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Has anyone ever been through........?

a Religious Confusion, that is almost like a Crisis of faith before?

If so, what did you do?


I am not, nor have I ever doubted God, and his love for me.

I'm just not sure if I am in the right Faith for me anymore.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi, most of us will go thru this experience and all the great religious people have experienced this as well,some call it the dark night of the soul or senses, and the remedy is to trust in God still and not allow yourself to become obsessed with anxiety or become too discouraged either.

    All things pass eventually and sometimes we are being tested like gold in the furnace; the agreed result of these experiences is that we come out the other end stronger than before, so pray,hope and above all do not worry.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, definitely. God seemed to deter me from seeking advice from friends so I could focus on Him. Often, the decision that seems the hardest and most difficult for you to accomplish is the one He pushes you to make. Because through our inability He will demonstrate His strength. Example: I was miserable at a job several years ago but was supporting my wife and new baby. Work was the main stressor and made me terribly unhappy. I prayed for God to help me find another job. But, through praying with my wife, we decided that God wanted me to step out on faith and quit my job, to show me that He would take care of me. I was scared to lose my insurance and wasn't sure how long I would be without a way to support the family, but I felt assured God would take care of me. He did, I now have a great job I love and another child and firmly believe God required me to show faith so I could understand how He works in our lives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I sat down and accepted that what my parents believe is not neccesarily what I believe. I accepted that I am not exactly sure what I believe and began studying various religions to see what it is that I DO believe. Seeying as how you are unsure take this quiz at the link below and it will help you see what religions are more aligned with your beliefs, I came up as 98% Reformed Jew and when I read about what they believed it was right. So now I am trying to find out how to become one. You try the link below.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    >>Has anyone ever been through a Religious Confusion, that is almost like a Crisis of faith before?<<

    Yes. I began studying Catholicism in order to prove it false, but to my HORROR I became convinced it was TRUE! I was a Deist at the time, and rabidly anti-Catholic, so this really turned my world upside-down.

    >>If so, what did you do?<<

    I converted to Catholicism.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have never doubted God, but I have questioned Him. He wants us to question Him (not question His existence, or that He is misleading us, just simple ask Him about what bothers us, even if it is where He is working in our lives).

    Hold tight, pray even when the last thing you what to do it pray, read and He will walk you through it.

    God Bless!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, when I was younger. I started questioning everything that I thought I believed and had been taught. I think this actually good. It made me get into my Bible more, and beg God to show me something. I prayed a lot more, and He is much more real to me than He was before.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I spent 20 years making a lot of money, spending it, and generally having a grand time, goofing off.

    Either this phase will pass ... or you will.

    Only God knows which.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    At 15 I realized I was an atheist. Not much of a crisis though. Whew....that was over 40 years ago.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes ,and I took the logical choice .

    I am now an Atheist and not conned out of my earnings anymore to fund the Religious Hierarchies lifestyle .

  • 1 decade ago

    just yesterday as a matter of fact. i reached out in prayer to every saint, guardian angel,the trinity and oddly enough, my paw paw who passed away when i was a very little girl; when my answer was revealed to me this day, i bawled, and now all is fine! i realize know i wasn't doubting my faith or i wouldn't of prayed, i was doubting myself! we have to keep positive people and thoughts with us as much as possible.

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