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puddog57 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Has all NEWS REPORTERS gotten away from REPORTING the NEWS?

Isn't it a news Papers or the T.V. News broadcasts and any of the other so called News reporting agencys job just to report the news??? All I ever hear or read anymore is them trying, to influence their opinion on me about issues,. It's not only the reporting things as it is happening that bothers me but, they try and change the out come with their opinions.. I really would like to know of a NEWS REPORTING AGENCY that reports the news in an unbiased manner the way it should be reported.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The truth is they don't report the news anymore, they are in the business of subliminal, and sometimes overt, even blatant, persuasion.

    For good, bad, or indifferent, they don't want people to know what happened, they want people to know it happened their way.

    Swaying public opinion, they remain on the ultimate power trip.

  • 1 decade ago

    Never let Politicians influence the way you think. Those guys survive on being elected and deflecting blame.

    The media is mostly unbiased. To be biased is a curse in most cases (See Fox News).

    The problem is that Media a) reports the truth which can be quiet ugly in many cases and b) takes the role of watchdog which means it should be against the status quo.

    So, trust the Media, they are trained and have a very high code of ethics. As matter of fact, most ethical polls show that journalists have higher ethics than everyone, but Doctors and Lawyers.

    This means they have more higher ethical standards than politicians, soldiers and police officers, but with the exception of the politicians, you don't see anyone questioning those other groups that often.

    Also, don't get Michael Moore, Ann Coulter, Al Franken, Rush Limbaugh and the other talking heads confused with journalists. They are opinion mongers, not journalists.

    Another thing to keep in mind is don't trust bloggers, sure .001% might actually get a breaking story, but the rest are being irresponsible and have no editors to check for facts and accuracy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are so right! I have seen my local hometown newspaper disrupt and destroy lives based upon nothing more than their personal opinions and political leanings.

    They distort. They half report and they which is reported is slanted. The majority of news agencies today operate with no finer adherence to traditional reporting standards than the underground newspapers you pick up for free on the corner do.

    Over the years, I have been witness to a lot of info that is reported and then, after the higher-ups get involved, is discarded, as though it just never happened. - Forgotten. Gone off the presses.

    You really have to pay attention to get a full account of any one story and that is why I watch all the news stations on a daily basis. It is my best shot at trying to get the most of today's half-hearted attempts to cover the news.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    >>I really would like to know of a NEWS REPORTING AGENCY that reports the news in an unbiased manner the way it should be reported.<<

    There is no such thing. Good luck. Mainstream news on t.v is corporate controlled and dominated to represent corporate interests. They aren't going to tell you anything if it is against their business interests. Newspapers and T.V are in the stockmarket these days so they are concerned with selling so the shareholder can make the money. They are cutting back on journalists and reporters these days to put more entertainment into their content. They think that's going to work when in fact it's not working, it's backfiring.

    I can give you great sources that have great interviews and debates and great journalists represented but I can't guarantee the aren't going to be slanted. Every place is slanted. Listen to them all and then make up your own mind.

    The only real corporate one on my list is Wallstreet Journal. And, none of these publications will have anything about Paris Hilton or Anna Nicole Smith or other celebrities.

    Amy Goodman at (you can listen to this daily: lots of great interviews and debates).

    The Nation magazine.

    The L.A times

    The Wallstreet journal

    American Conservative at

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Newpaper articles have definitely become editorials.

    To give you an example, a large pro-amnesty California newspaper made an article about a woman suing the local police because they were violating federal law. The local police refused to tell the federal government when a violent crime was commited by an illegal alien.

    To generate public sympathy for illegal aliens, the reporter threw in a blurb about pro-amnesty groups were against the recent raids and deportations in California. That blurb was put right smack in the middle of the article (and with larger lettering). The blurb had nothing to do with reporting crimes. Instead it was meant to change public opinion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The media is controlled by large corporations with special interests. The report inane sensationalistic stories to draw the attention of Americans away from the real issues. The political dumbing down of Americans.

  • jim h
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Not all them , however a lot of them seem to believe it's their job in today's society to solve problems rather than just report them.

  • 1 decade ago

    what dont you think that paris hilton is big news or anna nicole smith...come on that the real important stuff...look at the shiney keys while troops die in the field

  • 1 decade ago

    Not ALL, just all those in the main stream media. They are entertainers, not journalists.

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