is being made in the old family area. I refuse to be an outsider in my own family!!! Seriously, read some of the stuff on the step and blended family issues. Talk to your wife, show her some of the stuff that you find and tell her how you feel....that you want your marriage to succeed,

  • 5 years ago

    Um ok look this is for his family, which includes your daughter and presumably you to a small extent. If he wishes to get lost while you deal with this, so be it. I find his behavior childish. What does he want you to do, burn down the funeral home? Your child needs your attention and love right now. This is likely terribly upsetting to her/him. Tell your husband that beating a dead horse (literally) won't help anything, and this is all about putting this behind you. There is no use regurgitating past problems anymore. The fact is that you (presumably) loved this man at some point, and it is respectful of you to quietly attend his funeral. Don't get involved in it - make your appearance and wish his family well, and move on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, you should tell her because until you make it known that this is making you uncomfortable she probably thinks you're okay with it.

    To make it easier for her to understand- ask her to think about from your point of view for a minute- how would she feel if you brought your ex and your ex-inlaws over for dinner.

    The man had an accident roller blading- it's not like he's terminally ill or anything!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think you have reason to be jealous, because they did have children together, and I'm sure she still cares for him as a person. Visiting him at the hospital is one thing, but I would agree with you on bringing his family to the house. That would be uncomfortable for me as well. Of course, discuss this with her, but do it in a non-confrontational manner. She probably just didn't realize that it would bother you, and is unaware of how you feel. So, before you get angry, talk to her about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well it would be the only way she would know. But I think there is probably no need, you will be there too right? Doesnt seem like she is trying to get back with him, just seems like she is a caring, understanding person who is trying to be supportive to someone she once loved enough to marry. What reasons did you fall in love with her? Were those some of the qualities you admired? Not being in love with him anymore doesnt mean she cant like him or care about what happens. Whether you can handle that is the question. But she is with you, offer to go visit with her. Maybe that would quell some of your fears....????

    Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    I really don't think you should be jealous, but you did need to tell her how you feel....Tell her how uncomfortable you were with her ex's family. Do it in a way that doesn't sound like your jealous, just awkward. But I do know that people who divorce and remain friendly have better relationships with their children. Keep in mind that there is a reason they are divorced and she married you. Be patient and let her know how much you love and miss her. Plan a romantic evening out.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes you need to tell her how this is making you feel. I'm with you. I can see going to see him once to see how he is and then let the girls tell you guys what's developing, but I see no reason to have his parents over and to go to the hospital all the time. Is he near death or what? If he is, then I may be more understanding, but if it's an injury he will recover from, I don't see why all this is necessary.

  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely tell her your frustrated but try not to do it

    in a rude or hateful way. There's no need to invite the

    family over the house when the man is in the hospital.

    Tell her that the house is yours also and you shouldn't

    be uncomfortable in your own house. If she wants to

    discuss his progress with his parents than she should

    go to their house.

  • anaise
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Some people never learn to cut their ties. Your wife needs to realize that she is slapping you in the face when she makes her ex important. He is suppose to be at the end of her important list; must be a child support money issue. Anyway, I wouldn't let it go any further. Put a stop to it before its escalates further.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would ask her why she continues to see him and his family. She may still feel responsible in some way for him, and she may not realize what she is doing. Talk to her about your feelings because she probably doesn't know how frustrating it is for you.

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