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Chris S asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

How do you tell your car pool buddy they have body odor?

I give one of my co-workers a ride to work most of the time. He has 3 kids, two of which are autistic and difficult to get ready in the morning. He's recently gone to a one-car family to save money which means that his wife would have to get up early every morning to get the kids ready to take him to work. So, I pick him up since he lives right near my gym and I'm there pretty much every morning. We're both web developers for an advertising agency.

My co-worker is a nice guy but is extremely obese. I'm sure he showers but I don't know if he does it in the morning or only before bed at night. He mentioned having problems finding his deodorant one morning so I know that he wears it but, his body odor is killing me! I try to have the car warmed up before he gets in so that I can shut off the fans and not circulate the air too much. Unfortunately, my windows always fog up after he gets in and I end up having to turn them back on again anyways!

I don't know what to do. I don't want to embarrass him since he has enough problems with being social because he's borderline asperger syndrome. I can't stop picking him up because I feel bad for him and his family. But I can't take the smell anymore. When I get to work I drag my shower bag to the bathroom with me so I can get another hit of deodorant because I feel like his smell is clinging to me. I know that's just paranoia but even now I can still smell it.


4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you could wear like a chest rub that makes it so you can only smell this minty stuff on your chest, or just wear a ton of cologne to cover up the scent of him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sweating badly or odourously can be a medical problem and I think what he was doing with the deodorant comment was hinting to you that he KNOWS he smells (and there is nothing he can do about it.)

    There is nothing you can do and personally I would not mention it at all since it won't help.

    All I would do is decide whether you are going to put up with it or not. If you think he is just that way, like forgets or can't find his deo then again there is nothing you can do as that is his personality type and you mentioning it isn't going to make him change his entire lifestyle. I think he would have done so already.

    Do you get what i'm mean??

    Don't feel bad about it, his problems are his not yours. You can only do so much. Don't let someone else affect your life this much.

  • 1 decade ago

    wow, Chris. first of all your a good friend, most people would have stopped helping. It is always hard to tell anyone they have a body odor, or their breath isn't that fresh. The way i would handle it is by 1) putting a lot of car fresheners in the car. They even have the ones that you can put in the vents and clip it so when you turn it on it blows that scent. 2) you can spark up conversations with him about the type of detergent he uses, and tell him why you use the one you do and you love the scent that you get from it. or 3) you can buy a pack of deodorants from a wholesale place and tell him you have too many so you wanted to share with him. These are the things i would try to do if it were me in your situation. hope i helped a little.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Be kind, but be honest.

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