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Lv 7
? asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

My mother in law is cruel to my son and myself, I no longer go to visit her but she now talks about me. Help?

When my son now 2 1/2 was 7 months old (the only time she was ever alone with him and it was for 10 minutes) she told me that she stuck her finger in his face and told him to go ahead and cry because Mommy & Daddy aren't here to save you and left bruises on his leg. She also lies to me, is very two faced and has repeatedly told me one thing and done the opposite. Now at any event that we are not present she tells people that I control her son and that it is my time to go and that her son will never choose me over her baby or no baby. I don't think that he should ever have to make that choice but I am refusing to step foot in either his mother or sisters house until I don't know when. I have a target on my back for protecting myself and would like your advice?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People are so cruel you don't need the drama in your life and you shouldn't have to change a thing about you . They can either except you for who you are or not at all . If your hubby decides to go over to her house then let him go - Steer clear of the drama

  • 1 decade ago

    I would seriously rip her a new one. There is no room for that in a family. She is stupid and doesnt realize the value of family. I would have your husband talk to her, and if that doesnt fix the problem I would rip her a new one, I really would, and then never try and be cool with her again. She will realize what she is missing out on, and itll all be her own fault. Dont let anyone treat you like that even if they are family. Id rather be alone and happy than with people that made me unhappy.

  • 1 decade ago


    I don't know how you didn't go and give her some bruises and tell her the same thing. What a biatch!!

    Girl stand your ground and stay there, if you're husband loves you truly then he will stand by you as well. Screw his family too, if they don't like you and they listen to her then good for them let them be. We cant choose who our family members are but we can certainly choose to not be around them if they are mean and rude to our children. I'm sure your husband would have to agree with this. I sure hope so anyway.

    Don't give it a second thought on what she's saying you're married to her son not her and that's it, if you ever saw her again in life that would be to soon.

    Keep your distance from her!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm marrying a momma's boy too. Oh, how momma's love their boys....

    But if this woman has bruised your son, that is past the line. Your husband should go to her and tell her that she is not to touch your son again, or you'll call the authorities.

    It's sad to say, but I agree with you. I wouldn't go over there. Have your husband talk to her and see what's going on. And have him tell her that you are his wife and he has a family and that she should be nice to the whole family or face not seeing any of them again.

    This is not right! Why would she hurt her own grandson. I'm sorry but that still makes me mad.

    I hope things get worked out. Just focus on your son and your husband. They are what matters to you

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  • 1 decade ago

    Your first responsibility is to your little boy.You are the person that keeps him safe and limits his exposure to situations that could be potentially harmful. Yikes! She certainly seems potentially harmful!!! It's almost as if she resents him(and you) for being important to his Dad. A classic case of the mother that had her son taken away by the evil girl. Jeez ,I hate that!!! I have been there to a certain degree and you develop a backbone really fast as a way to protect yourself from the fallout. Stick to it and take the high road. Pretend it's a non issue---if she gets nothing from you she wont find it fun anymore. Y'know like the bully on the playground.!!!!=) Good luck to'll be ok.!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you are doing the right thing by not going back. the way they act is uncalled for. you need to do what is best for you and your son and if they cannot accept it then it is their loss. keep doing what you are doing and stay away. do not let them control your life or get you down. it is not worth it. if you want to speak to me for help, advice or whatever. go under my profile on here and emai or instant message me. hope it helps. take care and good luck.

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